08.08.06 Tuesday EVE of national bday. went to catch 'The Lakehouse' w/ claire @ the cathay. not going much into the details, lets juz say, we met quite late and went to watch the fireworks first. it was rather crowded and claire, my 'portable camera tripod' helped me to take quite a nos of pics coz im too short. and there was this IRRITATING *FUGLY* GIRL who kept slapping my hands/face w/ her stupid frikking dry and ROUGH hair. really lor, see her hair is enough to gimme shivers. i think mine's not that jialat.. *looked at hair worryingly* and dunno she applied wot to her hair that made it felt to rough and dry. yuk! and heng she applied makeup on her face, coz her complexion is not that good and she still dont look pretty to me. anyway... back to the amazing fireworks.
thanks claire, for jioing me go watch. coz it was AWESOME!! i dont know wots the theme for that night but after chatting w/ jaja last night (9/8), then i realised that they were celebrating the bdays together(?). didnt really remember wot he said.. lol. ya, i STM. oh, and that its kinda lik a fireworks competition? planning to watch this sat's coz jaja said it'll be from france and there'll be lotsa effects. so... ima gonna catch it after WCG!
took lotsa pics but decided not to post it up coz its quite blurry. mayb when i watch fri's then i'll take a video of it. ^^v
after that, went for dinner at waraku. hehe, princess came to find us to say hi hi. took some pics and left. damn cute, could have pinch her cheeks but better spare the poor girl. after dinner, we walked all the way from marina square to the cathay. the show ok lah... perhaps coz i more or less know the storyline liao, so was rather.. restless, as wot claire put it. oh and again, idiot couple behind, talked all the way and couldnt keep their volumes down! wah piang! i pity the people sitting beside that irritating couple..
went to papajoe (if im not wrong) after the show, for a drink and to chat.

09.08.06 Wednesday went to kc's house. went over late, took cab over from yishun mrt. uncle and i lost lol.. cant find his blk.. after running around abit, FINALLY found it! lol. went wrong elevator, u-turn and went over to another one. haha. reached and.... saw alot of pairs of shoes! lol. shocked. no, surprise but more or less know he'll invite some of his friends along. saw the pics that thomas edited, wah, quite nice leh. aiyo, his photoshop skills better than mine sia.
slack around alil while some were playing mahjong and some watching dvds. around 4pm, i went to the kitchen to help.. hehe, yep. COOKING!! ok, i didnt cook. i only helped candy jie and dasao prepare the ingredients. it was fun lor and i really love cooking. but ya, scare of the popping oil.. lol. i was lik wow.. really admire candy jie, coz she can really cook lor. dont see her face blur blur de but actually, hur hur..
wanted to take pics, but hands too dirty and busy, plus candy jie said dont wan take pics.. coz all looked v untidy. hehe. better make her happy ar bo later she say 'NO FOOD FOR U!'. T_T
tried vodka 42, it tasted/smelt lik medicine... >.<
and kc taught me the art of appreciating wine. ya, so now i more or less know abit liao. hehehehe. dont play play wor! tried ice wine (i brought over a bottle to try), it was slightly sweet, sweeter than norm.
hur hur, thomas, janice and bryan all missed the good food we'd prepared last night. hey hey, also me taking part in preparing the food too. OH YAH!!! forgot to take pics of it... =
time flies... so fast, it was 11pm liao. took some pics before we leave together.

candy jie, da sao and me! notice the doggy pillows? im holding the smallest, candyjie's 2nd and dasao's the biggest! lol.

dasao + dage

kc + candy jie

see dage's evil grin when he did that on my head..

why the sign '3' huh? coz dasao was saying in cantonese, 'yup, yi, SAN'! lol, so i juz say SAN w/ that lor. aiya its crap but it was fun lah. lol.
and.. lastly, all 'WAVE' to thomas! lol. ok, me not inside coz i taking pic. hehe.

it was fun.. but time really flew too fast..
oh yah! wot did we prepare? there were ALOT of chickens. lol.
fried chicken, chicken curry, fried beehoon (non spicy), fried beehoon w/ spicy pork meat and honeydew sago (sugar-free. hehe). seemed v lil right? but it was alot lor, cant finished all of them..
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