i'd forgotten wot i'd wrote for WCG Saturday. anyway, there was cosplay on that day. did i mention that the area was smaller than last yr's coz this yr's its only AC (aka Asian Championship). participating countries were:
- Australia
- China
- Indonesia
- India
- Malaysia
- New Zealand
- Phllippines
- Singapore
- Thailand
- Vietnam
yep, if you'd noticed, there's no JP nor KR.
hmm, the atmosphere wasnt the same as last yr and there were lesser booths? not really sure but coz well, its AC only here. but nevertheless, i'm still going there to abosrb the WCG's event(?). hur hur hur. the crowd was lesser this time and they implement a skateboarding event/competition. dont ask me, coz i wasnt really interested in that kinda stuffs. yep, my attention was all fixed onto the gamers. yes yes, though i missed quite a nos of matches. mayb coz my canadian guy wasnt playing, so im not really interested in cs.. =P
jaja and i were there early, ok, jaja was the earliest followed by me then tai tai. i cant really recalled wot did we do, but i know we spent the MOST time at the xbox section playing the game and yes, im hooked onto the game 'PING PONG'.
since there's only the 2 of us till our tai tai arrives, i took pics of... hur hur.

jaja kena bullied by young kids on DoA. LOL! ok lah, he not bad, at least thrash once w/ full hp.

jaja on PGR.

cosplay. dont ask me for the role they were taking coz idk.. lol. if you know, kindly tell me so i can add in here. the girl w/ the mask, yes, if you find her familar, she took part in the cosplay competition @ cineleisure the week before. v steady, asked her for a pic, she n her friend 'bai pose' liao. *thumbs up* think she's an old hand at this stuffs.

superheroes - batman + spiderman. where's superman? (i wonder, who dare to wear their briefs outside..)

two hosts. killbill on the left and the right.. i have no idea again.

thats sora from Kingdom Hearts i presume..

legend of zelda?

prince of tennis (obviously)

Guilty Gear - Bridget (fyi, this character was a GUY in game.)

one of star treks'?

another star trek. yes.. she's quite erm, old.. very steady hor? ^^

no.. your eyes aint playing tricks on you. THAT is the pink power ranger..

mortal combat

naruto's. well, i did saw sasuke but i guess he din take part? oh, and there was supposed to be kakashi too. perhaps he's too into his porn magazine that he forgot about the competition. =


spidey. perhaps his er.. wots the girl's name? shld come along w/ him too.

Tifa of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children

James Bond 007
hmmm, after the cosplay, met up w/ clift awhile. tried the banana chips today (TODAY!) and it was yummylicious!!! lol. ya.. was thinkg, "lucky he din buy d black one.. coz this one tasted good too. honey coated. yum yum!". oh.. and wot happened to the tee shirt huh? abit 'bu ser de' wash.. scare wait helper wash spoil... ^^;
oh, it was very handy sia! lol. we went to catch this show 'Tokyo Drift' and the cinema was BLOODY COLD! then remembered the long sleeve top, flop it over my arms. sigh.. regretted wearing sandals.. shld have wear a covered shoe. my feet were freezing man! dunno y they on the air con till so cold.. FREE HUH? LOL and there was this guy, who cant seemed to speak softly.. talk so loud and there was someone ( i think a friend) who kept hushing him. HAHAHAH! idiot. wish i could throw my green peas at him.

our drinks. i ordered.. er.. mocktail i think. cranberry mixed w/ xxxx. lol, cant remember le. jaja n claire shared one drink coz it was BIG FISH xxxx. they ran out of glasses and had to split the drink into 2 glasses. imagine lah, half of that drink was the same as my 1 mocktail liao. heng i din insist on having big fish otherwise.. *looks at claire aka my dustbin*. LOL! cant even finish my NY Fish n chips (oh, all 3 of us ordered the same.. LOL!) and gotta ask claire to fin some of my fries. haha.
juz nice, we had to walk over to the spot claire went on friday. kinda, digest the food lah.

on the bridge, crossing over to the other side, juz in front of the fireworks display. claire felt that the scenery was rather nice, so.. snap snap snap. edited this pic. fyi, we din take 3 together. yep, spent alot of effort on this pic. nice huh? got the idea while looking at rena's pix.
psst: jaja, if u want it, lemme know. i'll email it to u.
okies.. tmr then i update the 2nd batch - sunday's closing ceremony.
sigh.. so J E A L O U S!!!!!
clift's now in macau enjoying himself!!!! wah lau.. dont overdo leh.. hur hur. think i muz pressure jw into organising a trip liao!!
forgot.. to describe my fireworks on sat!!!
lol... i muz say.. FRANCE's THE BEST! its.... SO BEAUTIFUL!! omg. i really dont know what to say.. its sth that u cant put into words and the view i had there was superb. im seeing everything firsthand. its like the sky's my screen and they were playing the fireworks for me to see. could almost feel that its raining on me, there right in front of my eyes. stars showers.. *.*
and the finale.. it was perfect! it juz went on and on and on, kept popping! and it sorta covered the whole sky. my jaw practically went down lor. its something that i will NEVER EVER FORGET! its too beautiful and im glad that i didnt miss that show.. sigh.. juz so memorable. imagine u were the only person there w/ your loved one watching such beautiful scene.. how romantic eh? lol. oh! and perhaps you can use that chance to propose to your missus! haha. she'll be so touched! i think, it'll be the most memorable proposal... ^.^vv
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