found this rather interesting website which i got in my mail. wouldn't be forwarding it, so try it here~ How Gay are You?
me, i cant load the page.. so.. shall post my results once i get to try it~ share yours with me alright? (^.~)
Friday, December 29, 2006
tot of venting my frustrations alil over here..
am sooo sick of staying at home w/ nothing to do. soooo sick of it that i think im going crazy! everyday is a torture and not forgetting my frikking ass EX-boss who's not giving me my salary for 3 frikking weeks who said that he'll revert back ASAP! fuking ASAP!!!!! PUI!
think d more i stay at home, d more moody i'll become. fuk.
am sooo sick of staying at home w/ nothing to do. soooo sick of it that i think im going crazy! everyday is a torture and not forgetting my frikking ass EX-boss who's not giving me my salary for 3 frikking weeks who said that he'll revert back ASAP! fuking ASAP!!!!! PUI!
think d more i stay at home, d more moody i'll become. fuk.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
reached home last night to remember that i'd actually forgotten to post my 25th party....
celebrated w/ 12 people.. yea~ where i only know 3 of out 12 people. haha. its a xmas dinner organised by jo & aaron. didnt really take pics but gotta asked clift to get the pics fr jo first. ther's something wrong w/ my camera. somehow the camera mode cant display anything but after i took a snapshot of things, it'll show out thou. video and photo modes are still working fine. hmmmmm...
anyway, we had dinner at Carnivore @ vivocity. its ALL MEAT! some vege at the salad bar thou. costing 26++ per pax for dinner (cant remember exactly but it'll be around 60++ for 2 person). during happy hour it'll be 25 per pax/16+ salad bar. not cheap ok.. but its quite worth for people who can eat alot of meat. which u know, meat takes a longer time to digest. =
aaron & jo bought xmas gifts for everyone! so paiseh.. they brought this poker cards along and each person pick one number. the gifts aint labelled, the numbers indicate your turn. so if u tio ace = u go first, followed by 2,3,...
oh, tan brought a friend along who's a japanese - miho. haha, get to use abit of my jp on her thou i'd forgotten 80% of wot i'd learnt. sad hor? need to practise often. mayb i shld go japan to stay for a few months.. hur hur hur. oh oh!! i get to see a japanese cellphone!!! -.-"
i'm very mountain tortise de ok!! saw the inside the ouside and their sim card. sooo japanese. :P which obviously is since its made in jp.
didnt get to take much pics coz of my moody camera otherwise... i'll post up lots of pics here! plus this pc is getting cranky now. IE takes longer time to load and the loading success is almost lik 50%.

a very cute tag. its actually one face on 1 side. clift knew me so well.. reminded me to 'ka po' one of them home to take pic for my bloggie. :P

one of the prizes i 'won' heh. actually i gotten another gift but coz theres like 4 of the same kind so aaron asked to re-choose another time and i got this. good lah, dunno who gave the idea of saying that i can write down wot i wan next time from clift. haha! shall paste this in his room!

clift 'won' this. its a cute snoopy calendar which was collecting dust at his pc table now.. oh, its part timing as his clock stand.
celebrated w/ 12 people.. yea~ where i only know 3 of out 12 people. haha. its a xmas dinner organised by jo & aaron. didnt really take pics but gotta asked clift to get the pics fr jo first. ther's something wrong w/ my camera. somehow the camera mode cant display anything but after i took a snapshot of things, it'll show out thou. video and photo modes are still working fine. hmmmmm...
anyway, we had dinner at Carnivore @ vivocity. its ALL MEAT! some vege at the salad bar thou. costing 26++ per pax for dinner (cant remember exactly but it'll be around 60++ for 2 person). during happy hour it'll be 25 per pax/16+ salad bar. not cheap ok.. but its quite worth for people who can eat alot of meat. which u know, meat takes a longer time to digest. =
aaron & jo bought xmas gifts for everyone! so paiseh.. they brought this poker cards along and each person pick one number. the gifts aint labelled, the numbers indicate your turn. so if u tio ace = u go first, followed by 2,3,...
oh, tan brought a friend along who's a japanese - miho. haha, get to use abit of my jp on her thou i'd forgotten 80% of wot i'd learnt. sad hor? need to practise often. mayb i shld go japan to stay for a few months.. hur hur hur. oh oh!! i get to see a japanese cellphone!!! -.-"
i'm very mountain tortise de ok!! saw the inside the ouside and their sim card. sooo japanese. :P which obviously is since its made in jp.
didnt get to take much pics coz of my moody camera otherwise... i'll post up lots of pics here! plus this pc is getting cranky now. IE takes longer time to load and the loading success is almost lik 50%.

a very cute tag. its actually one face on 1 side. clift knew me so well.. reminded me to 'ka po' one of them home to take pic for my bloggie. :P

one of the prizes i 'won' heh. actually i gotten another gift but coz theres like 4 of the same kind so aaron asked to re-choose another time and i got this. good lah, dunno who gave the idea of saying that i can write down wot i wan next time from clift. haha! shall paste this in his room!

clift 'won' this. its a cute snoopy calendar which was collecting dust at his pc table now.. oh, its part timing as his clock stand.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
thanks claire for his items! wahahhaha and also the tips on growing plants and getting money!
and cat! never take care of my god chocobo!! letting her run away! sigh....
oh well, login to ffxi last night, get to chat w/ some of people whom i know - HUMAN! and sil aka shortie as wot uncle aka chys used on him (poor fella. he's actually quite tall - 175cm at least u know?)
uncle was looking for people to help him on his coffer quest for his AF. i soon bian tag along though i aint high level enough (yes, i still need snk/invis). kinda fun and get some free experience points. :P
uncle finally got his key and found his coffer (chest) got his item and... was slained by the mob nearby. haha. me, still around, went over to find him, hoping i can raise his tiny ass. unfortunately, i tractored him over x2, din realised that the mob was nearby (tot it was safe le), raised him. shld have tractor him all the way to a safe point.. hahahahah! drag his weeny body around the whole map before raising him. sigh. anyway, raised him, casted Chainspell (to hasten casting of mag) and d moment i cast Escape, uncle raised and was killed by mob. ended up, me outside of dungeon and uncle still dead inside. he homepoint-ed himself. so paiseh..
by the time we were done and everything, i was sooooo tired and unwell. think i was running a mini fever w/ flu and cough. sigh.. again. i hate FLU! coz it'll jam my nose and i cant sleep properly de..
anyway, sick as i was, i went to quickly finish up the pics that i wanna edit before i go to sleep. it'd been left lying for too long, time i upload some pics.

hotel corridor - looked almost like some chalet thingy.

room balcony - didnt really stay at the balcony for long as there's always some insect trying to fly into our room for love + warmth not forgetting the blood suckers - mosquitoes.

room inside - nice huh? i quite like the relax feeling of that room. (though its quite common in most resort but so what? its a getaway for busy + stressed people) the only thing i dont really like was that it was rather warm even though there's a ceiling fan (which i dont dare to on too high, scare the fan might detach itself from the ceiling and swoosh! our heads are flying!). air con? tried to on till the max.. ended up, it spew ice.. -.-"

the beach - not as nice as compared to thailand's of course!

swimming pool - if im not wrong, its taken from my room balcony.

we took this pic on our last day at Bintan. Kinda 'ser bu de' when we were leaving as i quite like the 'slack' moments there.
there's actually more pictures however clift's pc was still down so i just post some on my side first.
started going to celebrations on the 23rd le. First was fiffy's. she's having this rooftop party and the theme was Goth Christmas.. which clift and i didnt know and we dressed up in colors except for black. didnt take pics there thou i wanted to take pic of the pinata de.. poor horse, was hung on one of the wooden roof by a string, waiting for people to 'whip' it open and.. and...
drank some alcohol before heading to cineleisure to meet up w/ john and gang - which i didnt know he had SOOO many people with him!
haiz.. i went up to find them there sitting and waiting for me before we went down again.. -.-
perhaps next time i shld ask him first - catching movie? staying upstairs or going down?
cant really remember everyone's name except for some:

if my memory didnt fail me, on the left were 1 couple (who's name i forgot. :( not that im not sincere ok! its because i had too much to drink and wasnt able to concentrate and was alittle moody....) john, ndy, vasha. on the right end was wellington, linda and felicia (who's very pretty!).
by the way, Linda's gonna be feature in FHM, if you buy FHM, please vote for her alright? she'll look very different on that pic so lookout for her name! thanks!!
thomas' bbq was schedule on the 24th. it was raining then.. worried whether will the bbq beable to carry out as plan. which i think Mr Rain heard our request and stopped peeing and happy us that we were able to BBQ!

one of the guys there (i think he was squating on the extreme front left) reminded me of this character in 'Hana Yori Dango' otherwise known as 'Meteor Garden' - Hanazawa Rui. the very soft looking guy.

sex deprive dog who kept humping the little boy and his mom and anything that he can get his paws on. clever dog who ATE the chocolate when everyone of us were outside taking xmas picture!

love this picture, dunno y.
we actually took more pics but.. high-expectation thomas felt that they were either not nice or blurred.
edited some pics while scouting IGN for some images when i suddenly felt inspired to do something.
took a lone picture of clift before we head out to fiffy's party. edited it after helping uncle (pushed myself to the max as i wasnt feeling too good mind u. that was the first time i really wanna shutdown everything and go to bed and have a good rest).
currently playing 'The Godfather' and whenever i closed my eyes, that game will popby and i'll think of the game... grrR! took screenshots of Me & My Katamari and The Godfather.

me n my cliftamari

waitg at dock for prince to pick him up

clift instead of katamari?!

love this pic most. as if he's really there, resting his arm.
okies, gotta run now. take care and wish u guys a Happy New Year! start making your NY resolution! i'll share w/ u once i manage to sit down n think of mine.
uncle clift.. where's my presents? keke.
and cat! never take care of my god chocobo!! letting her run away! sigh....
oh well, login to ffxi last night, get to chat w/ some of people whom i know - HUMAN! and sil aka shortie as wot uncle aka chys used on him (poor fella. he's actually quite tall - 175cm at least u know?)
uncle was looking for people to help him on his coffer quest for his AF. i soon bian tag along though i aint high level enough (yes, i still need snk/invis). kinda fun and get some free experience points. :P
uncle finally got his key and found his coffer (chest) got his item and... was slained by the mob nearby. haha. me, still around, went over to find him, hoping i can raise his tiny ass. unfortunately, i tractored him over x2, din realised that the mob was nearby (tot it was safe le), raised him. shld have tractor him all the way to a safe point.. hahahahah! drag his weeny body around the whole map before raising him. sigh. anyway, raised him, casted Chainspell (to hasten casting of mag) and d moment i cast Escape, uncle raised and was killed by mob. ended up, me outside of dungeon and uncle still dead inside. he homepoint-ed himself. so paiseh..
by the time we were done and everything, i was sooooo tired and unwell. think i was running a mini fever w/ flu and cough. sigh.. again. i hate FLU! coz it'll jam my nose and i cant sleep properly de..
anyway, sick as i was, i went to quickly finish up the pics that i wanna edit before i go to sleep. it'd been left lying for too long, time i upload some pics.
Pics taken during my Bintan Trip - Angsana Resort

hotel corridor - looked almost like some chalet thingy.

room balcony - didnt really stay at the balcony for long as there's always some insect trying to fly into our room for love + warmth not forgetting the blood suckers - mosquitoes.

room inside - nice huh? i quite like the relax feeling of that room. (though its quite common in most resort but so what? its a getaway for busy + stressed people) the only thing i dont really like was that it was rather warm even though there's a ceiling fan (which i dont dare to on too high, scare the fan might detach itself from the ceiling and swoosh! our heads are flying!). air con? tried to on till the max.. ended up, it spew ice.. -.-"

the beach - not as nice as compared to thailand's of course!

swimming pool - if im not wrong, its taken from my room balcony.

we took this pic on our last day at Bintan. Kinda 'ser bu de' when we were leaving as i quite like the 'slack' moments there.
there's actually more pictures however clift's pc was still down so i just post some on my side first.
Christmas Events!
started going to celebrations on the 23rd le. First was fiffy's. she's having this rooftop party and the theme was Goth Christmas.. which clift and i didnt know and we dressed up in colors except for black. didnt take pics there thou i wanted to take pic of the pinata de.. poor horse, was hung on one of the wooden roof by a string, waiting for people to 'whip' it open and.. and...
drank some alcohol before heading to cineleisure to meet up w/ john and gang - which i didnt know he had SOOO many people with him!
haiz.. i went up to find them there sitting and waiting for me before we went down again.. -.-
perhaps next time i shld ask him first - catching movie? staying upstairs or going down?
cant really remember everyone's name except for some:

if my memory didnt fail me, on the left were 1 couple (who's name i forgot. :( not that im not sincere ok! its because i had too much to drink and wasnt able to concentrate and was alittle moody....) john, ndy, vasha. on the right end was wellington, linda and felicia (who's very pretty!).
by the way, Linda's gonna be feature in FHM, if you buy FHM, please vote for her alright? she'll look very different on that pic so lookout for her name! thanks!!
thomas' bbq was schedule on the 24th. it was raining then.. worried whether will the bbq beable to carry out as plan. which i think Mr Rain heard our request and stopped peeing and happy us that we were able to BBQ!

one of the guys there (i think he was squating on the extreme front left) reminded me of this character in 'Hana Yori Dango' otherwise known as 'Meteor Garden' - Hanazawa Rui. the very soft looking guy.

sex deprive dog who kept humping the little boy and his mom and anything that he can get his paws on. clever dog who ATE the chocolate when everyone of us were outside taking xmas picture!

love this picture, dunno y.
we actually took more pics but.. high-expectation thomas felt that they were either not nice or blurred.
edited some pics while scouting IGN for some images when i suddenly felt inspired to do something.
took a lone picture of clift before we head out to fiffy's party. edited it after helping uncle (pushed myself to the max as i wasnt feeling too good mind u. that was the first time i really wanna shutdown everything and go to bed and have a good rest).
currently playing 'The Godfather' and whenever i closed my eyes, that game will popby and i'll think of the game... grrR! took screenshots of Me & My Katamari and The Godfather.

me n my cliftamari

waitg at dock for prince to pick him up

clift instead of katamari?!

love this pic most. as if he's really there, resting his arm.
okies, gotta run now. take care and wish u guys a Happy New Year! start making your NY resolution! i'll share w/ u once i manage to sit down n think of mine.
uncle clift.. where's my presents? keke.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
am clearing stuffs and realised that i have plenty of psp games that i dont ever touch anymore, let alone play. here are some game titles that if you or your friend are looking for, do contact me alright? Dearest friends of mine, please help me check around with your friends and friends of theirs to see who's interested. Thanks & hugs to all!
1. Generation of Chaos
2. Gradius Collection
3. Monster Hunter: Freedom
4. Talkman w/ mic (no region restrict)
5. Blade Dancer
All of the above games are still in good condition and some were played once only. Game covers and manuals still intact and no, my prince aka My Katamari is not for sale. never.
felt very.. lucky leh. THANKS cat for helping me, always looking out for open post in his company. also to my baby for helping me always too.
hopefully i'll get to find a job by end of this year which sounds alittle impossible since its already the 23rd of the last month of 2006 le.
went to check around for job vaccancies in some companies that i was interested in working for. was kinda disappointed and yes.. i knew it already.. that im still green in this kinda industry. hoping to do something that interest me.. something similar to what i used to do. kinda missed the times there as it was always so happening and i'll have a purpose in approaching people at events then.
am thinking of doing similar to matt's but.. oh well. we shall see.
the past few days passed quite fast for me that i nearly couldnt catch up with wots happening. memory lapse?
last but not the least, Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to all my dearest friends!
yay! John's back in SG! always so last min de.. last night around 9plus suddenly called to say he's in SG and wanna meet up. -.-"
1. Generation of Chaos
2. Gradius Collection
3. Monster Hunter: Freedom
4. Talkman w/ mic (no region restrict)
5. Blade Dancer
All of the above games are still in good condition and some were played once only. Game covers and manuals still intact and no, my prince aka My Katamari is not for sale. never.
felt very.. lucky leh. THANKS cat for helping me, always looking out for open post in his company. also to my baby for helping me always too.
hopefully i'll get to find a job by end of this year which sounds alittle impossible since its already the 23rd of the last month of 2006 le.
went to check around for job vaccancies in some companies that i was interested in working for. was kinda disappointed and yes.. i knew it already.. that im still green in this kinda industry. hoping to do something that interest me.. something similar to what i used to do. kinda missed the times there as it was always so happening and i'll have a purpose in approaching people at events then.
am thinking of doing similar to matt's but.. oh well. we shall see.
the past few days passed quite fast for me that i nearly couldnt catch up with wots happening. memory lapse?
last but not the least, Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to all my dearest friends!
yay! John's back in SG! always so last min de.. last night around 9plus suddenly called to say he's in SG and wanna meet up. -.-"
Thursday, December 21, 2006
lol, tot of juz sharing these two since rx juz asked for mine and my missue.. i mean, my other half. aiyo.. part of it are quite true but part of it are not true! but... after readg my other half's.. 'if Libra can't get what they want from one lover, they will opt for two' sounds abit scary leh. lolx.
'Does it surprise you that a high percentage of Libras are gay?' im lucky clift's not a gay... or.. is he? *gasp* a closet gay?! >.<
for ALL Geminis & Librans!
May 22 - June 21
Ruling Planet: MERCURY
The swiftest God in the skies, who also happens to be in charge of ultra-extreme raunchy talk
Talking about sex is Gemini's favourite hobby and doing it comes a close second. Gemini's love flirting and lap up attention from the opposite sex, but sometimes that's all they're looking for. They need a lot of variety when it comes to sex - dirty weekends away, a quickie in a shop doorway, serious groping under the table at a fancy restaurant. A lot of Gemini's are bisexual too and can often be drawn to those of the same sex.
As long as it's different every time, they're not fussy, but if they must choose, it's that naughty number right after 68, since they can come up for air if they need to.
Any illustrated book about kinky sex, so Gemini can pick up some wild, new ideas
He likes to give AND receive and can be quite inventive. He's a lights on, in front of the mirror kinda guy and if you make a few subtle noises and talk a wee bit dirty, he'll be very happy.
She is more interested in IQ than private parts. If she can't respect the intellect, then satisfaction is not possible for her. She may sleep around forever and never find her true love and she is not the most faithful of the signs. She likes sex on the run, in an airplane toilet, in the storeroom at work, in the backseat of a car.
Focus on the shoulders, arms and legs of a Gemini and you're headed for the good books. They love a good massage and their hands are so sensitive that even having their fingernails played with sends shivers up their spine! Kiss up and down each of your Gemini's arms, sneak in a few licks, nips and nibbles. If you get one or two yelps, then you know you're doing something right. Then, move onto the fingers, slowly kiss, lick, nip and nibble each fingertip, then pull out the killer move - suck on each finger, slowly, as if it's a lollipop. I'll almost offer a money back guarantee on this one working!
September 24 - October 23
Ruling Planet: Venus - The planet in charge of beauty, love peace, and stirring sensuality
Libra is one of the sexiest signs in the zodiac, but if Libra can't get what they want from one lover, they will opt for two! They are notorious for having double standards in that situation too. They'll look you in the eye and say "never cheat on me, coz I would never do it to you", even when they have a hot night of passion planned with someone else! Librans are more turned on 'giving' than 'receiving'. They have a big heart and are the least selfish sign of the Zodiac. Libras are not very open about their thoughts or fantasies. They'd rather say nothing than tell the truth and offend or embarrass you. In bed, it takes a while for them to be comfortable enough to tell you exactly what they want.
As long as they are lying down, they're happy!
K.Y. Jelly. I will say no more!
The Libra man sees sex as an exciting adventure and he'd be very keen to do it in kinky places like a restaurant toilet! He likes being a bad boy if ! there's a chance he might get caught. He'll try out any fantasy you have, but whether or not you can keep a tight hold on his heart remains to be seen. However, he can be a bit of a pushover, and is perfect husband material, and he'd prefer his lover to take the lead. He is romantic and considerate but may suffer from Premature Ejaculation!
The only thing that separates Libra men and women is what's between their legs! Libra girl wants a strong man who understands that she needs her individuality and freedom. She is turned off by burping, farting, and bad breath. Good personal hygiene is crucial if you want to get to 2nd base. Librans are very good at lying to get their own way. When your Libra girl groans in bed, look into her eyes to make sure she's not 'faking it'.
Libra's Love Zone is their lower back and butt, so please, squeeze and pat your Libra's butt whenever you get a chance. When you're kissing, reach under his or her top and stroke the lower part of their back, starting in the middle and working your way down to their butt. Take your time and be gentle! To really drive your Libra wild? Have you ever heard of the term 'Rimming'??? Does it surprise you that a high percentage of Libras are gay?
'Does it surprise you that a high percentage of Libras are gay?' im lucky clift's not a gay... or.. is he? *gasp* a closet gay?! >.<
for ALL Geminis & Librans!
May 22 - June 21
Ruling Planet: MERCURY
The swiftest God in the skies, who also happens to be in charge of ultra-extreme raunchy talk
Talking about sex is Gemini's favourite hobby and doing it comes a close second. Gemini's love flirting and lap up attention from the opposite sex, but sometimes that's all they're looking for. They need a lot of variety when it comes to sex - dirty weekends away, a quickie in a shop doorway, serious groping under the table at a fancy restaurant. A lot of Gemini's are bisexual too and can often be drawn to those of the same sex.
As long as it's different every time, they're not fussy, but if they must choose, it's that naughty number right after 68, since they can come up for air if they need to.
Any illustrated book about kinky sex, so Gemini can pick up some wild, new ideas
He likes to give AND receive and can be quite inventive. He's a lights on, in front of the mirror kinda guy and if you make a few subtle noises and talk a wee bit dirty, he'll be very happy.
She is more interested in IQ than private parts. If she can't respect the intellect, then satisfaction is not possible for her. She may sleep around forever and never find her true love and she is not the most faithful of the signs. She likes sex on the run, in an airplane toilet, in the storeroom at work, in the backseat of a car.
Focus on the shoulders, arms and legs of a Gemini and you're headed for the good books. They love a good massage and their hands are so sensitive that even having their fingernails played with sends shivers up their spine! Kiss up and down each of your Gemini's arms, sneak in a few licks, nips and nibbles. If you get one or two yelps, then you know you're doing something right. Then, move onto the fingers, slowly kiss, lick, nip and nibble each fingertip, then pull out the killer move - suck on each finger, slowly, as if it's a lollipop. I'll almost offer a money back guarantee on this one working!
September 24 - October 23
Ruling Planet: Venus - The planet in charge of beauty, love peace, and stirring sensuality
Libra is one of the sexiest signs in the zodiac, but if Libra can't get what they want from one lover, they will opt for two! They are notorious for having double standards in that situation too. They'll look you in the eye and say "never cheat on me, coz I would never do it to you", even when they have a hot night of passion planned with someone else! Librans are more turned on 'giving' than 'receiving'. They have a big heart and are the least selfish sign of the Zodiac. Libras are not very open about their thoughts or fantasies. They'd rather say nothing than tell the truth and offend or embarrass you. In bed, it takes a while for them to be comfortable enough to tell you exactly what they want.
As long as they are lying down, they're happy!
K.Y. Jelly. I will say no more!
The Libra man sees sex as an exciting adventure and he'd be very keen to do it in kinky places like a restaurant toilet! He likes being a bad boy if ! there's a chance he might get caught. He'll try out any fantasy you have, but whether or not you can keep a tight hold on his heart remains to be seen. However, he can be a bit of a pushover, and is perfect husband material, and he'd prefer his lover to take the lead. He is romantic and considerate but may suffer from Premature Ejaculation!
The only thing that separates Libra men and women is what's between their legs! Libra girl wants a strong man who understands that she needs her individuality and freedom. She is turned off by burping, farting, and bad breath. Good personal hygiene is crucial if you want to get to 2nd base. Librans are very good at lying to get their own way. When your Libra girl groans in bed, look into her eyes to make sure she's not 'faking it'.
Libra's Love Zone is their lower back and butt, so please, squeeze and pat your Libra's butt whenever you get a chance. When you're kissing, reach under his or her top and stroke the lower part of their back, starting in the middle and working your way down to their butt. Take your time and be gentle! To really drive your Libra wild? Have you ever heard of the term 'Rimming'??? Does it surprise you that a high percentage of Libras are gay?
Good Luck to my darling, Clift for tomorrow!
felt soo tired now. thought i'd quickly post this up.
went for an event at MOS last wednesday, courtesy of Lester from MKOP. interested? you can go check it out at MKOP. very happening it seems.. they actually booked a room called "Pure" in MOS which appeared to be the 'white' theme of that place, not the dress code of coz. had free flow of.. gin cocktail i think as they have sponsorship from ... shit. i forgot that co's name. anyway, it was great as i get to go MOS for the first time and went with alvin. san came over to join us later. felt kinda bad coz she didnt wanna come but she still come coz of me.. >.<
one of our snapshot after alvin left for his frd's bday party and.. he's already 1/2 drunk le... gonna take more pics from him.

it was drizzling by the time we left the place.. oh wait. it was already raining then.. and.. the rain began to get heavier by the time we reached the bus stop. thank god that we decided to leave and that the rain decided to come in full force after we reached the bus stop w/ HUGE shelter which was good. strong wind + heavy rain doesnt sounds good to me esp when im outside.
if i didnt recall wrongly, it stopped raining when i was reaching katong shopping centre but clift's worried so he got me to take a cabbie home juz in case. which i was glad that i listen to him because... it was pouring when i was halfway home. got my sis to open the gate for me. so.. i reached home DRY.
cant really remember what did i do during the weekends.. everything's a blank to me. except that it was raining the whole of the dayssSSSS.
oh! i remember! clfit n i went over to vivo city on sat to check out the xbox thingy.. but we went there too late, his colleagues had left. tried to look for matthew but he was having his lunch somewhere.. and outside was drizzling and vivo was superly packed w/ people and their kids. which i took some pics of very disgusting sights and will upload once i get to upload em from my HP.
i think.. we went over to david's pub on sunday 17.12.06 to accompany him. shoot! i cant remember anything! celebrated his bday on monday at babyface.. did we? they were all drunk esp david for he was the bday boy. they played d dice thingy (which luckily i get to not play it). that game was a killer!!
felt soo tired now. thought i'd quickly post this up.
went for an event at MOS last wednesday, courtesy of Lester from MKOP. interested? you can go check it out at MKOP. very happening it seems.. they actually booked a room called "Pure" in MOS which appeared to be the 'white' theme of that place, not the dress code of coz. had free flow of.. gin cocktail i think as they have sponsorship from ... shit. i forgot that co's name. anyway, it was great as i get to go MOS for the first time and went with alvin. san came over to join us later. felt kinda bad coz she didnt wanna come but she still come coz of me.. >.<
one of our snapshot after alvin left for his frd's bday party and.. he's already 1/2 drunk le... gonna take more pics from him.

it was drizzling by the time we left the place.. oh wait. it was already raining then.. and.. the rain began to get heavier by the time we reached the bus stop. thank god that we decided to leave and that the rain decided to come in full force after we reached the bus stop w/ HUGE shelter which was good. strong wind + heavy rain doesnt sounds good to me esp when im outside.
if i didnt recall wrongly, it stopped raining when i was reaching katong shopping centre but clift's worried so he got me to take a cabbie home juz in case. which i was glad that i listen to him because... it was pouring when i was halfway home. got my sis to open the gate for me. so.. i reached home DRY.
cant really remember what did i do during the weekends.. everything's a blank to me. except that it was raining the whole of the dayssSSSS.
oh! i remember! clfit n i went over to vivo city on sat to check out the xbox thingy.. but we went there too late, his colleagues had left. tried to look for matthew but he was having his lunch somewhere.. and outside was drizzling and vivo was superly packed w/ people and their kids. which i took some pics of very disgusting sights and will upload once i get to upload em from my HP.
i think.. we went over to david's pub on sunday 17.12.06 to accompany him. shoot! i cant remember anything! celebrated his bday on monday at babyface.. did we? they were all drunk esp david for he was the bday boy. they played d dice thingy (which luckily i get to not play it). that game was a killer!!
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
just to follow up on the pics i'd posted on my previous post. was feeling very tired last night that i dont have the energy to do other things except to sleep. so imagine how i actually drag my hands to edit some pics. theres alot but i juz picked some as im not sure whether the rest (eg: group photos) are ok with my posting their pics in my blog. anyway...
it was our first party on Dec 2nd, Sat. Theme was LEather and Latex and was kinda surprised that some of them are that sporting enough to wear them to the party. you got it~ dressed up in the costume and drove over in that costume and walked over in that costume! pity i didnt take pics of them as i was busy with my own stuffs then. it was fun and.. we had 2 muscle man in leather accessories, topless and was posing with some people. ah, speaking of which, am faced w/ the pic that san n hawk took together. think im gonna put up the original one too.
everyone partied till late and i was lucky to have 4 capable assistants to help me out at my booth, namely carolyne, casse, leon and elvsem. they actually helped me throughout the whole night, staying till as llate as 3am! was really touched lor. and when carol gotta leave around 1am but ended up she helped me out till later.
and... also thanks to tt and my baby for staying up waiting for me and... haven makan yet! >.
super duper enjoyed myself in tt's car. we went to somewher near for supper. after that, tt was saying sth about car wash and.. i was like LETS GOOOO!!!! 24hrs carwash! woohoo!! hahah. at first i was holding onto the camera to take pics w/ us in it.. and later, smarty tt said to put the camera on his dashboard and.. we happy happy snap pictures away. i think.. i reached home around 5pm? cant remember but it was 1 occasion that i enjoyed and will look forward to another event similar to that (going out w/ tt late at night w/ clift).
dunno y.. now dun feel that well... stomach abit pain... not cramp im sure of. and i do feel cold for the first time! heng i have my trusty jacket.. keke.
my poor baby, so busy w/ work now. i suppose its christmas season, sure bz de. Ganbatte ok? xD
*gib u huggies*
it was our first party on Dec 2nd, Sat. Theme was LEather and Latex and was kinda surprised that some of them are that sporting enough to wear them to the party. you got it~ dressed up in the costume and drove over in that costume and walked over in that costume! pity i didnt take pics of them as i was busy with my own stuffs then. it was fun and.. we had 2 muscle man in leather accessories, topless and was posing with some people. ah, speaking of which, am faced w/ the pic that san n hawk took together. think im gonna put up the original one too.
everyone partied till late and i was lucky to have 4 capable assistants to help me out at my booth, namely carolyne, casse, leon and elvsem. they actually helped me throughout the whole night, staying till as llate as 3am! was really touched lor. and when carol gotta leave around 1am but ended up she helped me out till later.
and... also thanks to tt and my baby for staying up waiting for me and... haven makan yet! >.
super duper enjoyed myself in tt's car. we went to somewher near for supper. after that, tt was saying sth about car wash and.. i was like LETS GOOOO!!!! 24hrs carwash! woohoo!! hahah. at first i was holding onto the camera to take pics w/ us in it.. and later, smarty tt said to put the camera on his dashboard and.. we happy happy snap pictures away. i think.. i reached home around 5pm? cant remember but it was 1 occasion that i enjoyed and will look forward to another event similar to that (going out w/ tt late at night w/ clift).
dunno y.. now dun feel that well... stomach abit pain... not cramp im sure of. and i do feel cold for the first time! heng i have my trusty jacket.. keke.
my poor baby, so busy w/ work now. i suppose its christmas season, sure bz de. Ganbatte ok? xD
*gib u huggies*
Monday, December 11, 2006
pics taken on the event on 2nd Dec.

love this pic as they looked very.. 'fierce' and tone. lik those muscle builders type? d wwf thingy.
(for some people who dun lik the way this pic is being made, i lik it only coz it looked.. not like a real pic lidat? like.. a pic being drawn out? dunno how to put it but .. i love this pic. anyway its none of your biz if u dun lik it.)

yummy! was juz 'poking' on his chest and he juz took my hand and place it flat out on his *gasp* hard chest~ *fainting*
he was actually kind enough to do some of his speciality for me to see.. such as.... hur hur hur.

my other hunk.. keke. he's my SLAVE for that night!

fierce!!!! haha, san actually dressed up for that party and ... she nearly lost her 'many-names-such-as-prostitute-shoes-or-xxxxx' heels which cost a bomb hor! heng she found it.. which was lying in front of my eyes! how can i ever missed it?!

kind of tt to let me take a pic of his car. keke. juz came out from car wash hor! dun play play!!!!
some of the pics we took in d car while it's 'showering'.

that pinky thing is a pig btw.
quite like these 2 pics below.

ok, super tired. update tmr.. nites everyone.

love this pic as they looked very.. 'fierce' and tone. lik those muscle builders type? d wwf thingy.
(for some people who dun lik the way this pic is being made, i lik it only coz it looked.. not like a real pic lidat? like.. a pic being drawn out? dunno how to put it but .. i love this pic. anyway its none of your biz if u dun lik it.)

yummy! was juz 'poking' on his chest and he juz took my hand and place it flat out on his *gasp* hard chest~ *fainting*
he was actually kind enough to do some of his speciality for me to see.. such as.... hur hur hur.

my other hunk.. keke. he's my SLAVE for that night!

fierce!!!! haha, san actually dressed up for that party and ... she nearly lost her 'many-names-such-as-prostitute-shoes-or-xxxxx' heels which cost a bomb hor! heng she found it.. which was lying in front of my eyes! how can i ever missed it?!

kind of tt to let me take a pic of his car. keke. juz came out from car wash hor! dun play play!!!!
some of the pics we took in d car while it's 'showering'.

that pinky thing is a pig btw.
quite like these 2 pics below.

ok, super tired. update tmr.. nites everyone.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
im..... floating....
super happy. there was this time wher i was calling up everyone and happened to call this fella. Wah, d moment i heard his voice, i was like.. in dreamland. his voice was deep, sexy and woolala. so after calling him (not personal calls lah doh), i was practically in a dreamy state and my spirits lifted to a high level.
juz called him again (not stalking him!) for some datas and.... wooo. super friendly and ok, lik what they always say. guys who sound good over the phone will be not b good looking and those who voice doesnt sound that good were always good looking. but there were some exceptional ones whose voice sound good and look good too, which was like 1 of every 100 guys? anyway, dun ruin my image of him yet. hhahahahaha. nice enjoy then later see him in real then.. hur hur hur. i v tiko hor? :P
managed to upload the pics in this pc and.. hope i'll update it soon.
alvin so sweet.. he going to find pics of nude guys juz for me to drool on!
bart actually tried chinese food today hahaha! its the dumpling soup. yummy. i love that ah pek's dumpling coz the no. of dumplings he gave was alot (like 6 pcs hor!) and the meat inside was not the barely there type but.. ALOT! can chew and feel the yummylicious meat in the dumpling was the skin melts in your mouth.. the addition of water chestnut makes it crunchy... yummy... i was in heaven while eating it. and it was that for $3.50 (take away) but of coz it'll be more worth if u buy w/ noodles coz it cost about the same price.extra 20c for the plastic container.
my first trip to a japanese elementary school... for my jlpt. it was not the typical school building i suppose coz its in SG but.. the inside was a different story.
there was a slightly longer break before our 3rd (last) paper starts. lil n i decided to explore around the school alil. here's wot we'd found.
- no canteen on the ground floor. either the children bring bento to school or its on the 2nd level which.. doesnt look lik it to me thou..
- 2 swimming pools. 1 in front (w/ shower room) was smaller and not that deep. 2nd one at the back w/ the floats being stacked beside the wall but no shower room. deepest was about 1.50m and the not-deepest was about 0.9m.
- not all rooms were classroom though they blend in together w/ the shelves outside the rooms for shoes/bags as no shoes allowed in the rooms. found 1 was the 'gym' wher there's 1 big jumping thingy and 1 small jumping thingy. sry, dunno the names for it. its the one wher u can keep jumping n jumping. some really big balls stacked to a corner.
- they are still using blackboard and not whiteboard
- still w/ the typical dates on the right hand corner and realised that they had the 'motto' or goal thingy on top of the board.
- tables n chairs were mini size (tht u cant cross your legs), each tables had a hook by the side so they can put their bags and there's a sort of lik shelve below so you can put books? and its lik in a pattern. left: plastic file, right: papers, books.
- tables n chairs aint made of plastic but wood. so you'll feel uncomfortable if you dont sit straight.
i think it'll b really cute to see them in the classroom hehe. and wearing the hat to school.. ahhh kawaii!!!!
last night (tuesday) was sooo fun! am glad that i tagged along. linda n san were going to a pole dancing school and i wanna tag along! it was raining heavily and we alighted from the cab at d wrong dropoff point: maxwell food ctr. found the exact location we were supposed to go, linda removed her footwear and i did the same. folded up jeans and began to walk. (lucky linda brought an umbrella along and san was in her jacket w/ hood)
***break: bart bought SLURPEE for meeeee!***
oh, we were crossing the 1st traffic light and the water there was soo high up that u cant walk normally but to walk lik u are wading in the pool. hahahaha. so fun! imagine those drivers in the cars seeing us laughing away as we cross the road. we walked barefoots on the pavements and roads in the pouring rain! reached the dancing school, sat and i watched as linda and san talked to them.
later, stef (1 of the instructors i suppose) gave us a crash course. juz some very simple moves on pole dancing. it was WOW! i kinda like it and find it very fun and it was very sexy. it makes you feel sexy doing it you know? interested in pole dancing but dun wanna waste your $ at some sleazy place where they aint passion about what they are teaching? lemme know! i'll give u the contacts to that wonderful school! oh and did you watch that show w/ richard gere and J Lo? sth lik 'shall we dance'? they have the windows lik the ones that J Lo was looking outside from when the room was dark and the only light source was from the streets outside. thou there's no railways opposite the building.
so overall: FUN FUN and MORE FUN!
super happy. there was this time wher i was calling up everyone and happened to call this fella. Wah, d moment i heard his voice, i was like.. in dreamland. his voice was deep, sexy and woolala. so after calling him (not personal calls lah doh), i was practically in a dreamy state and my spirits lifted to a high level.
juz called him again (not stalking him!) for some datas and.... wooo. super friendly and ok, lik what they always say. guys who sound good over the phone will be not b good looking and those who voice doesnt sound that good were always good looking. but there were some exceptional ones whose voice sound good and look good too, which was like 1 of every 100 guys? anyway, dun ruin my image of him yet. hhahahahaha. nice enjoy then later see him in real then.. hur hur hur. i v tiko hor? :P
managed to upload the pics in this pc and.. hope i'll update it soon.
alvin so sweet.. he going to find pics of nude guys juz for me to drool on!
bart actually tried chinese food today hahaha! its the dumpling soup. yummy. i love that ah pek's dumpling coz the no. of dumplings he gave was alot (like 6 pcs hor!) and the meat inside was not the barely there type but.. ALOT! can chew and feel the yummylicious meat in the dumpling was the skin melts in your mouth.. the addition of water chestnut makes it crunchy... yummy... i was in heaven while eating it. and it was that for $3.50 (take away) but of coz it'll be more worth if u buy w/ noodles coz it cost about the same price.extra 20c for the plastic container.
my first trip to a japanese elementary school... for my jlpt. it was not the typical school building i suppose coz its in SG but.. the inside was a different story.
there was a slightly longer break before our 3rd (last) paper starts. lil n i decided to explore around the school alil. here's wot we'd found.
- no canteen on the ground floor. either the children bring bento to school or its on the 2nd level which.. doesnt look lik it to me thou..
- 2 swimming pools. 1 in front (w/ shower room) was smaller and not that deep. 2nd one at the back w/ the floats being stacked beside the wall but no shower room. deepest was about 1.50m and the not-deepest was about 0.9m.
- not all rooms were classroom though they blend in together w/ the shelves outside the rooms for shoes/bags as no shoes allowed in the rooms. found 1 was the 'gym' wher there's 1 big jumping thingy and 1 small jumping thingy. sry, dunno the names for it. its the one wher u can keep jumping n jumping. some really big balls stacked to a corner.
- they are still using blackboard and not whiteboard
- still w/ the typical dates on the right hand corner and realised that they had the 'motto' or goal thingy on top of the board.
- tables n chairs were mini size (tht u cant cross your legs), each tables had a hook by the side so they can put their bags and there's a sort of lik shelve below so you can put books? and its lik in a pattern. left: plastic file, right: papers, books.
- tables n chairs aint made of plastic but wood. so you'll feel uncomfortable if you dont sit straight.
i think it'll b really cute to see them in the classroom hehe. and wearing the hat to school.. ahhh kawaii!!!!
last night (tuesday) was sooo fun! am glad that i tagged along. linda n san were going to a pole dancing school and i wanna tag along! it was raining heavily and we alighted from the cab at d wrong dropoff point: maxwell food ctr. found the exact location we were supposed to go, linda removed her footwear and i did the same. folded up jeans and began to walk. (lucky linda brought an umbrella along and san was in her jacket w/ hood)
***break: bart bought SLURPEE for meeeee!***
oh, we were crossing the 1st traffic light and the water there was soo high up that u cant walk normally but to walk lik u are wading in the pool. hahahaha. so fun! imagine those drivers in the cars seeing us laughing away as we cross the road. we walked barefoots on the pavements and roads in the pouring rain! reached the dancing school, sat and i watched as linda and san talked to them.
later, stef (1 of the instructors i suppose) gave us a crash course. juz some very simple moves on pole dancing. it was WOW! i kinda like it and find it very fun and it was very sexy. it makes you feel sexy doing it you know? interested in pole dancing but dun wanna waste your $ at some sleazy place where they aint passion about what they are teaching? lemme know! i'll give u the contacts to that wonderful school! oh and did you watch that show w/ richard gere and J Lo? sth lik 'shall we dance'? they have the windows lik the ones that J Lo was looking outside from when the room was dark and the only light source was from the streets outside. thou there's no railways opposite the building.
so overall: FUN FUN and MORE FUN!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
wah piang! juz saw my friendster pics and.... realised that.. 90% of my pics have claire in it!!!!!! ok,. coz he's the only steady one who always take pic w/ me.. and we always go out. aiyo.. that made me misses vivi too. *can imagine him tsk tsking as me now*
time to charge claire $$ for appearing w/ me in d pic so many times. lalalala~~~
and.. linda was soo sweet yesterday. she bought 1 whole paperbag of snacks for me coz she felt bad that i always buy snacks. keke. now my place look lik mama shop le. =.="
look down can see biscuits.. how tempting. and mind is filled of rocky master coz i'd yet to try all d food. yummy....... *slurps slurps*
time to charge claire $$ for appearing w/ me in d pic so many times. lalalala~~~
and.. linda was soo sweet yesterday. she bought 1 whole paperbag of snacks for me coz she felt bad that i always buy snacks. keke. now my place look lik mama shop le. =.="
look down can see biscuits.. how tempting. and mind is filled of rocky master coz i'd yet to try all d food. yummy....... *slurps slurps*
for the first time, i was home early (9pm) and stayed at home, never go out.
clift's mommy was so nice to buy the yummy bread for me, that i cut half and let my mommy try. i think, they'll be gd friends if they meet but.. i have a feeling that my mommy will try to brainwash clift's mommy to do 'qi gong' and his mommy will psycho my mommy to do 'dancing'. sigh. but i think my mommy will be more insistent coz she's already trying to brainwash-es us already. so.. its a bad idea to put them together.. *nods head*
jio my in-game bf (lil, heheh) to play ff. so paiseh sia.. that she was always waiting for me. waiting for me to do missions, quests, events, leveling, raising our chocobos, etc. sigh, sorry darling. :(
saw her chocobo hatched and the cute pic in her msn, hahah. very cute. which reminded me of.... cat's chocobo which he named HER nanaII! hahahah. my 'descendant'. keke. mayb muz see her oneday to give her a good pat. i'm sort of like his chocobo's god-mommy ok!
anyway it was good leveling our char, was slightly rusty at first and.. well, was doing alright and getting experiences fast. gonna level to 62 in the next party! oh! didnt recognise max's name in game man. hahah surprised that he recognised mine. (hopefully its for the better and not coz im such a perv in game lah! i think john or uncle or juz anyone who knows me well will say i v tiko.)
Claire! JIAYOU for ALL your tests. lol. imagine studying every week for 2 papers, no joke man! :D
vivi, GOOD LUCK to US for our JLPT though i think you need more lah. hahahah, yours is super hard leh compared to mine. i wish you could take my test for me man. :P
but planning to study hard next yr for... JLPT3! skalli im lik vi, fail 4 but pass 3. kya kya kya. *cross fingers*
was checking mails when i saw this phrase:
MARK Twain once said the secret source of humour is sorrow
how true for some people whom i'd met.
and.. si jaja.. i wanna KILL u le. super dao, got gf forget friend. grrRR! Jk.
well, its the time of the month again. luckily i have 2 cute helpers to help me at work.. so i dont have to stay till late.
gonna update about last sat's party... tmr i guess.
thinking of when to cut my hair.. this sat's zoukouT! who's going?
am gonna make this time to meet up with... my friends. yea!
clift's mommy was so nice to buy the yummy bread for me, that i cut half and let my mommy try. i think, they'll be gd friends if they meet but.. i have a feeling that my mommy will try to brainwash clift's mommy to do 'qi gong' and his mommy will psycho my mommy to do 'dancing'. sigh. but i think my mommy will be more insistent coz she's already trying to brainwash-es us already. so.. its a bad idea to put them together.. *nods head*
jio my in-game bf (lil, heheh) to play ff. so paiseh sia.. that she was always waiting for me. waiting for me to do missions, quests, events, leveling, raising our chocobos, etc. sigh, sorry darling. :(
saw her chocobo hatched and the cute pic in her msn, hahah. very cute. which reminded me of.... cat's chocobo which he named HER nanaII! hahahah. my 'descendant'. keke. mayb muz see her oneday to give her a good pat. i'm sort of like his chocobo's god-mommy ok!
anyway it was good leveling our char, was slightly rusty at first and.. well, was doing alright and getting experiences fast. gonna level to 62 in the next party! oh! didnt recognise max's name in game man. hahah surprised that he recognised mine. (hopefully its for the better and not coz im such a perv in game lah! i think john or uncle or juz anyone who knows me well will say i v tiko.)
Claire! JIAYOU for ALL your tests. lol. imagine studying every week for 2 papers, no joke man! :D
vivi, GOOD LUCK to US for our JLPT though i think you need more lah. hahahah, yours is super hard leh compared to mine. i wish you could take my test for me man. :P
but planning to study hard next yr for... JLPT3! skalli im lik vi, fail 4 but pass 3. kya kya kya. *cross fingers*
was checking mails when i saw this phrase:
MARK Twain once said the secret source of humour is sorrow
how true for some people whom i'd met.
and.. si jaja.. i wanna KILL u le. super dao, got gf forget friend. grrRR! Jk.
well, its the time of the month again. luckily i have 2 cute helpers to help me at work.. so i dont have to stay till late.
gonna update about last sat's party... tmr i guess.
thinking of when to cut my hair.. this sat's zoukouT! who's going?
am gonna make this time to meet up with... my friends. yea!
Friday, December 01, 2006
aiyo.. people!!! help me please! help me ask around!!!
Still in its original packaging @ Tempur's Warehouse,
Usual Price: S$7000.00++
Now selling less than that!
Interested? EMAIL ME AT:
Subject it as: Tempur Mattress, IM INTERESTED!
HELP ME ASK AROUND HOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Still in its original packaging @ Tempur's Warehouse,
Usual Price: S$7000.00++
Now selling less than that!
Interested? EMAIL ME AT:
Subject it as: Tempur Mattress, IM INTERESTED!
HELP ME ASK AROUND HOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
my virgin trip to a sex shop last tuesday. hur hur hur.
went over to find san and took a look around inside. its so..... interesting? no.. not powerful enough. its.. i don't know, but i felt curious and embarrassed at the same time. coz it's my first time there. saw alot of toys for people, guys and girls (though i think ther's more variety for girls, haha), virginals with or without hair, dildo that can be bent at certain angle, different surface, different size (yes and most of the sizes are what you cant find on men but who need a guy w/ big dick when he cant satisfy you in bed right? ;) ), virating condoms, costumes and accessories. saw a brochure on the items wher it's S&M related, half face mask, full face mask(its kinkier), whips, cuffs bind by chains or by itself, 'underwear' for guys and girls, etc. interesting eh? oh! and also balls of breasts! lol. no idea for what as its so... rubbery.. hahah. i wonder how guys felt when they are sucking on that kinda stuff.. though it does feel soft but doesnt feel like a real one and yes, you can 'press' on it, ther's nipple too. :P
dont really remember what else i saw there.. and saw some cute keychains. haha. need sex toys? lemme know! no live demo though. HAHAHAH! that's the top 1 question asked by guys whom i called up. asked them to demo instead lor. y muz girls demo n they see? crazy. they get better deal anyway. they get to use it and feel happy w/ it while the rest can only watch on and fantasize.
went over to find san and took a look around inside. its so..... interesting? no.. not powerful enough. its.. i don't know, but i felt curious and embarrassed at the same time. coz it's my first time there. saw alot of toys for people, guys and girls (though i think ther's more variety for girls, haha), virginals with or without hair, dildo that can be bent at certain angle, different surface, different size (yes and most of the sizes are what you cant find on men but who need a guy w/ big dick when he cant satisfy you in bed right? ;) ), virating condoms, costumes and accessories. saw a brochure on the items wher it's S&M related, half face mask, full face mask(its kinkier), whips, cuffs bind by chains or by itself, 'underwear' for guys and girls, etc. interesting eh? oh! and also balls of breasts! lol. no idea for what as its so... rubbery.. hahah. i wonder how guys felt when they are sucking on that kinda stuff.. though it does feel soft but doesnt feel like a real one and yes, you can 'press' on it, ther's nipple too. :P
dont really remember what else i saw there.. and saw some cute keychains. haha. need sex toys? lemme know! no live demo though. HAHAHAH! that's the top 1 question asked by guys whom i called up. asked them to demo instead lor. y muz girls demo n they see? crazy. they get better deal anyway. they get to use it and feel happy w/ it while the rest can only watch on and fantasize.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
this song was running in my head since this morning while working and humming it.
ps: aaron, thanks for your concern btw. :P
All Out Of Love
I'm lying alone with my head on the phone
Thinking of you till it hurts
I know you hurt too but what else can we do
Tormented and torn apart
I wish I could carry your smile in my heart
For times when my life seems so low
It would make me believe what tomorrow can bring
When today doesn't really know, doesn't really know
I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you
I know you were right, believing for so long
I'm all out of love, what am I without you
I can't be too late to say that I was wrong
I want you to come back and carry me home
Away from these long, lonely nights
I'm reaching for you, are you feeling it too?
Does the feeling seem oh, so right?
And what would you say if I called on you now?
And said that I can't hold on?
There's no easy way, it gets harder each day
Please love me or I'll be gone, I'll be gone
I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you
I know you were right, believing for so long
I'm all out of love, what am I without you
I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong
Ooh, what are you thinking of
What are you thinking of
What are you thinking of
What are you thinking of
I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you
I know you were right, believing for so long
I'm all out of love, what am I without you
I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong
I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you
I know you were right, believing for so long
I'm all out of love, what am I without you
I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong
I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you
I know you were right, believing for so long
I'm all out of love, what am I without you
I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong, so wrong
ps: aaron, thanks for your concern btw. :P
All Out Of Love
I'm lying alone with my head on the phone
Thinking of you till it hurts
I know you hurt too but what else can we do
Tormented and torn apart
I wish I could carry your smile in my heart
For times when my life seems so low
It would make me believe what tomorrow can bring
When today doesn't really know, doesn't really know
I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you
I know you were right, believing for so long
I'm all out of love, what am I without you
I can't be too late to say that I was wrong
I want you to come back and carry me home
Away from these long, lonely nights
I'm reaching for you, are you feeling it too?
Does the feeling seem oh, so right?
And what would you say if I called on you now?
And said that I can't hold on?
There's no easy way, it gets harder each day
Please love me or I'll be gone, I'll be gone
I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you
I know you were right, believing for so long
I'm all out of love, what am I without you
I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong
Ooh, what are you thinking of
What are you thinking of
What are you thinking of
What are you thinking of
I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you
I know you were right, believing for so long
I'm all out of love, what am I without you
I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong
I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you
I know you were right, believing for so long
I'm all out of love, what am I without you
I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong
I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you
I know you were right, believing for so long
I'm all out of love, what am I without you
I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong, so wrong
was in the bus on the way back last night.. seemed like Mr Rain(not the korean guy of coz) and i have fate.. always kena him when i was about to do something, leave for somewhere, etc. mayb he misses me. was on the way home last night, he came down to look for me. leaving me strained at the bus stop. today, i was about to leave from a restaurant after gettg d keys from bart, he came to gimme morning kiss. so sweet of him.
some guy sat behind me last night in the bus and propped his legs up at the back of my seat. super irritating. wish i have some durians w/ me so i could threw it on his crotch! grrRRR!
hahahahha, didnt know aaron reads my blog. :P
thanks sweetie, hahahhaa. didnt know u were admiring me since poly. kya kya kya kya! and now stalking me, misses me so much ah? hahahhaha. ok, juz kidding.
felt good meeting up with friends last night. didnt meet up for some time and one, who he n me macham no fate lidat, as we always wanted to meet up but didnt get the chance to, finally meet up last night too. good to see them and catch up on alittle.
and thanks dearie.. for giving me such surprise. am really.. surprised. lol.
though i think in the long run, u will feel tired doing that.. coz that's wot happened to me last time too. but... am enjoying while it lasts. kya kya kya. mayb shld ask for more.. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH! dun freak out.. im juz kidding.
so paiseh.. that lil always have to wait for me in game.. lik the chocobo raising, etc. sorry dear.. >.<
also, to catch up w/ a friend whom i know some time back, it felt really good talking to her again. am glad that im not lost and forgotten in her mind. ;D
some guy sat behind me last night in the bus and propped his legs up at the back of my seat. super irritating. wish i have some durians w/ me so i could threw it on his crotch! grrRRR!
hahahahha, didnt know aaron reads my blog. :P
thanks sweetie, hahahhaa. didnt know u were admiring me since poly. kya kya kya kya! and now stalking me, misses me so much ah? hahahhaha. ok, juz kidding.
felt good meeting up with friends last night. didnt meet up for some time and one, who he n me macham no fate lidat, as we always wanted to meet up but didnt get the chance to, finally meet up last night too. good to see them and catch up on alittle.
and thanks dearie.. for giving me such surprise. am really.. surprised. lol.
though i think in the long run, u will feel tired doing that.. coz that's wot happened to me last time too. but... am enjoying while it lasts. kya kya kya. mayb shld ask for more.. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH! dun freak out.. im juz kidding.
so paiseh.. that lil always have to wait for me in game.. lik the chocobo raising, etc. sorry dear.. >.<
also, to catch up w/ a friend whom i know some time back, it felt really good talking to her again. am glad that im not lost and forgotten in her mind. ;D
Monday, November 27, 2006
went to the bank earlier. was waiting at a junction under the protection of raffles hotel while waiting for mr green to give me the signal to cross the road. there i stood, dreaming.
the drizzling rain are like snow flakes (though i have never see it before in real life), falling softly. the weather was just nice, not too sunny bright nor dark. it was warm. the comfortable type of warm. giantic christmas tree stood there waiting for passerbys to take photo with it. it just felt wonderful to me. imagine people dressed up in winter clothing and me, blending in with them. no hurry, not in a rush, just relax.
all disappeared as mr green brought me back to reality. but the feeling still linger in me.
the drizzling rain are like snow flakes (though i have never see it before in real life), falling softly. the weather was just nice, not too sunny bright nor dark. it was warm. the comfortable type of warm. giantic christmas tree stood there waiting for passerbys to take photo with it. it just felt wonderful to me. imagine people dressed up in winter clothing and me, blending in with them. no hurry, not in a rush, just relax.
all disappeared as mr green brought me back to reality. but the feeling still linger in me.
you have just been warned.. this post is super long.
was checking through my emails (which i think some of you may have received it by tonight). found some rather interesting ones which i'd like to share. esp the last one: Kissing Style by Horoscope. How true was that for mine.
found this very interesting yet simple game. Fly a Helicopter
Once there was a young woman who didn't like her job. Everyday when she came home from work, she told her husband how terrible her day had been, how tiring the work and how unreasonable her boss. "Leave that job," her husband told her.
"Oh I will," she said. "But not yet. I have too many friends there for me to leave just yet." And so she complained until the days became years and her family grew to five.
"Leave that job," her children told her. "Oh I will," she said. "But not yet. I have seniority and four weeks vacation I can spend with you. I'm not ready to start over just yet."
And so she remained unhappy at work until the years became decades and her children had children. "Leave that job," her grandchildren told her. "Oh I will," she said. "But not yet. There's only seven more years until I reach thirty years of service and can retire. So I can't just yet."
I know this woman. And so do you. And there are scores like her. This reminds me of the story about an old dog half-asleep on the porch of the general store, moaning and groaning in the sun. "Why is your dog acting that way?" a customer asked the store owner. "Oh," answered the man, "he's lying on a nail." "Well, why doesn't he move?" "Because it's not hurting him bad enough."
That's true for people, too. We convince ourselves the pain is not bad enough to leave the workplace we know. But we're wrong. Prolonged work pain is damaging. Some damages our self-esteem, kills our passion or destroys our dreams. Some emerges when we compromise our values, quiet our voice or hide our talent. Some happens when we're seduced by power or believe our own myths of importance and significance. Some occurs when we look the other way, say yes when we mean no or forfeit the promises we made to ourself.
Wilbur Wright, of the Wright brothers fame, once commented, "We could hardly wait to get up in the morning." I know that exhilarating feeling of being so passionate about something I was working on that I couldn't wait to get back to work. And people who are winning at working know that kind of passion, too. They get excited about work.
They thrive offering their unique gifts and talents. And when things change as they sometimes will, they refuse to let a soul-depleting boss or environment hijack their self-esteem, passion or dreams. When work becomes work, they stop lying on a nail and do something about it.
When people say "life is short". What the hell?? Life is the longest damn thing anyone ever does!! What can you do that's longer?
Kinda makes sense doesnt it?
Kissing Style by Horoscope
Your kisses are quick and passionate fits of lustful pleasure that are there and then gone.
Your kisses linger; they are deliberate, heartfelt and they can go on and on and on...
Your kisses are interrupted by spasms of giggles, smiles and funny observations.
Your kisses are warm and tender, and you never want to let them go.
Your kisses are wild and uninhibited, biting and clawing; you expect applause for your performance.
Your kisses are so subtle and tidy, your lover only notices them once you've finished.
You're too busy worrying about your breath to really get into your kisses.
You skip the kiss and get to straight to ... whatever comes next for you.
Your kisses are surprising, spontaneous affairs that leave the kissed wanting more.
Your kisses are intense moments of sublime relief from the stress of your day.
Your kisses are wet and messy, and you tend to keep your eyes open.
Your kisses are starry-eyed, amorous and long-lasting.
So.. what's yours? I kinda like the Sagittarius coz it sounded very romantic to me. (i know im a sucker for romantic thingy) followed by cancer then.. taurus.
enough of that, now to key in what i was thinking of during my whole journey back home.
am trying not to take things for granted especially when everything is going smoothly for me (fingers crossed). a job that im starting to enjoy, friends who cared for me and never ever forget about me and a good bf whom i know is trying his best to make time for me eventhough he was extremely bz or tired. i mean, what more can i ask for? perhaps you might read this para twice or thrice but i dont give a fuk because i need to constantly remind myself of the good things that were around me. what for thinking and reminding ownself of the bad things that were happening?
lik tonight while i was on the way to my bus stop. every traffic light i was approaching turned red (the man), can't find anyone to have dinner with, down with flu and slight cough (being sick can sometimes brings you down too) and a headache coming up, missed the bus, etc. could go on and on but i thought i'd just make the best of it. why be sad about it? i'll just wait for another bus while listening to my mp3 and as for dinner kaki.. hey hey. chris juz returned my call and he might be able to meet me for dinner! so, to keep it short, lik what thomas always whistle "look on the bright side of life".
ps: you are always welcome for a huggie. ;)
you should know who you are!
i think i ought to sit down one fine day and be alone (ya right, as if i can do that). and think things through, think of what i want in life (i think for now should be to be happy and friends to be happy) and my goal in life.
had written that life is short but after reading that email i had and think about it. ya~ life is the longest that i ever had, so what the fuk is w/ the people who's saying life is short? ok, life is short when you meet with a fatal accident. hence, i wanna make every part of it worthwhile. i may live long but i dont wanna live in vain. i dont wanna work my life away without stopping for a moment to smell the roses and neglecting things such as those who are close to me. i dont wanna forget myself.
time is never enough, wish it was like a pie where i could cut it equally. a time for this, a time for that and that and that. doesnt have to be the same but just enough to fit everything in. somebody's greedy huh?
was reminded of the first time i met vivi when we went to mos burger last friday. our first dinner was at mos burger, amk then. again, he treated me, stubborn old fella. i missed him man! to think i used to go over to his place to play games, see his collection, etc. and claire joining us for dinner at night.
the time when it was a super gloomy day (really bad that i was crying hard) for me and clift cheered me up (through msn of course and we werent together yet!) by making fun of himself and his lousy mandarin which was in fact better than mine when spoken, not written. ha ha~ and i remembered that for the first time on that day, i laughed out loud.
ah, those sweet memories. how can i ever forget?
found another webbie thanks to san. found it quite true which she agreed too. go check it out!
Horoscope Astrology for Lovers
tell me what you think!
was checking through my emails (which i think some of you may have received it by tonight). found some rather interesting ones which i'd like to share. esp the last one: Kissing Style by Horoscope. How true was that for mine.
found this very interesting yet simple game. Fly a Helicopter
Once there was a young woman who didn't like her job. Everyday when she came home from work, she told her husband how terrible her day had been, how tiring the work and how unreasonable her boss. "Leave that job," her husband told her.
"Oh I will," she said. "But not yet. I have too many friends there for me to leave just yet." And so she complained until the days became years and her family grew to five.
"Leave that job," her children told her. "Oh I will," she said. "But not yet. I have seniority and four weeks vacation I can spend with you. I'm not ready to start over just yet."
And so she remained unhappy at work until the years became decades and her children had children. "Leave that job," her grandchildren told her. "Oh I will," she said. "But not yet. There's only seven more years until I reach thirty years of service and can retire. So I can't just yet."
I know this woman. And so do you. And there are scores like her. This reminds me of the story about an old dog half-asleep on the porch of the general store, moaning and groaning in the sun. "Why is your dog acting that way?" a customer asked the store owner. "Oh," answered the man, "he's lying on a nail." "Well, why doesn't he move?" "Because it's not hurting him bad enough."
That's true for people, too. We convince ourselves the pain is not bad enough to leave the workplace we know. But we're wrong. Prolonged work pain is damaging. Some damages our self-esteem, kills our passion or destroys our dreams. Some emerges when we compromise our values, quiet our voice or hide our talent. Some happens when we're seduced by power or believe our own myths of importance and significance. Some occurs when we look the other way, say yes when we mean no or forfeit the promises we made to ourself.
Wilbur Wright, of the Wright brothers fame, once commented, "We could hardly wait to get up in the morning." I know that exhilarating feeling of being so passionate about something I was working on that I couldn't wait to get back to work. And people who are winning at working know that kind of passion, too. They get excited about work.
They thrive offering their unique gifts and talents. And when things change as they sometimes will, they refuse to let a soul-depleting boss or environment hijack their self-esteem, passion or dreams. When work becomes work, they stop lying on a nail and do something about it.
When people say "life is short". What the hell?? Life is the longest damn thing anyone ever does!! What can you do that's longer?
Kinda makes sense doesnt it?
Kissing Style by Horoscope
Your kisses are quick and passionate fits of lustful pleasure that are there and then gone.
Your kisses linger; they are deliberate, heartfelt and they can go on and on and on...
Your kisses are interrupted by spasms of giggles, smiles and funny observations.
Your kisses are warm and tender, and you never want to let them go.
Your kisses are wild and uninhibited, biting and clawing; you expect applause for your performance.
Your kisses are so subtle and tidy, your lover only notices them once you've finished.
You're too busy worrying about your breath to really get into your kisses.
You skip the kiss and get to straight to ... whatever comes next for you.
Your kisses are surprising, spontaneous affairs that leave the kissed wanting more.
Your kisses are intense moments of sublime relief from the stress of your day.
Your kisses are wet and messy, and you tend to keep your eyes open.
Your kisses are starry-eyed, amorous and long-lasting.
So.. what's yours? I kinda like the Sagittarius coz it sounded very romantic to me. (i know im a sucker for romantic thingy) followed by cancer then.. taurus.
enough of that, now to key in what i was thinking of during my whole journey back home.
am trying not to take things for granted especially when everything is going smoothly for me (fingers crossed). a job that im starting to enjoy, friends who cared for me and never ever forget about me and a good bf whom i know is trying his best to make time for me eventhough he was extremely bz or tired. i mean, what more can i ask for? perhaps you might read this para twice or thrice but i dont give a fuk because i need to constantly remind myself of the good things that were around me. what for thinking and reminding ownself of the bad things that were happening?
lik tonight while i was on the way to my bus stop. every traffic light i was approaching turned red (the man), can't find anyone to have dinner with, down with flu and slight cough (being sick can sometimes brings you down too) and a headache coming up, missed the bus, etc. could go on and on but i thought i'd just make the best of it. why be sad about it? i'll just wait for another bus while listening to my mp3 and as for dinner kaki.. hey hey. chris juz returned my call and he might be able to meet me for dinner! so, to keep it short, lik what thomas always whistle "look on the bright side of life".
ps: you are always welcome for a huggie. ;)
you should know who you are!
i think i ought to sit down one fine day and be alone (ya right, as if i can do that). and think things through, think of what i want in life (i think for now should be to be happy and friends to be happy) and my goal in life.
had written that life is short but after reading that email i had and think about it. ya~ life is the longest that i ever had, so what the fuk is w/ the people who's saying life is short? ok, life is short when you meet with a fatal accident. hence, i wanna make every part of it worthwhile. i may live long but i dont wanna live in vain. i dont wanna work my life away without stopping for a moment to smell the roses and neglecting things such as those who are close to me. i dont wanna forget myself.
time is never enough, wish it was like a pie where i could cut it equally. a time for this, a time for that and that and that. doesnt have to be the same but just enough to fit everything in. somebody's greedy huh?
was reminded of the first time i met vivi when we went to mos burger last friday. our first dinner was at mos burger, amk then. again, he treated me, stubborn old fella. i missed him man! to think i used to go over to his place to play games, see his collection, etc. and claire joining us for dinner at night.
the time when it was a super gloomy day (really bad that i was crying hard) for me and clift cheered me up (through msn of course and we werent together yet!) by making fun of himself and his lousy mandarin which was in fact better than mine when spoken, not written. ha ha~ and i remembered that for the first time on that day, i laughed out loud.
ah, those sweet memories. how can i ever forget?
found another webbie thanks to san. found it quite true which she agreed too. go check it out!
Horoscope Astrology for Lovers
tell me what you think!
Saturday, November 25, 2006
for the first time i felt sooo tired (and i'm not drunk!) that i could just drop on my bed and sleep. went to help out at Sexpo which was quite exciting for me. its not my first time attending and working in an exhibition but its a different feeling for me everytime.
i get to understand how it was like for the girls who's trying to get sales outside, get to meet some people especially one who was our subscriber! very friendly man. oh, and sg national swimmer (or rather, ex-swimmer) leslie kwok was there too. he owned this company called 'Element Spa'.
get to meet alot of new friends which was more like a hi-bye kinda part except for one girl maybe.. i'll ask for her no. i need to make more F-E-M-A-L-E friends!!!! and... met up w/ vivi!!! he bought me a cute pinkish~orangey bag and a scented candle in jelly form.. heheh ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU!
chris called a few days back. missed him alas.. i havent had the time to stop and chat with him as much as i want to. this month was a busy busy one for me. i think i am starting to like this job, very happening and always trying to think up of some events. though sometimes i hate the PR part where i have to be friendly to guys with ulterior motive.
weird.. some guy juz msg me saying that we'd met at some place which i dont recall going at all. saying we'd met, exchange nos and drank together. said i was alittle tipsy then.. doh. did anything happen? and if it happened some time back, why now then he msg? (oh coz he just saw my name/no while flipping through his contact cards -.-)i dont remember. think i should drink less. do more things when i was tipsy. could remember that night was qbar, practically chatted up with anyone, even the young waiter (ok, mayb he's just slightly younger or older thanme), the bouncer/sercurity and the ladies in the washroom. good thing is.. i dont gel with the older batch of men. neither are they interested in me. perhaps.. i can continue not being too smart and act stupid for once.
weird #2: its not exactly weird but.. i was quite touched when some strangers who either never meet you before or met once only can be so concern when you are sick. mayb they have hidden motives but heck. when you are sick, you wanna be pampered and b treated like a princess. hehehe. ok, mayb not like a princess but at least they showed some concern. :)
the above was drafted out while i was in the office typing halfway before i lost the mood to do so.
recently, too many old memories surfaced. sweet ones of course especially during my poly year 1? my night safari girl. began listing things that attracted me to people and decided to shelve it aside as too many people's name surfaced (who unfortunately either wasnt interested in me or the other way round). too high of an expectations?
was i being too easy as in easy to woo? came at the wrong time and the wrong place? just as they were nursing their broken heart, i happened to pop at the wrong time and they decided to 'invest' in me? no thanks.. that'd prolly make me feeling very insecure.
received a txt from a friend which was meant for his friend and apparently, it was sent wrongly to me. (which reminded me of what most people said when things like that happened. it happened to john's friend too. which was, because the sender was too used to txting that person that they'll accidentally send over to them OR because they were thinking of that person)
i guess this phrase was rather true.. 'curiousity kills the cat'. something like that. can't really remember as its frikking 4am now and i have 4hrs of sleep before my alarm ring. mayb less than 4hrs. but i just need to get this off my chest as i know that he will be reading this. i hope he meant what he says..
who says that a person who had past few relationships are the most 'advanced'? every rs are different. each time w/ a new partner, u'll fnd yourself a lost again because the person has a different character, habits, needs, wants, etc. no matter how confident you are, thinking that you'll be able to handle a new rs, it'll still not be the same.
ugh, fuk! too many things running through my mind. cant sleep in peace. grrrRRR! shall leave smses for tmr.
***** decided to truncate some txt *****
i get to understand how it was like for the girls who's trying to get sales outside, get to meet some people especially one who was our subscriber! very friendly man. oh, and sg national swimmer (or rather, ex-swimmer) leslie kwok was there too. he owned this company called 'Element Spa'.
get to meet alot of new friends which was more like a hi-bye kinda part except for one girl maybe.. i'll ask for her no. i need to make more F-E-M-A-L-E friends!!!! and... met up w/ vivi!!! he bought me a cute pinkish~orangey bag and a scented candle in jelly form.. heheh ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU!
chris called a few days back. missed him alas.. i havent had the time to stop and chat with him as much as i want to. this month was a busy busy one for me. i think i am starting to like this job, very happening and always trying to think up of some events. though sometimes i hate the PR part where i have to be friendly to guys with ulterior motive.
weird.. some guy juz msg me saying that we'd met at some place which i dont recall going at all. saying we'd met, exchange nos and drank together. said i was alittle tipsy then.. doh. did anything happen? and if it happened some time back, why now then he msg? (oh coz he just saw my name/no while flipping through his contact cards -.-)i dont remember. think i should drink less. do more things when i was tipsy. could remember that night was qbar, practically chatted up with anyone, even the young waiter (ok, mayb he's just slightly younger or older thanme), the bouncer/sercurity and the ladies in the washroom. good thing is.. i dont gel with the older batch of men. neither are they interested in me. perhaps.. i can continue not being too smart and act stupid for once.
weird #2: its not exactly weird but.. i was quite touched when some strangers who either never meet you before or met once only can be so concern when you are sick. mayb they have hidden motives but heck. when you are sick, you wanna be pampered and b treated like a princess. hehehe. ok, mayb not like a princess but at least they showed some concern. :)
the above was drafted out while i was in the office typing halfway before i lost the mood to do so.
recently, too many old memories surfaced. sweet ones of course especially during my poly year 1? my night safari girl. began listing things that attracted me to people and decided to shelve it aside as too many people's name surfaced (who unfortunately either wasnt interested in me or the other way round). too high of an expectations?
was i being too easy as in easy to woo? came at the wrong time and the wrong place? just as they were nursing their broken heart, i happened to pop at the wrong time and they decided to 'invest' in me? no thanks.. that'd prolly make me feeling very insecure.
received a txt from a friend which was meant for his friend and apparently, it was sent wrongly to me. (which reminded me of what most people said when things like that happened. it happened to john's friend too. which was, because the sender was too used to txting that person that they'll accidentally send over to them OR because they were thinking of that person)
i guess this phrase was rather true.. 'curiousity kills the cat'. something like that. can't really remember as its frikking 4am now and i have 4hrs of sleep before my alarm ring. mayb less than 4hrs. but i just need to get this off my chest as i know that he will be reading this. i hope he meant what he says..
who says that a person who had past few relationships are the most 'advanced'? every rs are different. each time w/ a new partner, u'll fnd yourself a lost again because the person has a different character, habits, needs, wants, etc. no matter how confident you are, thinking that you'll be able to handle a new rs, it'll still not be the same.
ugh, fuk! too many things running through my mind. cant sleep in peace. grrrRRR! shall leave smses for tmr.
***** decided to truncate some txt *****
Thursday, November 23, 2006
shit... shouldn't have eat chocolate last night. ate 2 packets of kitkat (yea.. greedy me. >.<) and now im paying for the price!!!!!!!!!
sore throat (think ima gonna croak like a frog in a few days) and feeling alittle giddy with slight fever. ahahahhaa, i declare de. :P
met up w/ cat & doris (hahhahah happy for him coz i prefer doris than ... and she's much cuter and friendler and mature-r). went back to office to get a copy of our magazine for john who's leaving today. such coincidence, saw andy at the bus stop. ahh the cute 'italiano' guy.. hehe. it was good meetg up with them again. must think of smarter answers to 'shoot back' at john and wellington!!! grrrRR!
ok, gonna quick finish work and go home rest. v tired n dun feel sooooo good.
sore throat (think ima gonna croak like a frog in a few days) and feeling alittle giddy with slight fever. ahahahhaa, i declare de. :P
met up w/ cat & doris (hahhahah happy for him coz i prefer doris than ... and she's much cuter and friendler and mature-r). went back to office to get a copy of our magazine for john who's leaving today. such coincidence, saw andy at the bus stop. ahh the cute 'italiano' guy.. hehe. it was good meetg up with them again. must think of smarter answers to 'shoot back' at john and wellington!!! grrrRR!
ok, gonna quick finish work and go home rest. v tired n dun feel sooooo good.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
finally.. some time to sit down and update my full-of-spider-web blog. have not idea when's the last post dated.
below, thanks to claire who took the pics for me while preparing the spaghetti (yes, it tasted yummy!) while i played ps2 - basara II.

the X06 event. i was staring at this image for a long time while waiting for clift to finish packing. couldn't find the object that was flashing on it and i was too proud to ask clift. :P
no, my assumptions was that most prolly it was on the ground and tilted up to face the building. common sense no?

the exteriors. i kind of like the outline of the 'dome' shaped tents but i dont really like the inside. especially the exit tent as it was very squeezy.

the very yuky strawberry milkshake i bought from a cafe at the national library beside bras basah.

the very yummy chips that san got for me. it was the big pack w/ seaweed and fresh chips. oooh so yummy.. can imagine the taste in my mouth now as i pretend to take a chip from the packet in the picture and put it inside my mouth. pity, im down with a sore throat, so don't really have the mood to enjoy that taste now. raped 2 kit kats that dr had bought. damn! chocs + 2hours of phone calls makes a very sore throat.

san bought this yet again when she went to 7-11. bought it randomly for me and decided on this because it's cute and im cute too. hehe.
cute image on drink + cute face on a girl = overly cute that you could burst into smilies when ever you see us. hehe. (its crap.)

went for an event on last friday (17.11.06) at Qbar. It was entry for LADIES only with free drinks! YAY!! ok, though i'm not a good drink and can't really appreciate alcohols but it bets having to pay for a drink which is NOT cheap ok?!
dressed up:

simple and nice. ^.^b
reached there and went to a room to put my bag where... i saw hunks inside, HALF-NAKED! wahahahahahahah. beautiful bodies and omg, they are cute! (there's one who's a hot fave among the ladies but i'm not really sure and didnt get to take any pic of that guy as i was too busy doing PR-ing.) anyway, was kinda nervous as it's my first time to an event and because it's free entry (via invitation only i think), GUYs CANNOT enter! so.. alvin passed his task of phototaking to me. T_T
but it was good as it made me walk around talking to the ladies there. got to chat up with some really nice ladies and so far, my experiences with them were quite pleasant as there's not fake-ness within them. i think i was more on a star-hunting mission instead as most of them dressed up and have the star-lookalike face. so i'd always go 'hey! u looked lik xxx star, etc'.
was quite drunk by 9.30pm (which means guys can come into the room) as i was drowning lots of champagne and some red colour shots which reminded me of watermelon drink. it was sweet but definitely not ribena volka! whole event was quite a success and also something which i like and.. unfortunately went wild at. damn. imagine me dancing with my colleagues at the platform and people there were snapping pics away at us. and... worse thing, i DONT KNOW how to dance.. how embarrassing. damn!!
saw marcus yeo (my sec 1 friend) at a coffeeshop. wah he never change at all. still the same. yet to meet up with him as our appointment on tues was cancelled by me.
last monday (20.11.06), john aka jin called me up last min to say that he's in SG and would like to meet up and gave me the most impossible task of rounding up all FR members in FF. as it was too last min, ended up, i was the only one to go and meet him. saw him and his cute friend (who looked lik an italiano), they watched me eat while we chatted alittle here and there. after dinner, we were joined by another of his friend - wellington (of was it welling only?) another friendly guy.
after sitting around and chatting at coffeeclub, i suggested catching a show. only available show which was good was Step Up. it reminded me of the show by Julia Stiles (if i didnt get her name wrong) but i'd prefer Julia's show as i like her acting style more. Step Up's storyline was not that good with predictable scenes and i dont really like the girl in the show. But i love the dancing scenes, again, it's a fusion between ballet and freestyle. the kind where one has classes in school and the other was they dance with the music in their heart or something. OST was good too. Catch it at Cathay, better if you have UOB visa card (debit/credit) as its super cheap!
our big event's coming up and initially i was thinking of skipping it.. now i can't even absent myself at all as i'd promised some fellas that i'll be there and they can go over and look for me at the party. damn. think it's another drunk night with free drinks i hope. ;D
below, thanks to claire who took the pics for me while preparing the spaghetti (yes, it tasted yummy!) while i played ps2 - basara II.

the X06 event. i was staring at this image for a long time while waiting for clift to finish packing. couldn't find the object that was flashing on it and i was too proud to ask clift. :P
no, my assumptions was that most prolly it was on the ground and tilted up to face the building. common sense no?

the exteriors. i kind of like the outline of the 'dome' shaped tents but i dont really like the inside. especially the exit tent as it was very squeezy.

the very yuky strawberry milkshake i bought from a cafe at the national library beside bras basah.

the very yummy chips that san got for me. it was the big pack w/ seaweed and fresh chips. oooh so yummy.. can imagine the taste in my mouth now as i pretend to take a chip from the packet in the picture and put it inside my mouth. pity, im down with a sore throat, so don't really have the mood to enjoy that taste now. raped 2 kit kats that dr had bought. damn! chocs + 2hours of phone calls makes a very sore throat.

san bought this yet again when she went to 7-11. bought it randomly for me and decided on this because it's cute and im cute too. hehe.
cute image on drink + cute face on a girl = overly cute that you could burst into smilies when ever you see us. hehe. (its crap.)

went for an event on last friday (17.11.06) at Qbar. It was entry for LADIES only with free drinks! YAY!! ok, though i'm not a good drink and can't really appreciate alcohols but it bets having to pay for a drink which is NOT cheap ok?!
dressed up:

simple and nice. ^.^b
reached there and went to a room to put my bag where... i saw hunks inside, HALF-NAKED! wahahahahahahah. beautiful bodies and omg, they are cute! (there's one who's a hot fave among the ladies but i'm not really sure and didnt get to take any pic of that guy as i was too busy doing PR-ing.) anyway, was kinda nervous as it's my first time to an event and because it's free entry (via invitation only i think), GUYs CANNOT enter! so.. alvin passed his task of phototaking to me. T_T
but it was good as it made me walk around talking to the ladies there. got to chat up with some really nice ladies and so far, my experiences with them were quite pleasant as there's not fake-ness within them. i think i was more on a star-hunting mission instead as most of them dressed up and have the star-lookalike face. so i'd always go 'hey! u looked lik xxx star, etc'.
was quite drunk by 9.30pm (which means guys can come into the room) as i was drowning lots of champagne and some red colour shots which reminded me of watermelon drink. it was sweet but definitely not ribena volka! whole event was quite a success and also something which i like and.. unfortunately went wild at. damn. imagine me dancing with my colleagues at the platform and people there were snapping pics away at us. and... worse thing, i DONT KNOW how to dance.. how embarrassing. damn!!
saw marcus yeo (my sec 1 friend) at a coffeeshop. wah he never change at all. still the same. yet to meet up with him as our appointment on tues was cancelled by me.
last monday (20.11.06), john aka jin called me up last min to say that he's in SG and would like to meet up and gave me the most impossible task of rounding up all FR members in FF. as it was too last min, ended up, i was the only one to go and meet him. saw him and his cute friend (who looked lik an italiano), they watched me eat while we chatted alittle here and there. after dinner, we were joined by another of his friend - wellington (of was it welling only?) another friendly guy.
after sitting around and chatting at coffeeclub, i suggested catching a show. only available show which was good was Step Up. it reminded me of the show by Julia Stiles (if i didnt get her name wrong) but i'd prefer Julia's show as i like her acting style more. Step Up's storyline was not that good with predictable scenes and i dont really like the girl in the show. But i love the dancing scenes, again, it's a fusion between ballet and freestyle. the kind where one has classes in school and the other was they dance with the music in their heart or something. OST was good too. Catch it at Cathay, better if you have UOB visa card (debit/credit) as its super cheap!
our big event's coming up and initially i was thinking of skipping it.. now i can't even absent myself at all as i'd promised some fellas that i'll be there and they can go over and look for me at the party. damn. think it's another drunk night with free drinks i hope. ;D
Friday, November 17, 2006
was replying a friend's message last night and suddenly her name popped into my mind! ok, it was just her nickname anyway. still, better than nothing. am unable to put my finger to her name thou.. wonder what was it and whether will i be able to recall it?
overslept and was rushing to shower, change while trying to see which clothes was appropriate and fits best for tonight's event at Qbar. managed to dress simple w/ some accessories. thanks to dajie, who helped me out. by the time i reached paragon for my eyebrow trimming, the heels of my right foot was bruised.. yet again. same place, same size and same amount of pain. it hurts more this time and i cant even walk properly! sigh.. the price to pay for vanity. think i really need to go and get some new pairs of heels and shoes. lik what roy said, better to get now before the gst hike. damn! what can we do but to suck it and deal with it. i wonder, how am i gonna walk about later... gotta bear with it and.. the thought of shower made me grimace.
anyway, back to my eyebrow trimming. went over to wing and i was so surprised that she still remembered me! she was asking 'you came alone this time huh?'. i was lik '!!'. surprised and we chatted alittle while she trimmed my eyebrows. turned out that she was my age and hey hey! we looked the same, forever 18yrs! HAHAHHA.
oh well, shall try to take some pics tonight if possible since i didn't/forgot to charge my camera's battery.
gotta make more friends in the EAST!!!! for easier late night makan kakis.
overslept and was rushing to shower, change while trying to see which clothes was appropriate and fits best for tonight's event at Qbar. managed to dress simple w/ some accessories. thanks to dajie, who helped me out. by the time i reached paragon for my eyebrow trimming, the heels of my right foot was bruised.. yet again. same place, same size and same amount of pain. it hurts more this time and i cant even walk properly! sigh.. the price to pay for vanity. think i really need to go and get some new pairs of heels and shoes. lik what roy said, better to get now before the gst hike. damn! what can we do but to suck it and deal with it. i wonder, how am i gonna walk about later... gotta bear with it and.. the thought of shower made me grimace.
anyway, back to my eyebrow trimming. went over to wing and i was so surprised that she still remembered me! she was asking 'you came alone this time huh?'. i was lik '!!'. surprised and we chatted alittle while she trimmed my eyebrows. turned out that she was my age and hey hey! we looked the same, forever 18yrs! HAHAHHA.
oh well, shall try to take some pics tonight if possible since i didn't/forgot to charge my camera's battery.
gotta make more friends in the EAST!!!! for easier late night makan kakis.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
damn!!!! really gotta blog this. i mean, it doesnt concern anyone but just me but i just wanna put it out here.
went to visit one very very 'long time never been to' webbie and saw the hearts that 2 of my friends had sent me. omg.... they were lik, constantly sending me hearts (its like saying how are you, and you are not forgetten kinda stuff) and i saw 2 messeages in the message box. omg.. there were the message sent by the 2 friends. saw the date and it was..... august 2005!!!! omg!! to think till now, i have not reply them! omg! i felt soooo guilty man! damn!!
went to drop them a mail. waiting for their reply. omg... hahah. am feeling so high now. =P
am really glad to have know them. and.. i was reminded of this girl who left a very deep impression on me.. wonder how is she doing now and whether is she still working at night safari. she loves animals... ^.^
went to visit one very very 'long time never been to' webbie and saw the hearts that 2 of my friends had sent me. omg.... they were lik, constantly sending me hearts (its like saying how are you, and you are not forgetten kinda stuff) and i saw 2 messeages in the message box. omg.. there were the message sent by the 2 friends. saw the date and it was..... august 2005!!!! omg!! to think till now, i have not reply them! omg! i felt soooo guilty man! damn!!
went to drop them a mail. waiting for their reply. omg... hahah. am feeling so high now. =P
am really glad to have know them. and.. i was reminded of this girl who left a very deep impression on me.. wonder how is she doing now and whether is she still working at night safari. she loves animals... ^.^
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
dunno why.. but i realised that im quite not myself lately... its lik.. i dont feel so me.. my mind now always thinking. thinking of ALOT of things. cant stop thinking. felt kinda insecure, no idea why. sometimes i'll think of something and i'll counter it w/ a good logic as it makes sense. yet, that problem just wun go away.
recalled talking to uncle once when we were at this jp restaurant. he said some things which made sense and once via msn which also made sense. sometimes, i wonder whether am i pulling the rope too tight? am trying hard not to, wonder whether am i being over..bearing? overdoing things? think i think too much le but what to do? cant stop thinking about things.
am so not feeling/being myself right now. is something wrong with me? mayb i should go up to the mountain and 'meditate'. come down and gain a level up, come and enlighten people. (ok, that's crazy)
mayb im being selfish. felt like a nub at times.
even have the urge to go buy WoW and play at lan shop 24/7 straight for mayb a week? 'bi men guan hu' i think..
and today, felt superly hungry.. feel lik eating yet dont feel lik eating. went down to buy food. suddenly, felt like cancelling my order. and go on a starve craze. no food for the day. till i meet cat for dinner i guess?
so felt.. no life. thou i have great friends surrounding me, ever ready to help me. what fuk am i thinking?
anyway think im gonna b sick w/ all those snackings i have in my office. woke up this morning w/ a sore throat... -.-"
dun worry too much thou, i'll get myself sort out in no time. mayb i'll juz defrag myself and scan for viruses in my body. i will not... i repeat myself.. WILL NOT reformat myself!!!!!
come, gimme a hug or a kiss~~~
recalled talking to uncle once when we were at this jp restaurant. he said some things which made sense and once via msn which also made sense. sometimes, i wonder whether am i pulling the rope too tight? am trying hard not to, wonder whether am i being over..bearing? overdoing things? think i think too much le but what to do? cant stop thinking about things.
am so not feeling/being myself right now. is something wrong with me? mayb i should go up to the mountain and 'meditate'. come down and gain a level up, come and enlighten people. (ok, that's crazy)
mayb im being selfish. felt like a nub at times.
even have the urge to go buy WoW and play at lan shop 24/7 straight for mayb a week? 'bi men guan hu' i think..
and today, felt superly hungry.. feel lik eating yet dont feel lik eating. went down to buy food. suddenly, felt like cancelling my order. and go on a starve craze. no food for the day. till i meet cat for dinner i guess?
so felt.. no life. thou i have great friends surrounding me, ever ready to help me. what fuk am i thinking?
anyway think im gonna b sick w/ all those snackings i have in my office. woke up this morning w/ a sore throat... -.-"
dun worry too much thou, i'll get myself sort out in no time. mayb i'll juz defrag myself and scan for viruses in my body. i will not... i repeat myself.. WILL NOT reformat myself!!!!!
come, gimme a hug or a kiss~~~
ohhhhh got my specs today. my NEWLY made specs! took a pic but haven upload coz no time.. hahahhaa. i VERY busy de. its a very tough choice when i was presented with three specs. down to two. 1 was the black with full frame (i quite like that as it was very nice, v studious, v 'si wen' you know? STOP sniggering on the last part!) and the other was half frame, red in colour. i quite like red frames as it kinda fits me since my skin was quite fair. so ended up with the red half frame one.
which reminded me... i went over to collect my specs and looked for the same lady - sally who served me. which made me very dulan.. coz i was standing in front of her while she was serving another client (but she was juz cleaning the lens of something for him!) but she practically I G N O R E D me lor! WTF?! totally different attitude when she was serving me the first time lor! if i know better, i WOULDNT have purchase my specs from her! BITCH!
ended up, another lady came over and asked how can she help me. she was very good. (damn that i forgot to ask for her name) she actually helped me to adjust the new specs till it was fit to wear and even helped me clean my OLD specs, adjust and tighten the screw! wah lau, and all along, she was very.. friendly, very motherly type. shit man!
met up w/ claire today for dinner and he treated me the riverside... stall. forgot the name of that stall. it was good and the potion was alright but i cant finish it as usual. managed to catch up on alot of things man! afterwards, went to meet up with san for a show - crank. not bad! for more info, go check out their synopsis. its a many blood show but instead of making it very serious, they made it comical at the same time. quite a nice show and heard from san that the actor acted in transporter 1 & 2. quite 'nai kan' actually and... i love his lips. hahha. the korean (i think) aka the baddie was quite good looking too! san n i quite like him. hahah. very muscular. =P
which reminded me... i went over to collect my specs and looked for the same lady - sally who served me. which made me very dulan.. coz i was standing in front of her while she was serving another client (but she was juz cleaning the lens of something for him!) but she practically I G N O R E D me lor! WTF?! totally different attitude when she was serving me the first time lor! if i know better, i WOULDNT have purchase my specs from her! BITCH!
ended up, another lady came over and asked how can she help me. she was very good. (damn that i forgot to ask for her name) she actually helped me to adjust the new specs till it was fit to wear and even helped me clean my OLD specs, adjust and tighten the screw! wah lau, and all along, she was very.. friendly, very motherly type. shit man!
met up w/ claire today for dinner and he treated me the riverside... stall. forgot the name of that stall. it was good and the potion was alright but i cant finish it as usual. managed to catch up on alot of things man! afterwards, went to meet up with san for a show - crank. not bad! for more info, go check out their synopsis. its a many blood show but instead of making it very serious, they made it comical at the same time. quite a nice show and heard from san that the actor acted in transporter 1 & 2. quite 'nai kan' actually and... i love his lips. hahha. the korean (i think) aka the baddie was quite good looking too! san n i quite like him. hahah. very muscular. =P
Monday, November 13, 2006
thought i'll update alil here.
went to cineleisure at 10am (yea! no kidding!) to see clift present + demoing a new game called Gears of War. there were some people who were members of some organisation called Stomp i suppose. coz a guy was asking whether was i a memebr of that group and when i said no, and pointed at clift after he asked who was i with or something.
anyway, the game was quite impressive and its a third person view game. basically it requires you to use the surrounding barriers (can be the sand barriers, dropped pillars, rusted cars, etc) to protect yourself from the incoming bullets from the locusts aka the mobs or what people will say 'the bad guys'. you will have a choice of 3 weapons to use. (there's one which has the 'chainsaw' where u can run up to the opponents and saw it for instant death which i think was quite popular w/ some players whos playing on the versus game ((which reminded me of counter strike))) The grenade is another thing. you can aim and there'll be a line of fire to show where your grenade will land and the angle, etc so as to ensure your grenade will be fully utlised. the reloading of the gun ammos is another challenge. there'll be a bar below your gun's picture and during reloading, you can choose to reload faster by pressing on the right bottom tab at the white line (you'll know if you see the game) or let it reload by itself which will take a longer time and IT IS CRUCIAL for you to reload fast if there's alot of locusts popping out. oh and you have to stay alive.. yes. coz there's no health pots for you to consume. juz take note of the red logo when you are hit.
ohh, another thing about the game was.. i realised that the AI was hmmm, very good? (sorry, cant think of a good word for it now) dont think just because they were computer controlled so it'll be smooth sailing for you. i thought the AI used on the npcs in f.e.a.r was already quite good.. but GoW proved me wrong. they'll run and hide and sneak up on you from the back and they dont just run or stand there blindly for you to shoot at. hey, to think of it, its almost like those in f.e.a.r man! but.. not as good.
the graphics in the game was good! realistic environments and i kinda like the storyline though it creeps me out alil shivers at the thought of the part where you have to be in a lighted place and you'll be DEATH if you ever leave the light.
dont know how to really put my thoughts into words but i can say one thing, GOOD JOB! you can play w/ another player online or you can play w/ your friend using the spilt screen mode for the campaign (storymode) which is great when you need to get some extra items and need a friend to help you on that. otherwise, it'll be the versus mode.
for more trailers, pics, storys, etc.. go visit this webbie and see bah.
Gears of War - SG
Gears of War - emergence day
sorry.. i like this game (though it freaks me out but.. hehe) so. pardon me for the whole page of that game thingy.
emergence hole! lookout!!
me looks out of the window and saw locusts popping
yikes!! ran over to uncle clifton and jump on him
clift pulls out chainsaw and starts sawing them all
me saw a sniper gun nearby, ran to pick it up while hiding behind barricades.
reload and starts blowing their heads off.
went to cineleisure at 10am (yea! no kidding!) to see clift present + demoing a new game called Gears of War. there were some people who were members of some organisation called Stomp i suppose. coz a guy was asking whether was i a memebr of that group and when i said no, and pointed at clift after he asked who was i with or something.
anyway, the game was quite impressive and its a third person view game. basically it requires you to use the surrounding barriers (can be the sand barriers, dropped pillars, rusted cars, etc) to protect yourself from the incoming bullets from the locusts aka the mobs or what people will say 'the bad guys'. you will have a choice of 3 weapons to use. (there's one which has the 'chainsaw' where u can run up to the opponents and saw it for instant death which i think was quite popular w/ some players whos playing on the versus game ((which reminded me of counter strike))) The grenade is another thing. you can aim and there'll be a line of fire to show where your grenade will land and the angle, etc so as to ensure your grenade will be fully utlised. the reloading of the gun ammos is another challenge. there'll be a bar below your gun's picture and during reloading, you can choose to reload faster by pressing on the right bottom tab at the white line (you'll know if you see the game) or let it reload by itself which will take a longer time and IT IS CRUCIAL for you to reload fast if there's alot of locusts popping out. oh and you have to stay alive.. yes. coz there's no health pots for you to consume. juz take note of the red logo when you are hit.
ohh, another thing about the game was.. i realised that the AI was hmmm, very good? (sorry, cant think of a good word for it now) dont think just because they were computer controlled so it'll be smooth sailing for you. i thought the AI used on the npcs in f.e.a.r was already quite good.. but GoW proved me wrong. they'll run and hide and sneak up on you from the back and they dont just run or stand there blindly for you to shoot at. hey, to think of it, its almost like those in f.e.a.r man! but.. not as good.
the graphics in the game was good! realistic environments and i kinda like the storyline though it creeps me out alil shivers at the thought of the part where you have to be in a lighted place and you'll be DEATH if you ever leave the light.
dont know how to really put my thoughts into words but i can say one thing, GOOD JOB! you can play w/ another player online or you can play w/ your friend using the spilt screen mode for the campaign (storymode) which is great when you need to get some extra items and need a friend to help you on that. otherwise, it'll be the versus mode.
for more trailers, pics, storys, etc.. go visit this webbie and see bah.
Gears of War - SG
Gears of War - emergence day
sorry.. i like this game (though it freaks me out but.. hehe) so. pardon me for the whole page of that game thingy.
emergence hole! lookout!!
me looks out of the window and saw locusts popping
yikes!! ran over to uncle clifton and jump on him
clift pulls out chainsaw and starts sawing them all
me saw a sniper gun nearby, ran to pick it up while hiding behind barricades.
reload and starts blowing their heads off.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Friday, November 10, 2006
bart accidentally broke a bottle yesterday before leaving for msia w/ doc. so san n i cleaned it up. she brought over a plastic bag (the kinda put clothes type) and was commenting on the red dot on the bag.
san: it'll look lik blood if you didnt know what it is
me: *kpo go wipe it and see if its real paint or sth*
-- 'paint' got smudge and i instantly knew wher it came from --
we were looking at each other with big saucer eyes and i think.. i laughed. hahah. well, u have to be there when the whole event happened.
went to do manicure/pedicure today w/ mom. hahahahhaha! it was interesting i shld way. alot of work and i loved being pampered. did french manicure on my hands and.. i think i should have stick to plain transparent polish.. coz in less than a day, some parts got smudge/cut/etc. damn! it was nice though n i love it! haha, no pics thou! u'll have to meet me to see it!
too bad, thought i could have the chance to eat at ECL tonight while meeting uncle.. but.. it was RAINING (not that i hate rain, i LOVE it but..not when im planning to go somewhere where your shoes will get messy and dirty when u walk all over the place).. so decided to change location. feeling kinda hungry now..
san: it'll look lik blood if you didnt know what it is
me: *kpo go wipe it and see if its real paint or sth*
-- 'paint' got smudge and i instantly knew wher it came from --
we were looking at each other with big saucer eyes and i think.. i laughed. hahah. well, u have to be there when the whole event happened.
went to do manicure/pedicure today w/ mom. hahahahhaha! it was interesting i shld way. alot of work and i loved being pampered. did french manicure on my hands and.. i think i should have stick to plain transparent polish.. coz in less than a day, some parts got smudge/cut/etc. damn! it was nice though n i love it! haha, no pics thou! u'll have to meet me to see it!
too bad, thought i could have the chance to eat at ECL tonight while meeting uncle.. but.. it was RAINING (not that i hate rain, i LOVE it but..not when im planning to go somewhere where your shoes will get messy and dirty when u walk all over the place).. so decided to change location. feeling kinda hungry now..
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
yesterday took off at 3pm to go.... SHOPPING! meeting xiaobai at bugis.. from there, we took bus 7 to orchard. bought his crumpler bag (finally. you should see his happy face. damn, should have take a pic then. *starts putting camera in bag for good*) and we walked back to heeren to look for MY clothes. xiaobai was already going low on his energy level as he had woke up early for his driving lessons.
saw... terence lim in heeren after i'd bought my top. he called me the first time, i ignore because i thought it could be somebody calling for their friend and.. i didnt expect to bump onto any of my friends in town. i don't know why but it just seems like everyone except me will bump onto their friends anywhere. it was good seeing him again since poly. he'd grew bigger - muscular but the face still the same. hahaha. tanner now.
our total shopping hours spent was 2hours! bought 2 tops from giordano. i quite like the top as its the plain white one. 1 for S$16, 2 for S$26. what a deal! and another dark red (i guess) top from the shop i bought my brown er.. oriental top from. i love that shop as the clothes they sell are quite oriental.
went to coffeebean to chill out and rest our 'sour' legs and xiaobai's 'sour' eyes while waitg for clift to txt me. sat there for like 2hours plus i guess, then i buay tahan, txt alan to ask if clift's going (as i think he's busy, didnt reply me) to his office and whether can i go over relax first. juz nice, clift called and.... took cab down. dun wan take bus coz very lazy. introduced fiffy and alan to xiaobai.
so.. all was good and nice. hehe. had the wanton mee which i used to eat during ymca days. ok lah.. very filling. =P
saw... terence lim in heeren after i'd bought my top. he called me the first time, i ignore because i thought it could be somebody calling for their friend and.. i didnt expect to bump onto any of my friends in town. i don't know why but it just seems like everyone except me will bump onto their friends anywhere. it was good seeing him again since poly. he'd grew bigger - muscular but the face still the same. hahaha. tanner now.
our total shopping hours spent was 2hours! bought 2 tops from giordano. i quite like the top as its the plain white one. 1 for S$16, 2 for S$26. what a deal! and another dark red (i guess) top from the shop i bought my brown er.. oriental top from. i love that shop as the clothes they sell are quite oriental.
went to coffeebean to chill out and rest our 'sour' legs and xiaobai's 'sour' eyes while waitg for clift to txt me. sat there for like 2hours plus i guess, then i buay tahan, txt alan to ask if clift's going (as i think he's busy, didnt reply me) to his office and whether can i go over relax first. juz nice, clift called and.... took cab down. dun wan take bus coz very lazy. introduced fiffy and alan to xiaobai.
so.. all was good and nice. hehe. had the wanton mee which i used to eat during ymca days. ok lah.. very filling. =P
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
hohoho, cat's bACK!!! yay!!!! didnt know that it'll take 1 week plus to reach SG on a cargo ship.. hmmmm. interesting.
went for late night dinner w/ alan, fify, gale (finally found out d spelling of her name!), jacky and... clift! hehe. thought his dinner will end late with drinking and such, ended up nope!! ate at 'Tian Tian Steamboat', the food and the soup base is not bad. at least.. it's cheaper than coca steamboat.. hehe.
oh well, nothing to add at the moment. meeting xiaobai 3pm at bugis~~~ told boss that i'm leaving early today and he said ok! YAY!
hope to meet clift today, if he can leave earlier like last night but mayb its alittle impossible. hmmm.
added new link under 'Links':Love Airways
went for late night dinner w/ alan, fify, gale (finally found out d spelling of her name!), jacky and... clift! hehe. thought his dinner will end late with drinking and such, ended up nope!! ate at 'Tian Tian Steamboat', the food and the soup base is not bad. at least.. it's cheaper than coca steamboat.. hehe.
oh well, nothing to add at the moment. meeting xiaobai 3pm at bugis~~~ told boss that i'm leaving early today and he said ok! YAY!
hope to meet clift today, if he can leave earlier like last night but mayb its alittle impossible. hmmm.
added new link under 'Links':Love Airways
Monday, November 06, 2006
omg! time passed so fast that its already 6.30pm! to think i still thought it was like.... 4pm? stepped in and time practically flew-ed~*
mayb coz weekends din come in, so monday had alot of things waiting for me to update. which is good, i think i should do that more often. weekends rest and monday - VIOLA~~~* whole bunch of work awaiting for me. hahahah.
oh well, nothing much.. hehe.. except that... clift's back early today.. sigh. why never tell me.. then i could have go and spy on him.. see got ugly bing lang mei w/ him or not. =P
actually, last night while checking on the flights which he would be able to take.. saw one transit and was thinking 'aiya, can skip that one coz its a transit from LA to taipei to Sing'. ended up, he ACUTALLY took that flight back home!!!! wasted but get to see him.. very nice of him to do that for me.. hehe. shouldnt do everytime, to keep that feeling of surprise-ness special. ^.^
d good thing about living so near. and how nice, san juz told me sth.. which i'd actually thought about it before~! feeling very excited about it and cant wait for it to happen. :D
oh! did i mention that san owe me a dinner treat? for guessing an item correctly. HAHAHAHAH!
mayb coz weekends din come in, so monday had alot of things waiting for me to update. which is good, i think i should do that more often. weekends rest and monday - VIOLA~~~* whole bunch of work awaiting for me. hahahah.
oh well, nothing much.. hehe.. except that... clift's back early today.. sigh. why never tell me.. then i could have go and spy on him.. see got ugly bing lang mei w/ him or not. =P
actually, last night while checking on the flights which he would be able to take.. saw one transit and was thinking 'aiya, can skip that one coz its a transit from LA to taipei to Sing'. ended up, he ACUTALLY took that flight back home!!!! wasted but get to see him.. very nice of him to do that for me.. hehe. shouldnt do everytime, to keep that feeling of surprise-ness special. ^.^
d good thing about living so near. and how nice, san juz told me sth.. which i'd actually thought about it before~! feeling very excited about it and cant wait for it to happen. :D
oh! did i mention that san owe me a dinner treat? for guessing an item correctly. HAHAHAHAH!
updates of today first.. managed to edit all the pics including the old ones taken during Mooncake Festival @ the Chinese Garden.
well, i overslept.. 1st day of AV tends to makes one feel very tired. luckily enough for me, my cramp camp in d middle of the night and thankfully, i was well prepared (w/ the night pads n such) so.. juz alil on off sleep pattern and everything went smooth.
took cab over to toa payoh to meet xiaobai, jw w/ ruyi (didnt know aloe vera was called ruyi in mandarin. xiaobai told me de) and annkia w/ yanling. so its lik 3 couples. more like 2 couples + 1 "couple". ya, me n xiaobai play couple (juz kidding. hahah but in the outsider pov, it may look lik it and they'll think, "Good match! both fair fair, 1 tall 1 short. LOL!)
shall skip the food part as by the time 3/4 of the food were served and finished, then i remembered about taking pics of our filling breakfast. ate till 12pm+. so its like our brunch. (breakfast + lunch)
after that, we went to watch Covenant which was ok lah. abit of a crap. juz nice! claire txted me that he'd juz watched that show while i was having my singing session.
so, today was more lik a first time for everything.
1st time for Breakfast at 10am.
1st time for Movie in the daytime. (its lik 120pm show and there's not many people!)
1st time for KTV session.
1st time for 10hrs of staying outside w/ the gang.
(psss: oh, jw n gf left after the show..)
juz nice, after ktv it was lik 8pm. headed off to cuppage for makan and went home as annkia was tired, me too.. cramp was lik a on/off kinda thingy and the more i sit, the more tiring my back felt.

XXXXXXX *chuuuuuu*
there was another pic, funny pic between us but din put it up because it was kinda blurish and its not nice.... hehe. i did photo edit on my nose coz.. there was a BIG pimple there and it doesnt look good.. apart from that, i didnt really do much edition on my face lah. u know right?? haha. me = genuine good hor!!!!

xiaobai said he's like my part time.. coz clift wasnt in sg then he accompany me. hAHAHAH! ok lah, foc mah. (juz kidding) since he's d only who's d most free.. so jio him out lor. cat's still not back yet... claire ah.. forget it bah. w/ his tests and work, i dont think he has much time for me as he need to accompany his gf. and i dun wanna drown myself in work.. mayb jio serge n wife out for makan one day!
juz bought this pair of sandals as my other one was... dying. need to send it to the shoeshop for repair. wasted leh, not even 1yr and the sole popped out le.

the toy that clift got for me from HK. cute huh? love it and abit bu ser de to open the plastic cover....

my chinese garden trip! first time went there... kinda exciting but there's alot of prcs.. sianz 1/2. adrian and claire came along w/ meeeeee.

the entrance

claire n adrian too excited, cant wait to go in..
suggested buying lanterns for us to walk and hold around (muz get into the atmosphere n mood mah). thou adrian was VERY reluctant to carry one around and was FORCED by me to hold one.. so i asked him to strike one angry look w/ his lantern. hehe

d art of er... well, using d lantern.

thanks to our model = claire who did the lanterns for us while i stand there snapping pics and adrian strike pose.
tada!!! our lanterns w/ d owners.. see i so good! bo put the remark on claire. coz he was saying that i'll sure say "CLaire ah, the biggest in size and also d one w/ the biggest lantern!". BUT i didnt put that in the pics!! hehe. i very good hor? =P

some of the decos we saw. we practically walked the whole of Chinese Garden! not bad hor??

saw this very unique "lantern deco" which was made up of plates, saucers, cups, etc..

saw this very 'out of place' stage w/ funny event. most of the people taking part are PRCs i think.

saw this sort of tower lik (there are two in fact! we went to one only thou w/ the better view!)

a very steady adrian strike pose! hahaha. out w/ me too long le, now very smooth when striking pose hor? =P

saw the bridge there and wanted to take it. after numerous nos of failed attempts... we finally capture one .. very decent one.

going down and out.. see.. very winding hor? tell u one secret... claire actually having abit of difficulty going down.. coz the stairs too narrow for him le.. hehehe.

came upon another place, nice de. behind us was the turtle pond. very smelly.

now alot of me in photos hor? coz i made d comment tht i was d photographer mah, so seldom m in d pix.. so they said lor and made me go take pic... =P

nearly finishing our walk... came upon this pond and i tot it'll b cool if they take pic there and dont face d camera. like they are admiring the moon (its full moon i think) and enjoying their poetry chats. (poetry=fake lah.. juz making a statement only... lik those 'gu dai' thingy where they always talk w/ poems kinda thingy?) v steady hor? see, adrian strikes another pose yet again. actually i think he's not pointing anything in particular but juz to make me happy only lah. HAHAHAH. thanks dear. u are the BEST!!! =P

ending and were resting (sort of). saw these few ppl up there sitting lidat.. macham they wanna commit suicide.. but i think they'll fail horribly and ended up w/ broken limbs only.

oh well, thats about it. going to sleep soon..
juz realised some things... and dunno should i be happy or not. mayb in between bah..
im an attention seeker.. so if u pay me more attention, i'll give u more of my attention. some ppl realised that and are making use of that.
how can u not think too much when things juz add up and u'll juz cant help it but to think about it leh?
thanks to jaja, for being concern. ^^
JIAYOU ok? im behind u for your studies!
oh yah!! found out one thing.... xiaobai's hands... ARE SO SMALL!! hahahahha!
well, i overslept.. 1st day of AV tends to makes one feel very tired. luckily enough for me, my cramp camp in d middle of the night and thankfully, i was well prepared (w/ the night pads n such) so.. juz alil on off sleep pattern and everything went smooth.
took cab over to toa payoh to meet xiaobai, jw w/ ruyi (didnt know aloe vera was called ruyi in mandarin. xiaobai told me de) and annkia w/ yanling. so its lik 3 couples. more like 2 couples + 1 "couple". ya, me n xiaobai play couple (juz kidding. hahah but in the outsider pov, it may look lik it and they'll think, "Good match! both fair fair, 1 tall 1 short. LOL!)
shall skip the food part as by the time 3/4 of the food were served and finished, then i remembered about taking pics of our filling breakfast. ate till 12pm+. so its like our brunch. (breakfast + lunch)
after that, we went to watch Covenant which was ok lah. abit of a crap. juz nice! claire txted me that he'd juz watched that show while i was having my singing session.
so, today was more lik a first time for everything.
1st time for Breakfast at 10am.
1st time for Movie in the daytime. (its lik 120pm show and there's not many people!)
1st time for KTV session.
1st time for 10hrs of staying outside w/ the gang.
(psss: oh, jw n gf left after the show..)
juz nice, after ktv it was lik 8pm. headed off to cuppage for makan and went home as annkia was tired, me too.. cramp was lik a on/off kinda thingy and the more i sit, the more tiring my back felt.

XXXXXXX *chuuuuuu*
there was another pic, funny pic between us but din put it up because it was kinda blurish and its not nice.... hehe. i did photo edit on my nose coz.. there was a BIG pimple there and it doesnt look good.. apart from that, i didnt really do much edition on my face lah. u know right?? haha. me = genuine good hor!!!!

xiaobai said he's like my part time.. coz clift wasnt in sg then he accompany me. hAHAHAH! ok lah, foc mah. (juz kidding) since he's d only who's d most free.. so jio him out lor. cat's still not back yet... claire ah.. forget it bah. w/ his tests and work, i dont think he has much time for me as he need to accompany his gf. and i dun wanna drown myself in work.. mayb jio serge n wife out for makan one day!
juz bought this pair of sandals as my other one was... dying. need to send it to the shoeshop for repair. wasted leh, not even 1yr and the sole popped out le.

the toy that clift got for me from HK. cute huh? love it and abit bu ser de to open the plastic cover....

my chinese garden trip! first time went there... kinda exciting but there's alot of prcs.. sianz 1/2. adrian and claire came along w/ meeeeee.

the entrance

claire n adrian too excited, cant wait to go in..
suggested buying lanterns for us to walk and hold around (muz get into the atmosphere n mood mah). thou adrian was VERY reluctant to carry one around and was FORCED by me to hold one.. so i asked him to strike one angry look w/ his lantern. hehe

d art of er... well, using d lantern.

thanks to our model = claire who did the lanterns for us while i stand there snapping pics and adrian strike pose.
tada!!! our lanterns w/ d owners.. see i so good! bo put the remark on claire. coz he was saying that i'll sure say "CLaire ah, the biggest in size and also d one w/ the biggest lantern!". BUT i didnt put that in the pics!! hehe. i very good hor? =P

some of the decos we saw. we practically walked the whole of Chinese Garden! not bad hor??

saw this very unique "lantern deco" which was made up of plates, saucers, cups, etc..

saw this very 'out of place' stage w/ funny event. most of the people taking part are PRCs i think.

saw this sort of tower lik (there are two in fact! we went to one only thou w/ the better view!)

a very steady adrian strike pose! hahaha. out w/ me too long le, now very smooth when striking pose hor? =P

saw the bridge there and wanted to take it. after numerous nos of failed attempts... we finally capture one .. very decent one.

going down and out.. see.. very winding hor? tell u one secret... claire actually having abit of difficulty going down.. coz the stairs too narrow for him le.. hehehe.

came upon another place, nice de. behind us was the turtle pond. very smelly.

now alot of me in photos hor? coz i made d comment tht i was d photographer mah, so seldom m in d pix.. so they said lor and made me go take pic... =P

nearly finishing our walk... came upon this pond and i tot it'll b cool if they take pic there and dont face d camera. like they are admiring the moon (its full moon i think) and enjoying their poetry chats. (poetry=fake lah.. juz making a statement only... lik those 'gu dai' thingy where they always talk w/ poems kinda thingy?) v steady hor? see, adrian strikes another pose yet again. actually i think he's not pointing anything in particular but juz to make me happy only lah. HAHAHAH. thanks dear. u are the BEST!!! =P

ending and were resting (sort of). saw these few ppl up there sitting lidat.. macham they wanna commit suicide.. but i think they'll fail horribly and ended up w/ broken limbs only.

oh well, thats about it. going to sleep soon..
juz realised some things... and dunno should i be happy or not. mayb in between bah..
im an attention seeker.. so if u pay me more attention, i'll give u more of my attention. some ppl realised that and are making use of that.
how can u not think too much when things juz add up and u'll juz cant help it but to think about it leh?
thanks to jaja, for being concern. ^^
JIAYOU ok? im behind u for your studies!
oh yah!! found out one thing.... xiaobai's hands... ARE SO SMALL!! hahahahha!
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