WHY LEH? will be reveal on the 16th! hehe
another thing which i'll be posting now.. my celebrate/gathering with my PERVERT GANG!!
today (11.06.06) leh, we had arranged to meet, 1800hr at City Hall. as i was preparing to go out, dad returned home. dad were saying that i dressed so pretty today. heheh. anyway, i was at the door, looking outside to see whether it's still drizzling outside..
dad: your friend coming to fetch you? *car door bang*
me: no ley. y??
dad: coz you were looking outside. thought you were looking out for your friend.
me: orh! hahah, no lah. juz checkg to see if its still raining.
dad: where are you going?
me: raffles city. heh, you sending me over huh?
dad: ok.
me: *jumped in joy!*
so.... i was thanking god in my heart coz.. i tried calling for a cab earlier and wasnt able to get through and dad sent me over! wooHOOO!!!!
reached and was wondering what the rest were dressed in since i had requested for them to DRESSUP! heh. jw informed me that he's going to wear a shirt.
JW: felt lik im going for a presentation in school...
hehe, sorry lah... =P
saw them and i was soooOOOOO TOUCHED and SURPRISED! ya, not that i dont trust them to dressup but because i think they'd prefer to dress something more comfortable. heh, THANKS ALOT!! *HUGS ALL!* (shit.. forgot to give my goodbye hug to xiaobai!)
was and IS soooo happy! yes. am still happy now.
anyway, we'd decided on a place to makan.. its the jp restaurant called "Azabusabo". Located at #02-170/171 Marina Square. They specialised in desserts.
xiaobai and bel went to help me buy plaster coz the skin at the back of my heels was peeling. *ouch*

the three of us went to Q up. yes, there's sofa seats for you to sit on while waiting for your 'clean table'. soon bian rest my feet. the peeled skin was hurting me VERY badly..

while we were waiting for the other 2 to return, jw wanted to take a surprise pic of me. the moment his cam was aiming at me, my V sign and smile appeared in a flash.
jw: so natural..
hahah. natural = can do that pose in a second.

bel looking at the menu on which food to order...

so were the guys...
and me? i'd already decided on what to order and was takg candid shots of them all.

noticed annkia's pouted mouth?
hehe.. picture this:
annkia: i wanna play with that camera in your hand..
jw: cannot!
annkia: why? *pouts*
jw: *held the camera with both his hands protectively*

hahah, xiaobai acts cute!!!!

bel tried to be a model for 'Green Tea'.

supposed to be jw takg pic his opposite side and me the same so that our 2 pics showing us trying to take a picture of each side. confusing? hahahah.
ended up, he .. i dont know why he didnt in the end. oh! it was too blurred.



all so smart. this most prolly will be the last time we'll dress so nice unless again, as requested by someone in the group. ^^ so... enjoy.

once again.. the BEAUTY and the beastS!

lol, ppl muz be wondering, "Wah! this guy so popular! got 2 girls wanna take with him!". actually... coz he's the OLDEST and was sitting on the 'LAO DA' seat. heh. muz respect him mah.
xiaobai: *roll eyes and mumbled* BS...

xiaobai tryin to look for.. er.. ??? underneath his shirt.

'Lao Da' and his 'Shou Xia' in a serious discussion..
in case you were wondering, the meals came with rice of your choice. here's our choice! we didnt order the other type of rice and another 1 dish was left out.

Hamburger Steak w/ Radish + Plum Flavor Rice
the hamburger steak tasted like Tuna (the sushi tuna w/ mayonnise). it tasted quite soft. totally soft! very yummy! Rating: (8/10)
as for the rice, the plum flavor taste was quite.. light? its not v strong, the flavor. Rating: (3/10)

Omelette w/ Crab Meat in Soup + Rice w/ Minced Beef
ha! at first glance/thought, you'll think that the crab meat was IN the omelette right? WRONG! the crab meat was floating about in the soup! the whole big piece was the EGG itself! so if you are thinking for something that is worth your money, dont consider ordering this. Rating: (4/10)
Rice tasted WONDERFULLY DELICIOUS with the minced beef on top of it! you mixed both together and viola!~ you'll get a super duper nice tasting rice! i love it! rating: 7/10
try the rice!

the best combination: Hamburger Steak w/ Radish + Rice w/ Minced Beef

Shabu-Shabu Beef w/ Radish + Salmon Rice Roll Wrap
the seaweed which was used to wrap the rice. the moment that arrived, the seaweed's smell totally filled my nose and 1st thought was: DELICIOUS!
we were guessing, how that rice roll wrap would be like while waiting for our food to arrive. i thought it was salmon bits mixed with rice?
when annkia opened his 'package', we were all like.. -.-"
he opened the rice and saw the salmon there! lying in the heart of the rice roll, small and pathetic! rating: (2/10) it tastes like any ordinary rice with that tiny tweek of salmon lying there.
Shabu-shabu beef was.. disappointg. tasteless meat. rating: (2/10) heh, annkia helped me to fin the beef while he fin bel's rice. =P

Shabu-shabu Beef w/ Radish + Salmon Rice Roll Wrap
the worst combination..
next... was.... the D-E-S-S-E-R-T-S!!!

Mango Sundae - yummy. there's the vanilla ice cream topped with mango er.. liquid? beside it was 2 slices of mango (sweet! ^.^) and 2 slices of honey dew. there was a scoop of mango flavored ice cream. heh. yummy.

Green tea ice cream in a bowl of dumplings & red bean paste - the red bean paste was very sweet. so be sure to drown yourself w/ lotsa water OR dont order it if you dont like too sweet stuffs. you'll have to eat the dumpling (tang yuan) with the red bean paste coz there's no fillings inside. xiaobai loved green tea ice cream and said that it tastes nice. (did i get it wrong? hope not. wasn't paying too much attention)
didnt try that flavor coz my AV is nearing..

Soft Ice Cream w/ Chocolate & milk aka JP's ice kachang - you'll have to quickly pour the chocolate milk (was that milk?) over the ice cream before the ice beneath melts. yea, its ALL crushed ice. tasted wonderfully nice unless you hate chocolate. but dont try to fin the crush ice beneath.. u'll get a toothache.

heh.. WEBCAM (sigh, shld have tell em abt the sound card thingy...) from xiaobai, annkia dn jW! heheh. thx guys! aiya, i know u ALL missed me but dont have to buy webcam just to see me and talk right? =P

from bel! ^^
the golden ball was a candle. just nice, can burn candles on that plate. ^.^
THX guys!!! for the gifts! hehe

this guy (bday card from them) really poor thing. d moment i whipped it out, the guys have been holding/seeing/using it for other purpose none stop. hahahah. he muz be begging inwardly, 'Lao le wo bah!!'.

haha, girls' secret
have had another pic where i wanna put and and show the before and afer edited pic but decided not to. hahahahha.
bel left early because she's having an online meeting for her FYP.
me, jw and xiaobai played House of the Dead 4. tsk tsk. jw.. what happened to u?!?!?! how come this time i'm much better ? =P
gotten lotsa life bonus and once, hit the max (5 lives) and couldnt get any more.. shit!

xiaobai: the light behind so extra. lik a halo over my head...
we were at the bowling alley, watching annkia and jw played. annkia quite good at that game man!

well... that's about it. ^^
very enjoyable day and.... they were really photo taking siao! lol!
was viewing some pics earlier and saw some of our private collections and i practically LMAO like the ones we took on jw's bday. ^^
dis sat, SILENT HILL with them! ciao pep~!
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