We planned a steamboat dinner at Clarence's place with the rest of the FF players (those we kept in contact with) to have Ken falling sick (no choice), Nic who kept leaving the chatgroup and Pat who did not bother replying us his attendance and YS who cannot confirm and give a timing or any response on whether is he joining us because his friend want to look at cars. That left Clarence and I hanging nowhere, not certain whether is he joining us. These made me quite pissed off because you should at least have the courtesy to inform us whether are you joining so we can prepare the food.
Luckily for us, we did not buy too much food - for about 3 to 4 person share. In the end we just gave up with YS and good thing was Lydia's back in town! Have not seen her for a really looooooooong time. I guess the last time I saw her was like, 3 years back?
Anyway Clarence prepared fried rice because it is Lydia's favourite. It made the rice smelled very fragrant.
Here are what we used. You can change your chicken to one whole chicken depending on how many people are eating because it is quite tedious when you have to boil your chicken.
1. Drumsticks - 2 pieces
2. Chicken Cube - 2 cubes
3. Garlic - 2 cloves (depending on the number of guests and how much do you love your garlic)
4. Pandan Leaves - Clarence cut them up but you can choose to tie them as well
5. Chicken stock from boiling the drumsticks
6. Rice - washed and rinsed!
1. Chop your garlic.
2. Boil water
3. Prepare a pot/pail of ice cold water and place it beside your pot of boiling water.
4. Dip chicken into boiling water for 5 minutes then dip it into iced water until the chicken cools down. Repeat this steps 3 times then you use remove the chicken - it should be tender by now.
5. Fry your garlic until it turns golden then add rice and pandan leaves in to fry them altogether.
6. Transfer rice into rice cooker and instead of using tap water to cook the rice, use your chicken stock (from boiling the chicken).
We used the chicken cubes on our chicken stock for our steamboat. Clarence added some salt in but you can don't add salt because the soup is salty enough with the cubes.
What did we do with the chicken? We mixed sesame oil, oyster sauce and some other sauces together and rub it on the drumsticks. Taste really delicious and the meat were very tender!

Our steamboat!

This is a Korean Aloe Vera drink Clarence bought. Tasted really good!

Ended the night with a bottle of ice wine from Australia (hee, thanks Mr Tan again) and fruits prepared by Lydia.
It was an enjoyable night and it was really cute to see the couple fight. Haha. It may seemed rude of me to laugh so loud when they were 'fighting' but it was really cute of them. It's a pity that Clarence was not feeling too good with his cough and flue.
Lydia was a very good host and I felt very bad leaving her to wash the dishes and prepare the fruits. Hehe. Made me felt like a pampered guests.
Now I am looking forward to my next steamboat dinner at Father's place! Or maybe at Hachiko's place.
Heard of this song when Clarence was playing it from his karaoke channel. This one with lyrics and meaning in English. Very meaningful. How often would you encounter a guy who is so into you, willing to give his whole heart to you, give you all his time and attention and forsake the rest of the girls who may be prettier, smarter, richer, etc than you? Who is willing to wait for you and ignore other girls, keep chasing you until you say yes to him? One word: Impossible. If there is one such guy, I would really love to meet him.
Enjoy this song. B said I always listen to emo songs... Zzzzz
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