juz for lil darling ^^b
Nightmare Escape
the game i told u about heh but its no nightmare and most people were stucked at the part where your screw broke. (hint ^^)
not bad a game and really test you man! need help? juz ask heh. oh, this require u to read carefully and be observant too!
went to meet viVI (heh, ur new nickname~!) at AMK! (sigh.. make a CHIOBU go all the way from East to North! =P ok, j/k lah. long distance dont kill me! but if you are still feeling bad.. heh. be my Nihongo Sensei then! really bai ni wei shi ah... *.* )
well, worked OT and ended up.. i was late and he waited for me for like.. nearly 1/2hr nia. so paiseh, first time meeting lidat.. hahah. anyway, he's famish, i was too! >.<
he was recommending some places halfway and i said "MOS Burger!" lol. actually.. i already planned to eat that though WHY do i still ask you where to makan (eat).. i dont know why hahaha.. i know you wish to strangle me now viVI but.. muawhahahha.. remember, i holds your secret! keke. anyway i guess its just a habit lah. to ask. hahah.
makan there while chatting (so paiseh... but that's how i eat.. >.> all the sauces came out, all over my mouth. that's usually for Mac Chicken burger and Mos' Teriyaki Burger... ^^; MY mouth small.. what to do. *shrugs* keke.. reminded me of.. LIL's... wrapped.. hehe.. bet you remember now ya Master Lil... hehe. gosh.. im LOL-ing now.. at that memory)
oh then we practically walked all around AMK Central while chatting.. mostly on xxx hahah. CANNOT TELL! (VIVI! YOUR LIPS ARE SEAL TOO K!) and i brought my LIMITED EDITION OF ADVENT CHILDREN! YAY!!! which.. i wanna KILL DADROBE! idiot! bluff me.. wanna sell for 200 bucks! eat SHIT LAH U! wanna rip me off.. YOU TAI TAI LEH! still wanna rob me.. this poor CHIOBU! kao. my eyes nearly POP OUT when i saw the HUGE price difference! 29.90 for that SAME dvd you offering me.. bet that time you WERE LMFAO ALL THE WAY RIGHT?! kao! dun trust u liao. idiot.
i WISH i can have vivi's JP's file nia... then i wun be struggling now. >.<
even have to refer to my online dictionary => lil on translations.. lol... bo bian. you are my PA! remember that girl! hehe
anyway, after that, vivi brought me to a shop that he's familar with, to check the price of psp.. which he bought le... sigh. dunno to buy or not.
then... we settled down at the macdonalds there (24hrs leh. no wonder so many people there) while he tell me the history of .... and we practically exchanged ghost stories lol. i still remember the dbl decker bed.. lol!
finally... took PICS and i hopped into a cab heading for home. VIVI! remember huh.. 2nd treat from u.. heheh... J/K!!
well, TO ALL GIRLS! SELLING VIVI. LImited stock and time only! Hurry! no Discount! Fixed Price only! SMS me for more details.. lik his mobile number.

viVI's for SALE!
Description: Though im not that close to him, BUT can see that he's not bad nia! i mean, non pretentious, very gentlemanly (opens and hold out doors for girls. WHERE CAN U SEE THAT NOWADAYS?! except for some minorities.. *which dajie gonna scream and point at Mr Gan. "HERE HERE! SEE THAT?!" - confirm + chop de.*
back to bazaar >> he can talk alot, laughs easily and really can make time FLIES. enjoyable but oi! dun keep smsing ley. got CHIOBU in front of u still sms ppl... kao. -.-"
for more info, please contact me at the above email add OR ask your friends who know me to contact me. heh.

so act cute.. -.-"
notice the 2 pics .. got that V sign? sigh... how old liao? heh. nxt time jio you out play, we take more pics! hopefully my hair grow longer then... >.<
abit too short.. not so CHIO... haiz..

The contact lenses that i was telling you guys about!
Go check it out ok?
Well, i'd tried it for lik.. going to be a month. at first, you'll feel kinda uncomfortable with it but after the 3rd ~ 4th use with it, you'll feel like.. you are not wearing any lenses at all! best part is... when i used it till midnight, i nearly forgot that i was still wearing my contact lenses if not for the sharp images...
Worth the buy esp for those who's working in front of the computer or clubbing till late nights. even in taxis, with high air con, you'll feel little dryness which is the same experience you'll feel without lenses (naked eye). which is alright, just blink a few times or yawn to bring some tears to your eyes will do.
Cool huh? it cost about 100+ for half a year's supply if i'm not wrong. kindly correct me if im wrong.
went to do my red mage's AF (artifact) for both leggings (only need to open coffer chest) and my body (kill mobs for key drops and find coffer chest). kinda cool and luckily one of the guy in the party asked to open the gate behind us and being the always itchy hand one, lil went to tab around and FOUNDED MY COFFER CHEST! so.. who says itchy hands are bad? heh. felt so lucky because i have lucky stars around me~! woot!! cant wait to finish lil's last item and lvl till 60! heh.
oh yah.. which i muz apologise to lil. >.<
gomen ne! today ended up didnt do yours... TOMORROW i'll definitely help you de! thou.. only at night.. sigh.. muz work.. haiz..........
so.. to sum all up. my character was nearly completed except for her hat >> lvl 60. (her current lvl is 58).
and.. another good news is that.... viVI's gonna make me something for my bday gift! woo!!!!
heh.. wonder what's lil gonna gimme this time. =P
very thick skin hor? skalli people dont intend to give me but after seeing this.... heh..
say i'm kiasu or what.. but i'd already planned on what to get for lil's bday.. though its still far. *cant disclose. muz protect her privacy!!! she's already half naked in my blog!! lol*
actually have had alot of thoughts running through my head last night.. but well, as usual.. all fled before i have the chance to put it down here. and ya.. im very talkative. dajie knew when i cant stop shooting my mouth off. ^^;
*edited - addition*
was showing mei's the injuries i had newly acquired today. was hammering some nails and *biong!* hit my thumb... could see blood forming INSIDE.. so had to wash and clean and poke a hole in my already swelling er.. flash. remove blood, put plaster over it. later.. 4th finger in same RIGHT hand got cut... -.-"
seems like im leaking out blood before the time of the month! haiz.. my precious blood.. wasted.
then.. left hand.. also suffered some scratches, small cuts and burns (from heated metals while doing coring (?)
mei was like.. 'OI! Becareful lah!!'
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