early morning mom told us, eddie bro was admitted to the hospital. went for my monthly prayers and later mom told us, to go visit him after the prayers. quickly drop an sms to fox to inform him that i'll be an hr late.
went to ttsh to visitn eddie bro. aunt shark was there and she looked tired and worried. i saw eddie bro, i felt heartpain for him and aunt shark. he had tube running out from his nose to a big container beside his bed. heard that it consist of the bad tissues where they were clearing from his intestine? and he seemed to be drifting in and out of consciousness.. and he had to inject morphine when he cant withstand the pain.. sigh.. hope he's alright by now..
rushed home afterwards to shower and took a cab down to expo... only to learn that the CG's exhibition wasnt much of a 'wow-er'. kinda disappointed but THEN remembered passing the car exhibition and saw some rather 'happening' cars.. chio ah. asked to go see see walk walk.

me w/ handsome.. jaja. he gotta go for his work le.. so paiseh.. that made him came all the way, stayed for awhile and leave...
here's some of the cars i saw.. didnt get to take much of my dream cars because there's alot of people...

unknown but chio

designed by jackie chan

unofficial, non-sexy car model.. keke
then i pointed out that they'd barricade some of the carpark space off for something. we went over to see see look look.. and later learnt that they invited this jp's drifter to come and show us a trick or two. if you wanna experience sitting in his evo 9, u gotta queue up.. which we didnt. but it was really an eye-opener. it was cool. told my friends who were car lovers about it.. and they were lik.. wtf. lol. mms some pics over to them. hahaHAHAH.

the man himself (thanks to chys for the pic)

1 of drifter's car

drifter's name on his car
after that, we took a train over to City Hall. walked to Marina Square and... decided on Swensens!

uncle and fox.

me and adrian
haha, i'd practically forgotten all the names of the food.. so.. juz feast your eyes on the delicious dishes then..

adrian's food's name: half baked chicken. the chicken were very tender.. yummmy! can consider getting that next time but.. the hassle of removing the meat from the bone.. that reminded me of the time i ate w/ serge soemwhere else. he helped to remove the meat from the bone after seeing i was 'fighting' with the food.

mine.. also forgot food's name.. lol. it was crunchy, delicious and basically, i love the meal. totally love it. its not hard, its fresh. yummy yum yum.

fox's. nice crackers and the curry was fab! i was skeptic about the curry at first because i'd tried some curries outside and they dont really suit my tastebuds.. but... fox's curry proved me wrong! ok, i was a fussy eater at times..
but but.. it tastes good to me. the meat.. again.. was lik in heaven.. meat w/ curry.. what more can you ask for except for the extra toppings of crackers..

uncle's LAMPCHOP! no wonder i dont really remember tasting it.. whops.. i dont eat mutton.. sigh.. how many times do i have to say it? lol. the meat was soft, the seasoning, you can taste it there. << based on my imagination. HAHAHAH! see uncle eat till jin jin you wei. geez.. i better stop it. im drooling now.. with my empty stomach.

Firehouse Happy Birthday (? so long d name? firehouse.. reminded me of some.. underground club, dunno heard from where..) .. lol. i love the cherries and ate 2. asked adrian to fin the 3rd one.
after our yummy dinner, we headed off to .. ESPLANADE! clifton told me that electrico had started performing.. i was lik.. OMG OMG OGM!!!! I DONT WANNA MISSED THEIR CONCERT!!!! oh well.. there's a HUGE crowd in front and apparently my small camera cant ZOOM in that much.. so.. aint putting up the dark pics. hehe.. going out w/ tall ppl so good.. they are my tripod cum cameraman.. hehe. *pokes adrian* thanks huh.. heng never charge me service charge.. keke. opps..!!
was kinda disappointed that the surrounding ppl not that steady.. lik.. the singer asked to put your hands together and go w/ the beat.. no one was doing that. i did abit and stopped coz i felt damn odd... lik some lunatic u know?

that night was lunarin's last concert. they were gonna take a break.. hope it wun be too long...

w/ clifton. never shave.. knn. i go do voodoo on him liao. lazy fella. so not cute that night. tsk tsk.

me w/ fox before he left for ... hur hur...

da 3 guys...

all 4 of us..

1 of electrico's members: desmond goh (bass)
HEARTPAIN #1: OF ALL TIMES... i was aware that im gonna see their concert.... and was planning to bring their latest album.. BUT BLOODY HELL! Y DID I FORGET TO BRING? end up.. no autographs.. fark!!
HEARTPAIN #2: tot i'll go buy their album (yes.. again) and return for them to sign on it and take a pic w/ them.. end up.. CDs SOLDOUT and they were LEAVING! OMFG!! uncle tried calling me but i didnt hear it.. but.. nevermind.. managed to take pic w/ the guy who started electric company and was the longest running member (i guess) - desmond. (if i didnt get his name wrong) I WAN AMANDA LING!!!! she damn chio lor!!
CONCLUSION: HEART BROKEN... still nursing my broken heart... still nursing... >.<

3 of us at esplanade taking a short break before going home
at the bus stop while waiting for my bus.. noticed there's this chinese concert at the padang.. then suddenly, alot of prcs came over.. *roll eyes* as usual, squat at the bus stop, talked loudly, and lik to 'bump' bodies. heng i siam and moved one side. hehe, near to a handsome. keke. hope they not taking same bus as me.. and my prayers were NOT answered... knn. so noisy and there was this guy who talked on the hp lik he's surrounding was damn noisy lidat. he was almost on the verge of shouting over the phone..
fruitful day. pity.. jaja muz work.. ar bo...

18.07.06 islam fried some of his 'na shou' chicken wings for us hehe

19.07.06 ice cream man here... i quickly ran out to stop uncle before he went off.. yummy..... long time bo eat old ice cream.. keke.
20.07.06 THURSDAY went to watch 'how much do u love me'. an R21 french film. if u ask me, i'll say its a crap show. bad storyplot and sex scenes cannot make it. if u'd already watched it and understand what its tryin to put across, lemme know pls. i wanan know.
after movie, we went to coffeeclub for a drink since it was still early. the night is still young~~~~~ haha.

before food arrives... we took some pics first.

smelly claire. stop showing the obvious..

yummies.. potatoe wedges

uncle solo.. ey.. wher's his PLD's AF??

the pics before this were quite dark.. hence i went to do some editing.. uncle's quite dark? act his was the 'clearest' of all le.. decided not to do much editing to it .. muz keep the natural stuffs.
22.07.06 SATURDAY went to DBL O. yes.. laugh all u want but its my virgin trip to a club. while waiting for red to arrive, claire and i were sitting outside this bar called 'O bar'. thats where i saw my handsome.. he looked really familar lor.. dont know where i saw him before and was so sad.. he hopped into O bar instead of DBL O.... haiz...

Pat finally reached and we took some shots while queuing outside..

i was damn suaku lor. but the lady w/ the entry stamp also diam diam.. never say pls turn ur hand over or something.. and most places i went to, they only asked to stamp on ur fist. so when i finally turn over, she stamp on my.. lower arm. (dunno whts that called) went in.. overwhelmed by the interior. not that its v beautiful or sth but its juz another new place u know? that kinda feeling..
went up and entered a room w/ loud blasting music.. and the bar was overflowing w/ peps waiting for their drinks. i sticked to pat all the while, while waitg for our jug of beer. saw some young and good looking guys there too. hAHAH!
was practically 'washing' my eyes the whole while on girls and boys. lololo~~~~
danced at the dance floor for the first time. damn malu. dunno y. coz i know i cant dance? soften up alil as the alcohol in me began to work its way up into my blood stream.. felt alil tipsy .. first time using straw to drink somemore.. more details.. but i wun tell here. haha. hey hey, got lil boys/girls reading ok!

taking break at the coffeeshop. cannot tahan liao. heels kena blisters, toes there also damn sore, everywhere also sore.. knn. wonder how those girls dance w/ those 3~4inch high of heels sia! used to it perhaps?

me n claire. pat extra...
sent pat home first. he was kinda high liao.. lol.
this morning woke up abit hangover.. eyes sore/pain and head feeling giddy? pain? cant think fast, and do things at the same time.
ytd while on the way home... suddenly thought of the way chris ate his food. his fries, the food on the spoon and how i always make of him.. hehe.. and how he always felt irritated by it.. hahahah. thinking back, it was funny. fun. memorable. missed those times when he came over my house to makan dinner. when we went out makan together. when i had the 'wanton' gathering at my place w/ my buddies. mayb.. i should go organise one again.. missed those days....
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