Sunday, November 27, 2011


Yes! I looked forward to today because it's my day off and I get to spend some time with my mei. We slept together in the living room on our sofa (it was very windy and cold!), we get to have lunch and dinner together, play games together, talk and watch tv together. Always when she was here over the weekends, she'll be asleep on Sat night by the time I'm home and I'll be heading out to work on a Sunday morning. So even if I try, I may miss her by the time I'm home or she'll be preparing to leave - means we interact for an hour or less.

We spent the whole day at home today and I get to play some games with her. From strumming the guitars to singing songs fromo Guitar Hero. We played Gears of Wars 3 on easy mode. Only game we didn't play as plan is Dance Central 2. Hope to play that when I have my weekend off.

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