Sunday, October 21, 2012

Taking things for granted

Went down to visit my grandpa yesterday. It was very saddening to see the iv needle on his wrist. I mean I myself felt that it was quite painful when they tried to poke the needle into my wrist needless to say, on my yeye's.

When I saw him last evening, he was twitching - like sudden jerks now and then when you are cold. Not having a clue why was he like that and that feeling sucks. He, not being able to tell us where is he not feeling well or comfortable, his eyes closed for most of the time and

It is funny how when someone was admitted into the hospital with a critical condition then one will receive a lot of visitors or have their children coming down to visit them and not doing so on normal days.

Update: 21/10, my grandpa's condition is stabilising but that doesn't mean we should take that for granted with his current health condition. He is out of oxygen support, meaning that he can breathe on his own.

I was surprised to receive a message from someone whom I had lost contact with after I finished secondary school. Met him at my workplace 1-2years back and kept in contact for a short while before we lost contact again and just recently he messaged me out of the blue. I nicknamed him 白兔. Guess he was really cute then and fair. Not sure what does he want from me this time.

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