reviews abt the cd: THUMBS UP! i was totally blown away by them groups! it totally sound like something that's unexpected, esp from local bands. not that im saying they aint as good as overseas product but, given the idea "aiya, made in sg.. sure not v gd, etc", it totally changed my impression! now? i cant wait till i get my hands on their own albums! namely the observatory (im quite impressed by them!), ronin (though i have yet to hear their songs but i'll give it a try) and more!
out of the 14 tracks in the cd, i love about 9 songs. BUT, i realised that u have to listen to them over and over again to truly get the core of it. hmmm, meaning.. at first listening, u'll find that its nothing special or perhaps, u'll find only 2 ~4 songs are not bad.. but then, after hearing to it for like, another 2 to 3 times, u'll be thinkg, "HEY! what's that song?" *checks for song title* and went "Wow! didnt know this song sounds this good!"
*wanna know the first thing i did? was to head down to times and bought the latest issues of Playworks and Electronic Gaming, hehe*
though i was kinda disappointed and STILL am.. coz... they didnt really put much on the hardwares... like the UK/NA gaming mags. y still buy? coz... i just wanna read some of the games reviews and support local mags mah! no lah.. not that i have lotsa $$.. ^.^; but... but.. must support local gaming mags!!! =P
which... WCG is coming!!!!!!!!! YAYYYYYY!!!!!! it's held at monza, italy. (gonna ask nomad where that is.) dunno whether to cry or not.. coz.. im unable to go there to watch the fantastic players play and also to support SG teams.. ITALY leh! so expensive, how to go? but.. 2007 will be held at seattle, usa which i hope to attend if possible.
Grand Final: Oct.18,2006-Oct.22,2006 (CRY!) i wanna go see!!!!!!!
(even though its at oct, but.. italy is not cheap, SGD 1 = EUR 0.5079, do your maths)
Check it out WCG official webbie
OR WCG - SG *though not much info is out yet..*
just found out that.... matthew stevenson's playing.. >.<
haiz.. ren ming bah.. (accepting fate)
"The WCG 2006 Euro Championship begins March 9 at CeBit 2006 with about 200 gamers from 20 European countries. The WCG 2006 Asian Championship is scheduled to debut at the PC Show 2006 in Singapore, the biggest IT Exhibition in the region, in June and WCG 2006 Pan-American Championship is slated for the Electronic Gaming Show 2006 in Mexico, the largest game show in Central and South America."
for more information >> W C G <<
damn sad...
ANYONE wanna sponsor me a trip to italy? hehe
oh ya! did i mention that this will be a LONG post?
well, updates for Final Fantasy Online are done and the WAIT is over for the latest expansion! 3 new jobs are up and ready (almost once u have the expansion set on your hands and IN your pc/ps2/xbox!!) to flag!
released date for the latest expansion, "Treasures of Aht Urhgan" was on 20th April 2006 but i think for SG, u gotta pre-order first (which reminded me, FFVII - Advent Children DVD set is ready for preorder and IF YOU DO THAT, U'LL get the limited poster too!! me? I WANTED TO GET THAT but.. i kept forgetting to go buy... SO! i'm going on tues to PS and make an order!!! *jumps around in joy*
but.. bad news - The lastest expansion will come only in DVD-ROM format only.. so for people like ME who only owns a CD-ROM drives.. gotta get DVD-ROM soon.. darn! luckily my box still can contain another 2 more drives... *phew* but.. how to install nia... muz check with dage. >.>
oh oh, for more info on the latest expansion, Click HERE!
oh well, last but not the least....
went to buy CIBA Vision's latest contact lenses, O2Optic. Shall try it on the 29th and let you know how it feels since its especially made for people who used to wear contact lenses for long hours and those who have dry eyes. ^.^
and.... lastly.. took pic with AND without specs~ any different?
MUZ SAY I LOOK PRETTY HOR! otherwise... *hides a chopper behind back*

now you see it....

now you donT!
gosh... i really feel lik going on and ON about WCG! i mean.. now that local mags are advertising it..... i.. i... *ran away and cry*
oh yah.. wanted to make some comments on my previous post.. on makeup and looking pretty.. but eyes hurting and i wanna lvl my warrior before i party with lil tomorrow.. so... another time then.
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