*now listening to the 2 new tracks that.. my nice songs kaki -ED- had sent me er.. days back? dont remember. thanks man. it helped to perk me up.. alil for now.. to fin my blogging.. oh. the 2 songs are nice! wasnt able to really listen to it that night.. coz i was bz uploading photos.. >.>*
felt that.. that little spoiler which alson spent lik.. 20bucks? on wasnt worth it at all.. dont go well with his car and... it looked so extra and U G L Y. =P
told him when he showed me.. he went.. -.-"
then.. that matthew.... was having drinking my water and readg matt's sms at the same time... i nearly spit out the liquid in my mouth! because of what he wrote... >.<
when did you learn to be so.. zuai huh?? lol.
and 2nd time.. i was having my barley... eating happily and again.. reading his sms (i checked smses while takg break.. save time) this time.. ya.. choked on my barley.. luckily it didnt spray all over my desk otherwise... i'll have ask him to come over and CLEAN UP my desk!!!
realised that SG drivers are quite.. impatient?
aiya.. found it too troublesome to type out in words.. so deleted the first paragraph. if you'd travelled to msia before.. u'll see the diff. they dun honk at you. they give way if they were in the 'fast' lane and you were behind them and their speed were obviously slower than yours..
some taxi which i'd rode in.. some uncles were like that. honk and muttered something or juz say it out loud. some, juz let it be. giving way, not honkg, etc. more like.. they felt that there's no point getting angry and honk at people. *nods head and humm to 'that's the way uh huh uh huh...'*
while on the way to work... saw this dead FLATTENED crow on the 3rd lane of the expressway nia. dad saw and swerved left abit to avoid hmm.. going through it?
that.. reminded me of a dead cat i saw while i was on my way to school last time.. dont remember whether i got post it here.....
anyway..... now im too tired and dehydrated to type out the details.. shall save it for next time...
oh did i mention that this is gonna be a long post? sigh... many thoughts, no time to post it...
so one shot.. BOOM! here.
was thinking of this ... I NEED A LIFE!!! suddenly and wanted to go out everyday.. lik last time.. till late!
friends kinda sensed my thoughts (muz be my psyhic powers are too POWERFUL!!!) and suddenly... i have lik smses from friends asking, "hey! when are you free to meet up?" hehe... but.. no $$ how to enjoy oneself?
anyway, after my this pjt ends, i'm gonna ask serge out (i'm sorry.. our preplanned meeting gotta put on hold again...), matt, alson, bian bian NAN!!! and alot sia... oh and not forgetting my date with my cousins on next sat... for Da Vinci Code... lucikly i didnt forget...
eyes pain.... >.<
but muz continue! die die muz complete my blog!!!!!!!
oh in case those who were wondering.. what the hell was and AM i busy with..
recently take on this major project (lasting for at least a month ok) and the whole process was quite tedious.. sigh...
so have been staying back late at work.. till at least 7pm.
im doing SERIOUS WORK ok!! not SLEEPING! >.<
friends always ask me this Q: what are you doing now? sleeping ah?
WAH LAU!!!!! where did they get this idea sia....
its no ez task ok?! so was joking with my friends that im gonna have muscles on my arms and legs soon and the guys will run away at the sight of it..
so.. vivi's kinda lucky that HE get to see my cute face before i get serious and work late...
and... skipped my jp's classes.. NO NO NO NO!!!!! bet im lagging badly behind.. how to take my jlpt4 nia... HOWWW?!
lil juz asked whether i wanna continue my jp... juz told her that im not sure.. most prolly not? sigh.. i dont know. no motivation to continue my jp. learnt till so long, i still cant even form a simple sentence. no confidence to speak out loud or even use it.. because it'll be broken for sure.. i think, more of english than jp words in my sentence lor...
haiz, lil, i know u tryin to encourage me.. but lemme think first ok? im v tired to think about that for now.. wait till my project is over then i'll slowly think. ^^
dreamt of chris dearest on friday.. sigh.. i really missed him man... cant go to his house to play anymore coz.. he'll be w his gf - er ren shi jie -. i dont know how to translate to eng...
and.. to think he'll b missing my bday this yr... >.<
so so so disappointed and sad now...
which also reminded me.. of another dearest friend... slept with a tear that friday night. his anniversary.. less than 6 days to go...
what can i do? i dont even know where the hell is he at! how to go pay my respect for him?
okies! finally.. for the main reason why i cant wait to post my entry!
wednesday 17.05.06 went off early because we were gonna celebrate JIAWEIIIII's bday! while on my way out, i called hairul coz i didnt answer his call earlier... and he sent me an sms to scold me.. >.>
ok.. not scold me but to make me feel guilty!!! evil hairul!
wahah, his voice still the same but can sense that he'd changed alil.. more matured now? ^^
but still as naughty as ever.. tsk tsk.
he asked when are we meeting up.. for a dATE! hehe.. and have the cheek to ask me to blangja... which reminded me of amir.. coz he asked me to TREAT HIM TOO!!!! idiots!!!!! YOU guys earning.. ok.. hairul earning MORE than me still ask me blangja?! ho ho.. anyway he -hairul- is gonna treat me!! shhh. =P
went to buy gift for jiawei first. kinda last min but... no time to really shop BUT i know what to get for him le... HE HAD BETTER USE IT! because it smelt so.. nice!!!! gonna get HUGO BOSS' perfumes for future friends' bdays!!!! hehe.. v nice sia.. and i was having a hard time choosing. ok. it went lik this. *breakdown and be longwinded*
i was the first to reach city hall .. of coz.. to buy gift. we had arranged to meet at 1930hr at city hall mrt station. annkia was on his way over from loyang to meet me first..
first stop i went to was the hugo boss counter in robinson at raffles city. the guy.. er what's his name? ken chan? ken.. xx? forgot.. gosh!!! -go look for him *he had a dark complexion* coz he's very helpful-
he gave me 2 samples and i was lik.. omg.. which one to choose? coz both smelt v nice. 1 was light, d other was toxifying... lol. kidding. d other was stronger. he said that its for sporty person. i told him i'll go think about it first... and next stop.. saw armani, and remembered the new perfume *code black* (er.. was it? it was black somthing or code something i guess). the lady.. (after dajie told me.. that mayb it wasnt armani's salesperson then i remembered her tag put her under ralph lauren) was alright but not too helpful. dajie said normally they wun offer much because they are from another counter and why help when they aint the ones earning the commission?
so.. i decided to skip armani and headed back to hugo and... again... and tried other perfumes and... giong giddy because.. all smelt too wonderful!!!
ended up.. i decided on the er.. i dont know whats that called but the rest saw the gift and liked the smell and the bday boy love the smell.. so... hahah...
bought it and headed up to mph. thought it was times and told annkia the latter. he said he was at haagen daz but cant find times.. i was lik.. er.. then he said.. it was MPH is it? i looked at.. dont know what and said.. er.. ya. hahah. =P
we went to find a bday card to contain the 3 of them - bel, annkia and xiaobai coz.. i bought mine first le.... and wrote it and sealed it... >.<
anyway, soemthing hilarious happened in THAT card but i cant tell... hahha. private joke?
met up with the rest and headed to.. MARINA SQUARE! for wakalu? waraku? waralu? er.. the restaurant there with name that sound similar to it. as you can see in the pics.. the servings were VERY big!!! i was lik.. how am i gonna fin the food and jiawei was saying we can help you finish it.. hahahha... ended up, we ordered more than we can finish and the poor guys.. they gotta force themselves to fin the food. hehehhe.. hahhahaha.. being a girl is such a.. YOU DAI!
teased annkia with a girl called angeline lee. *apologies to angeline lee. dont mean to er.. make fun of you? disrespect you? well.. i like you. ^^ nice mouth and pretty.*
i was practically 'shoot' by all three of them.. luckily i was not in the mood to go fight.. ar bo.. i wun let you win me easily ah!!! hahahah.. i said 1 sentence, all 3 of them shoot back at me.. >.>
then we were talking about chopsticks, the correct way of holding it (shit.. should have take a pic of it..) and then.. who was saying this
IF you hold your chopsticks closer to the end (where your food was at), your partner will be very close to you. as in, in the same country?
IF you hold your chopsticks closer to the upper end (where its the opposite of where your hold your food), your partner will be very far from you. as in.. your partner will be from overseas? some other country?
-hope i didnt get it wrong.. please correct me-
me? well.. i hold my chopstick closer to the far end. to where if you go further, u'll drop your chopsticks. yep.. as high as possible. so... does it mean my partner will be v far from me? hahah.. i dont know. since i didnt really get to travel overseas...
(skipped all parts)
after dinner, we went to the arcade. me and jiawei played... HOUSE OF THE DEAD 4!
with only 20bucks... we managed to get to the building part!! WOOHOOOOO!!!
okies.. jiawei helped me on most parts... ^.^;
first time sia and it was fun!!! gonna try again with.. JIAWEI! keke...
after that, we went to find annkia in the bowling alley juz opposite the arcade and after his final round, we took a last pic in suntec (gosh.. my face damn fat.. coz.. camera was.. yea. in my hand.... ugh. wanted to retake.. but the guys protest.. said they wanna go home sleep. WAH LIEW!!!!).
oh.. was feeling damn pissed off the whole day.. and poor alson.. he was lik.. dun angry le lah.. but one thing he told me was true. at least now i know lor. that what kind of character that person is/was. but what to do. i cant stay angry with that person for long de...
i was feeling so pissed that i wanted to go to.. my fave place - jurong hill. dunno why but it had this calming effect on me.. sigh. too bad, i was out meetg my dearest friends/buddies and he happened to have duty.
and.. xiaobai's bus came.. his hug ... took away some of the anger and i was feeling slightly.. happier? yea.. if chris was in sg.. his hug will take away another half of what was stored in me..
enjoy the pics + comments bah. ^^

the bday boy with his gift ^^v

opened and... THAT PERFUME was supposed to be the STAR!!! not .. not.. the .... 3 guys.....

ooooo.. i LOVE THIS PIC! it was a candid shot! hehehe...see see his cheeks! look lik hamsters right???? heheh.. thanks xiaobai *HUGGIES* for editing and sendg me dis pic and for putting it up in my blog... ^.^b

xiaobai's meal.. ugh forgot to take note of the names of the set meals... >.<

MINE!!! well.. i din get to taste the rest of the meals.. coz... im allergic to seafood and hate cold noodles.. so can only comment on mine. if you wanna know how the rest of the meals taste lik, ask and i'll check.. JUST FOR YOU! ^.^v
mine.. the pork cutlet was GIANTIC and super crunchy and you wun taste any oil in it lor. some can be quite oily de right? and the udon noodles.. the soup was quite tasty and noodles was super super chewy! i prefer ramen to udon but... this udon... from this restaurant really blows me over~ i cant finish.. so.. i 'distributed' to each of the guys.. hehe.. and.. guess where did my big bowl of udon end up at? hehe..

annkia's. drinks not included ok.... he idiot. go put in his tray.. -.-"

jiawei's! BIGGEST and also the LAST one to come.. hahahha.. the prawns.. was VERY LONG! lik.. >10cm long? seems crunchy to me..

our side dishes... ^^b
i didnt eat it.. so.. unable to comment

hate unagi.... coz of a bad tasting experience at.. sakae sushi. dajie asked me to try and i tried and it sux. mayb the taste at this rest will be better?
(lol. we were laughin at jiawei and annki. coz their sushi broke into.. half? =P )

yummy! i tasted one and the serving was quite big!!! yummmmmmY!

hehe... my cucumber! but.. WHY they go put wasabi in it?!?!?! i HATE THE TASTE OF THAT sia... it tasted so.. yuk! esp when its in your mouth.. so.. the guys have to fin the rest as usual.. heheh.. see see! see the serving size of that sushi! oh.. u cant. anyway, lemme tell u. the height of the sushi was at least DOUBLE the height of normal sushi outside.

our drinks... ^.^b

yep! that's where MY bowl ends up at... heheheh... sorry.. was LOLing at the sight of that pic.. coz.. the waitress said something when she wanted to clear the empty dishes... LOlx.

so.. act cool.... *puke*

me... ACT CUTE.. actually no need to act cute already v cute.... =P
fine.. stop twitching and having foam outta your mouth ok?!

finally.. a decent group photo.. act the lighting was NOT supposed to be that bright. more to the soft glow, natural lighting but.. coz the girl also got 'shaky hands' so.. bo bian. muz switch to the anti-shake function lor.

THERE! the ugly pic... >.<
again.. the ROSE among the THORNS... keke
by right there should be more pics... but in the end, i uploaded and deleted some of the excess pics.. well.. and there's some candid shots which are for private viewing only.. hehe... cant help laughing at the thought of the pics....
yes. it was UGLY, HILARIOUS and..... MEMORABLE!
dajie juz told me one good news... that..... LUCIFY is gonna try again this monday and THIS TIME i'm gonna VOTE FOR THEM!
CALLING ALL friends... PLEASE HELP VOTE FOR THEM ley.......... please! *huGGies for those who helped to vote*
decided to settle for the standard blog comments till i have time and mood to go study on it and enhance it... or mayb find a nice skin for my blog. hopefully it works!~
okies.. i wanna khoon liao.... going KO le.. >.>
thanks lil.. for your encouragement. ^^
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