thanks vivi, lil, oke, claire, pretty boy, Mr G and uncle. ^^
but abit angry w/ uncle coz asked him come down take pics, ended up, he was the 'photographer'. sigh, so ended up short of 1 person in pics....
so sian.. feel lik going out today, clift had this local show to watch but i scare later go out halfway, my auntie suddenly come visit.. i really no mood lor. should i take the risk or shouldnt i?
well, here are some pics i took while i was waiting for my boss in his car. ^^

lol and this was one funny sight, it was taken somewher else. where i was w/ dad. we went to lucky plaza coz he wanted to change $$. before that, i'd saw the guy's foot sticking out when dad was parking his car. then lazy to take out my camera but that thought kept tugging my mind so later when we return to his car, i asked dad to drive slowly past that car. while he was at it, i quickly took a snapshot. hhahaha. dad was LOL-ing all the way. coz when i made that strange request, he went O.O and asked 'Are you really gonna take pic of that?!'. me nodded and said 'ya! coz very funny and ima gonna post up on the net!'. dad went LOL-ing till we are home.. lol. before that, that fella was reading his newspaper, when we return, he was sleeping. so dangerous. not scare some ppl come rob him meh?

oh well, i cant wait for next week!!!! WHOLE WEEK FULL OF LINEUPS OF PROGRAMMES!!!!!! YAY YAY YAY!!!! and not forgetting my WCG!!!!!!!!!!!
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