Wednesday, April 08, 2009

This year, no, this May is gonna be an exciting month for me!!!!!

I'll be going to Thailand, Bangkok with Clifton, Chee Wah, Eileen, Kelly Yang, her husband & her sister. Had just finished booking my flights (its damn cheap lor, taking Jetstar and it cost me $340+ for 2 adults!) and I get to choose my seats too. Thanks to Chee Wah for doing those researches. Heh. Had booked my seats to be quite near his while going to Thailand and will be sitting behind him on the way back. Hopefully all goes well and is not screwed up. *cross fingers & toes*

And also managed to booked a service apartment/hotel too at a cheap rate. It is like SGD74 per night excluding taxes but still, its cheaper than staying in hotel. Which I just realised that they have one in Japan, Shinjuku!! OMG! If only I'd found this treasure earlier, maybe I'll get to save more $$. Anyways, for the cheap accomodation, thanks baby. :)
No matter if it's not what I'd expected or maybe is better than what I'd expected, it's still an experience all the same and you wouldn't know how is it gonna be like till you see it with your own eyes right? Heh.

Its my wish come true, to go Thailand. Think I'd mentioned in my earlier posts that my other group of friends were actually planning to go to Thailand. Somehow, one by one, from very on till no reply at all. Pity PP is going in July, otherwise he can join us too. :/


PS: Master Lil, I'm so sorry that I didn't reply. Not coz I'd forgotten about you but.. just lazy to reply sms. :P
Btw, nooo, not that guy. similar to my name.. my real name. not gaming de. heheh. think harder!!!!

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