earlier in d morning went to uncle david's house for family gathering. saw my baby nephew!! wow, he'd grown bigger liao. so cute.. esp when he's sleeping. sigh. xin fu de xiao bao bao.
dad dropped me n dajie @ suntec. went over to look for claire, while on the way up in the elevator, there's an uncle who suddenly asked me whether was it the last day today. i said ya. and from there, we chatted alil abit wcg as i think its his first time there. haha.
it was the last match and ending soon by the time i reached and it was SG vs THAILAND. quite an exciting match though i have yet to touch dota so dont really have much of an idea how it goes but saw d game before. quite an exciting one and YES! SG WON!!!! lol. there was a prize winning ceremony, oh! before that, while waiting for the vips to arrive, there was a short competition for NFS held by xbox and the winner get to walk away with the limited xxx. dont really remember what was it liao lol. but i know they both had this silver box from xbox. went there w/ empty hands, went home full of goodies. feel so lik ambushing them and steal it. lol.
introducing and getting the vips to give a short talk. namely the guy from MDA, Samsung and dunno where le. ^^;
took some pics while waiting for the closing ceremony to start.. apparently starwars dispatched some of their reinforcements to kidnap pretty girls away. hur hur. so yep, u guessed it. im now in their spaceship. *crap* HAHAHAHAH!

dont kill me!!!

claire w/ darth vader. my take w/ him was rather blurred... sad ah. think its about time to invest in a new camera le? though i still prefer my canon. canon new cameras have the anti-shake function not? =

dunno its juz me or wot, but from afar, it looked lik its taken out from an NA comics. edited by me again. some simple stuffies. oh the guy.. he wasnt really the mascot for the box thingy. lol. so dont misunderstood ok?

the whole cosplay. mostly from starwars. box mascot i heard was from some magazines? the ones in red, i have no idea where from.

an unknown team. m embarrassed to say, that initially i thought they were d winners from dota... coz i heard the interviewer asking them to describe the feeling after thrashing thailand.. haha! and at that time, SG was playing against thai! oh well, i love their jacket, can i have it? ^^; am gonna find out which team was this.. coz i was unable to find it through wcg itself. they update rather slow. too slow in fact. perhaps they should consider hiring me? keke. i update on the dot de. =P
well, after the cosplay thingy, we went back in and watch the closing ceremony. they introduced MONZA, ITALY! sigh, i WANNA GO THERE!
my goal for 2007 - save up $$ for WCG 2007! hur hur hur! interested? start saving up bah. go w/ meeeEE!!

claire acting cool...

1st n 3rd winning teams from SG for dota.

champions get to wear that jacket.. cool hor? shiok hor? i wish im wearg that too..

SG was the winning country for AC. YAY!
its kinda sad and disappointg when the em cee was trying to 'hint' us to shout out our country when she said 'the winning country for Asian Championship ...'. not exact words lah and she dropped huge hints that its SG lor. yet, no one shouted that out and she gotta say it. i wanted to shout too but i think i gotta brush up on my 'thick skinness' first.
i thought the friends of the dancing competitors will helped to cheer or something, ended up they went diam diam. -.-"
WHY? at least show some supports mah. it was even worse when they announced that aus won 1st in a game, their small nos of players cheered loudly. u can even see the BIG DIFF lor. no one there was that enthu. WHY?

team zenith. all 17s and 1 20s. juz bought playworks today and so nice, saw their interview. haha. was rather shocked to see that they were THAT young lor. hahaha. ok lah, shy, can understand liao. but at least they were alot better than the other group.

insincere group? shy? idk, but at least look at the camera mah. doh. representing SG to play in WCG @ italy leh! come on man! smile mah! if its me, i'll b beaming so brightly that u'll need a sunglasses to cover my shine. and their handshake were even worse! i tried to congraz them and i can tell u, at that point, i wished i could have juz shake hands w/ a fish. at least it'll jump. they juz stuck it out lidat, no hint of insincerity lor!

this fella even worse. asked me this Q when i asked to take a pic w/ him. "why u wanna take pic w/ me?". i was at loss of words and my MAIN motive was because he's an SG player! ended up saying sth lame - coz u won right?
doh... and he stood so far from me (ok, give him some credits. mayb he's shy. never see him before last yr anyway) that i nearly tot i'll b d only one appearing in the pic, ended up, heng he was in there too. claire also mentioned that he stood SO FAR lor.

babes for intel unleashed.

MY most memorable day.. coz I GET TO HOLD THE TROPHY! haha. jealous? i was soooo nervous that i'll drop it and quickly throw it back to him. kinda regret lah. haaha. happy leh. and mayb coz of his experiences, that he was an 'old hand' at this, so overall, i find him the friendliest lor. smile in pic, warm handshake and patient (thanks to claire's shaky hands lol).
so fast that it ended, now im feeling abit of loss when wcg AC ended.. its lik back to last yr.. feelg that 'moodiness' again. sigh.. >.>
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