Friday, January 18, 2013

Hold on, tightly.

Yesterday we had a petty fight in the morning. It was because I would want to leave the house together with him and I had misjudged the time. So the whole thing just escalated from there. That I will admit is my fault for not calculating the time properly which will eventually caused him to be late for work should he wait up for me. However, he just said it again.

I thought through it and I guess I just decided to respect his decision and not let him be unhappy anymore. Anyway, it did not happen and we are still together!

From this, I realised that when it comes to a relationship, it takes not just communication and trust to keep it going but tolerance, acceptance and a lot of hard work to keep it afloat. Whenever a fight happens that made you unhappy, what would be the first thing that came to mind? Let's break up which is equivalent to giving up something that you are trying to build or maybe had built halfway. That seemed like an easy option though. However, the real challenge is how to keep it going, finding solutions to make things work.

I used to think that way too but I realised that it is just an easy way out. Not even putting in 101% of effort. Perhaps with age, one would find it tiring to just leave the train and hop onto another one. If the train breaks down, what do you do? Abandon it? No! Instead, work on it, make it work. Keep oiling it. Even if the train starts giving you problem, do you just cast it aside and get a new train? No! Upgrade the train so that it will work smoothly again!

And through this relationship, I also realised that fights can be categorised as petty fights and serious ones.

Petty ones are just small fights like who clean the house, being draggy, etc.

Major ones are affairs, flirting with people of the opposite gender, etc.

And accepting each other's faults like tempers, draggy, etc. These are something that can be tolerated.

Most importantly, think and consider your partner's feelings before you do something. How would you like it if it is happening on you instead?

I guess through this relationship with B and maybe with years of experience, he taught me a lot indirectly. I had slowly come to accept his bad temper. I had also noticed that he had tried putting in some effort to make me happy - like initiating the scramble game after it had expired (although it was a small gesture, I did notice it). A relationship is to appreciate the little things your partner had tried to do, even though sometimes it is naked to the eye. Sometimes it can be missed easily.

So thank you B. I'm glad I met you. I am happy with you even if we fights now and then.

To me, those fights are like the bellows that needs to be pump to keep the fire going. Being angry with you means I care and I bother getting angry and fight with you. If I don't, I couldn't be bothered by what you do right? I won't bother picking fights with you no matter how insignificant or small you think it is that is not worth starting a fight. Of course I'm not encouraging a couple to fight everyday. Haha.

Last night when we were packing our insurance policies into separate folders, I chanced upon a Swissotel receipt which I had stayed in 2007. That was my D&D 2007 night with people whom I was and am close with, people whom I love and are family to me!

However, it was booked by Mr Tan using his corporate discount and B wasn't too happy about it. He wanted me to throw it away and I did not want to because it held some good memories to me - that night was the night where I really sat with people whom I love, whom I had fun with and gave me fun memories.

After a few rounds of exchanging words, I relented and was going to throw it away. Then he stopped me and said he wants me to keep it. He is not going to force me to throw it away. He wants me to throw it away out of my own accord.

That got me thinking how I had accepted him still using the items that his exes had bought for him, I using the item his ex had bought for him. It used to bug me but now, I guess they had became a part of our lives where I had learned to live with it.

Just like the times when he was uploading the photos into his laptop and I saw albums containing photos of his ex-girlfriends. I just trust him to delete them permanently on his own accord, when he is ready to do so instead of pestering him.

Or maybe some photos in his phone where his ex-girlfriend took some photos with his nephew. Maybe when he looked at those photos, he wasn't looking at her but at his nephew. I would not know would I? I guess I just have to trust him on that. However, how would he feel if it is the other way round? Photos of my ex in my phone taken with my nephew.

Or the time when I saw the videos in his facebook and asked to see what was it about. There it was tagged with R, there were some comments there and it was filmed by her or by him and there was her voice too. Of course I felt jealous that why was he still keeping the videos taken with her? Or tag with her with comments added as well? I just left it at that because I guess he is just keeping the videos due to some memories. Like getting his hair cut really short for NS and using the coin machine for the first time. And he was not keeping it just because of memories with them, his exes. Would he have ask me to delete my videos if I have something similar to that as well?

So when he wanted me to throw the receipt away, I asked him, that is similar to asking me to delete photos taken with our exes (which he claimed to have clear them away - yet to verify haha), deleting ALL messages that we had once converse with our exes - be it in handphone, twitter, facebook (same thing, he claimed to have done that - yet to verify). Deleting their contacts in our phones and facebook as well. There, he paused for awhile and began to be defensive, saying that it was totally unrelated. If you do not want me to keep any memories of my exes, isn't keeping their contacts still consider as one? Seeing their facebook or number do contain memories no? Wouldn't it remind you that you had dated them before? So why are you hesitant on deleting their contacts? Removing them from your social accounts? If you really want to show that you have nothing to do with them, ain't keeping in contact with them, should you just delete them totally?

If one of your ex girlfriend became your good friend after breakup, isn't it alright for same thing to happen to me as well?

This is not about pettiness. If you don't want me to do this and that, keep this and that, shouldn't the same applies to you as well? What makes you think I will be ok if you are not? If I have to ask you maybe delete photos, yes, I will do the same. If I asked you to delete their contacts, I will do the same as well too.

One cannot delete their past. Whatever path one had taken, the route will not disappear for it will be behind you all the way. What you can do is not look back but to continue walking forward. The only time you look back is to reflect on your mistakes and avoid committing the same mistake again.

Even though he said that he will not read my blog because it is sort of like my diary, just that it is open for the public eyes. I do hope that he will read them occasionally to know what is really on my mind? These are not really important but just for understanding purpose.

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