Sunday, December 30, 2012
My baby's got a secret
I've bought my new phone! Yes.. I'd settled on the iPhone 5. The whole day I was asking everyone which phone should I get - iP 5 or Samsung SIII and I guess some of them were sick and tired of me asking that they don't bother replying me. Lol. I had wanted to get the SIII initially but they were out of stock! After playing with the iPhone 5, I had come to a conclusion. That is, iPhone and Blackberry functions are almost the same! Only difference is iPhone has more apps for the user and other than that, the functions are pretty limited as compared to an Android operating phone. As for the Blackberry phone, it loses out on the apps maybe because of it's processor. I'm not too sure. There are always pros and cons in phones. You have this this this in phone X and that that that in phone Y and something else in phone Z but you wouldn't have this that and something else in ONE phone. Anyway I'm still trying to get use to using an onscreen keyboard and I kind of misses my Blackberry, especially the QWERTY keyboard.
Anyway we were in the car earlier and I was asking him about something that he had posted. He said it was secret.
Well, I was a bit bothered but I guess everyone has their own secret(s). Maybe I even have secrets of my own that I did not share with him. Like what father said, every couple will have secrets but it depends on the severity of the secret. As long as it does not harm the other person or threatens/harms the relationship between two person, it is fine with keeping that secret rather than sharing everything, keeping it bare. So as long as he wants to keep secrets of his own, I guess I'm fine with it as long as it is nothing serious or something that will affect our relationship.
Sigh, talk about posting photos, guess I will do that tomorrow when I'm free or on Monday.
Been rather tired lately, not sure whether was I tired mentally or physically.
Sharing this song with my faithful readers whom he said no one reads. I'm sure someone is reading this post as soon as it's fresh from the oven. :)
Sharing this song. A real classic and I used to listen to her cassette tapes everyday. Haha.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Time for a Change
Monday, December 17, 2012
It's all fated.
So you're wondering what am I doing, still up at this ungodly hour. I couldn't sleep no matter how much I toss and turn. No one is awake at this time unless I'm talking someone overseas. :)
Anyway after hearing some stories, I guess it just made me decided to stand firm to my initial decision - not to get married. If a couple cannot stand each other after a certain years of marriage and decides to call it quits. Why do it now? Why not earlier? Why not try to make it work again? Unless there's a pull factor on one of the party or both parties to help them make the decision, the easy way out. That got me thinking, if I'm married or even if I'm not. I'm just in a relationship and I can't stand the guy I'm seeing anymore and there's someone who is trying to coming into my life. Would I have done the same? Nope. I wouldn't and couldn't. I don't know why but I just can't bring myself to do that. I won't be saying this if it hadn't happen to me before right? So I can confidently say that now but what if things change? A person change? What if right now I'm starting not able to stand the person? What if I feel that I have enough of that person? And a guy came into my life? Guess I will be standing at a crossroad then.
They said you'll be a very happy person if you met the right one. If you're with the right one. How would you know you've met the right one? Even the person who felt that he was with the right one, didn't turn out right afterall.
B said he looked older than his age and he don't want that. He wants to look younger than his age. I was.... Speechless. All the guys I know who are around his age wants to look older, more mature. Why would he want the opposite? I mean the person he's dating is not some 18years old girl but a 30 year old girl. Of course I would want him to look more mature so to match me right? He asked me to maintain and look young then. I can't believe my ears.
However, he made me realised what I want from my partner. I want him to be mature, have a good job with progress, to think far ahead, to do it with action instead of just putting words on his mouth. I dislike the fact that he's doing the same job as I am. Why can't he find a job where the work experience he gain can be put to use? The reason why he took this job initially was because of the money because he was paying rent. He isn't now and we are not getting a house, shouldn't he use this chance to find a job? I really resent the fact that our day offs are different and unpredictable. Makes spending the day together difficult. I guess that's how Mr Tan felt when he was dating me and yet, he compromise with me for 5 years.
Anyway I told him that a girl at work likes him. He said to talk less and stay away from her since I'm uncomfortable with it. Somehow I guess he was just saying it to make me feel assured. Because when I was studying at a cafe near his workplace, it wasn't quite what I'd seen. So I decided to take a look at him phone (not behind his back) and came to that conclusion. I shall try not to be bothered by it however I hope he will not make me to do the same thing when something similar happened to me.
And I'd regretted studying there. Like they say, ignorance is a bliss.
He wants me to trust him. How to do that?
Maybe he's still young. I don't know. But I guess I have to come to a conclusion soon, when enough is enough.
Friday, December 07, 2012
Where's the welfare?
That's when I realised that the reason why I didn't really look for a job then was because I don't have to worry about cash flow. I know that if I were to stop working, I can still lead a comfortable life.
And it got me started to think, why did B take up this job?
Why didn't he look for a corporate job like the others? They are working in reputable mnc organisations. Of course the earning is low but it's the experience. Why start hiss experience level with this job that brings you nowhere? Unless he has the intention of doing the same in future.
Starting to hate this job and the fact that he's working the same industry as I am. Long hours. Experience? Can't be applied everywhere. Pay? Need to work like a cow.
And sometimes being too dedicated in the job is no use at all! They will only take your goodness for granted and whenever they need help, the first person they'll think of is YOU! They will say "this person will help for sure! Will always help". And you will end up suffering. Suffering the longer hours. The shitty after closing duties. Fuck lah. If they are so short of manpower and still expand. That's exploiting the employees! In a sense that they are working longer than the stipulated hours provided in the guidelines. Wanna work the employees to death? Imagine working from 10am to 10pm the first day, 12 to 11pm. Wth?
Saturday, December 01, 2012
What have you done so far?
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Sigh, my sore throat just returned... And accompanied by flu (sneezed so many times for the first time yesterday) but luckily no running nose, just slightly blocked. And I'm guessing I'm having a slight fever because my back is aching.
Sometimes when a fight happens be it with friends, partner or family, if you have already said mean things to the person, it is too late to apologise. It is like slicing off a piece of the person's skin, of course it hurts a lot but the person apologise. Apology accepted but you'd and will still feel the pain. And will be reminded of it. Once it has healed, the cycle repeated itself. Throughout the course of hurting the other person, they have a lot of scars on them. What's the next step of action then? The person couldn't keep forgiving you right? And if the person who hurt you is your family member or partner, how are you able to walk away from them?
I just want need the person to listen to me. And not just listen but to acknowledge it and maybe put it into use if it sounds logical. If I'd said something and the person asked me a question or my opinion when I've already voiced out before, doesn't it means something? You're not listening or perhaps did not even bother to take some considerations on what I'd said. Now I understand the frustrations Mr Tan felt when he was with me for not only I did not listen but I put my friends' words before his. Perhaps if I'd listen to him in the first place, I could be doing something that I like by now.
Like they say, in deaf ears? Or was it 讲不听?
A friend asked me "so he is the one?" When we were talking. I started thinking, is he? I think this topic came up a few times in my post but until now, I do not know how does one define the person as 'the one'?
Maybe I should just take things slow and let nature takes it's course.
@J - I'm trying but the words she said did affect me to a certain extent. But I know I mold my future. :)
Monday, November 19, 2012
Time for a change
She mentioned that I need to have confidence in myself and be more thick skin, be able to take in rejections and pick myself up again. These kind of reminded me of Mr Tan. He was always telling me the same thing. Have confidence, be thick skin and ask. Seemed like he knew that's what I need to do, to be in order to succeed. It is a pity I did not take his words seriously for if I had, I may have achieve something today.
She then said that in one point of my marriage, my husband will have an affair. (SIAN.) And immediately I told myself that I do not want to get married so that I can avoid this incident. She said that I need to bear with his infidelity for 5 years, the affair will end and it will be all good. Unless they have a kid. I was thinking that no way will I bear with this affair for 5 frikking LONG years! If I find out that bastard has cheated on me, I'll leave him immediately even if we are married. I really can't bear to think that I have to stand aside and watch him enjoy himself with another woman. I really wish that it will not happen. Maybe that is also the reason why I do not wish to get married, so that I will not be hurt in such a way. Or I'd rather I be the one who MAY have an affair instead of the guy. I mean, I know myself. B said that people may change. I know that I will not but since he said that, I wonder, if he really ends up being my husband, will he have an affair? I mean he like to be talking to people, he do not like to be alone.
Sometimes I wonder, whether is it a good idea to go suan ming. I mean, sometimes it is better to be ignorant of the future than to have the information passed on to you and there I will be thinking of it constantly eventhough it is a long way to go and from "will not happen" becomes a "will happen" incident. However, with this knowledge, I can try ways to prevent it from happening right? Or I can do something about my future, my life. My future rest on my hand for I am the one to control my life. I just pray and hope that it will not happen. Sigh.
Met up with B's friend to check on the insurance policies available for B. I was really glad that he asked me along because I learnt a lot today about financial planning. I told B that I wish I had know her earlier, maybe I will have some savings on hand right now. We had decided to calculate our on hand finances and realised that we need to have a lot of discipline to save up money instead of spending them unnecessarily. It is quite worrying and a headache to know that I do not the amount I should have saved up by now. Sigh.
Bet Bryan heaved a big sigh after he learnt that I did not save up that much based on the number of years I'd worked. :(
It is not to late to start saving but I really need to manage my money properly. Less spending, more saving.
So for those who are reading this, if you have not do up any saving plans, please do so now. Haven't calculate your monthly expenses, etc? It is time to do something about your money now.
Wednesday, November 07, 2012
I will just work even if I'm sick
Saturday, November 03, 2012
I don't want to hurt you
I was thinking, what happened to the "Don't hurt him" and my resolve to not do the same as what he did - yi ya huan ya kind of behaviour? Why am I doing this? I knew that it is easier to just let him feel the same as I do, be hurt but I don't want that. I just have to keep reminding myself to treat him good for he's my precious.
Log on my fb and changed my profile photo to something that I love most. :)
2 months to end 2012, what have you done?
What matters is your opinion.
Sore throat is gone and what's left is dry cough which I seriously hate. Had a coughing fit in the middle of last night. Water only made the throat drier and I had forgotten about my lozenges. Luckily I bought those packet 罗汉果, quickly made those while I ran twice to the toilet to ease those coughing fits - sometimes made you want to vomit, and drank them. 3rd day now and it won't go away so soon, back to work tomorrow and I have to start talking again, how is my throat going to get well?
Anyway I was contemplating whether should I change my fb's profile picture to one taken with B. I was there thinking which photo to put and was so close on doing it once I'd decided on one. I did not in the end. Maybe not now. I don't know. I was just thinking of change my status as in a relationship with him which something I have not done before. I remembered him saying that he do not put his status as in a relationship because things might change. So I guess no point changing it right? As he said, I have the freedom of whose photo to put on my fb and it not necessarily be ours.
Oh well, I just saw something I wish I didn't see. Although it's in the past but something seeing it stings you know? Which I believe if he saw the same, he may feel the same. Like why do I still keep this, that. Can't really expect him to delete off everything for I too, have things of the past. Just sleep through it and forget about it.
Somehow when I was in the showers today, I was reminded of somebody, whom I guess until now still hate me for what I'd done to him.
Friday, November 02, 2012
You speak French? Japanese? Thai?
Now that B is playing some Thai songs, it kind of reminded me of the past. Where Mr Tan and I would always go to those Thai pubs/discos with either TT or AY and I would be real proud when he was able to start a conversation with the Thai girls when they approached him. His Thai wasn't very good but good enough to hold a conversation.
I always told him that he has the natural gift of learning foreign language. He was able to speak a little of Japanese, Thai, Korean and his main language was French. He could pick up language fast.
Hope he'll find a French woman so they could speak French to each other. Damn cool. Or one of those Japanese babes at his workplace.
2 months to the end of 2012

Saturday, October 27, 2012
Just grow stronger every passing day
B had a feeling that I'm loving him lesser. I don't think I am.. but maybe? I don't know.
So we had a talk this morning and it came to a point where he wants to know what's on my mind. So I have no choice but to show him this blog of mine since it consist of all my thoughts and what exactly am I feeling. I'd realised that for the past posts, it was all about him. He read it and felt that he did not put in enough effort, did not spare a thought for my feelings until I have to quote him some examples.
So end of the day, he did try to put in some. Removed the photo taken with his ex-girlfriend turned good friend and by tagging me in photos that are related to us. I guess finally it's WE and not I.
After a talk with a friend, I realised that I actually have more faith on him without realising it. Guess I trust him more than I know.
I'm glad that this morning happened, for I felt a big relief, after letting him know about my blog, about knowing how I felt exactly. I just find it easier to type how I feel into words than putting it out verbally.
Anyway, my love for B had not decrease but increased! Who said dog and dragon cannot be together?
On a side note, I'd placed order for my MacBook le! I'm sooooo excited to get it! Just waiting for my 富婆 to sign the deal. Hehehehehe. Realised I have two 富婆 now. A picture of Eli drinking beer... Literally of course! Lol
I'm so looking to tomorrow's night safari!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Closing heart. Fcuk care.
Wrote him a long email telling him how I felt (partially) the night before and he could still asked me why was I acting strange that night? Told him it was in the email already. He had read it and whether was there anything he wants to address to? Which he said no. Wow.. wrote such a long email and he doesn't has any concerns or anything in mind? I mean, if I am the one reading it, it will address them paragraph by paragraph, or line by line if I have to. Now... Does this mean something about our difference in thinking? Frankly speaking, I was very skeptical when I was typing that mail. I kind of knew that something like that would happen. And sometimes I feel that I would actually get out more from him if we were messaging instead of talking face to face. Am I expecting too much from him? He still can say that I'm very close to some of my guy friends. Told him that it is the same for him too. He has close female friends too. And I don't put photos taken with them up, plus the one with the ex-girlfriend turned good friend. I don't do that. Oh well, in my email to him, I said to think of my feelings before he do something.... I guess actions speaks louder than words. He can comment that I wrote such a long email to him. Asked if he read it, he said yes but it was too long that he can't possibly remember. I can if he wrote something like that to me, telling me what's on his mind. And when he was reading it out loud, there wasn't any hint of seriousness behind it.
And is just learned something about him. He would just search and add that person in his facebook after maybe talking to them. Like it can be worked in the same roadshow, one day training, etc. Ok.. maybe I'm overreacting on that for personally I felt that it is quite pointless to add someone whom you are not close with (as in really working together, keeping in contact with) in your fb. Maybe he is just being sociable. Maybe it is just nothing. I don't know. But doing that and giving number to someone and messaging that someone whom I just met, isn't that the same? For messaging can be done over fb anyway. So it is alright for me to give my number or ask for their number too right? I mean since he may be doing that anyway.
I just don't feel secure with him now. Trust is there but it is not strong.
I was trying to absorb that and again acted strangely for which he asked what's wrong? I really want to tell him but I'd decided not to because the result may be the same - not thinking of anything. Or he will just keep quiet. Or he will say that searching and adding someone in fb is not the same as giving my number when someone asked for it. Anyway I knew that he will sleep through it even though he did not find out anything and I'd learnt to just act normally so that he will not sense anything amiss.
Someone who had gone missing in his life is back again and contacted him. Ok. She messaged him on fb. Why don't he just reply her when I was looking at his same fb page? Why reply when I was looking away? Don't know lah.. maybe he don't want to be doing that when we are looking at his page. For I will most probably reply when he is looking so that he can see my reply. But I will not do that anymore.
I guess I am learning very slowly not to think too much. Don't care what he do - adding people he just met on fb; messaging his exes;etc. Guess it will come to a point where I will clam up, not telling him how I feel anymore. Because it will seem pointless. Maybe the important ones that require attention but otherwise... And I guess my heart is slowly closing up too while I keep things to myself.
I so wanted to just let him see this blog of mine but I guess, after reading so much, what is his next course of action? Maybe nothing. Maybe he will feel that I'm thinking too much, overreacting, spot on my grammar/spelling/vocabulary mistake. I do not want it come to that. And I think.. I will just keep this to myself.
What to name this post? I don't know.
I'd decided not to care about anything. That will mean one thing though and it is certainly not looking good.
And just thought of a name for this post.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Stopped being bothered by it.
Went drinking with friends last Friday and everyone drank so much.
Did I mention that there is a girl who likes B? Well, my instinct told me so and her actions confirmed it.
She was there last night and I guess she was just disappointed that he wasn't there. She got drunk and I offered to send her home. Why should I do that even though she is kind of like my rival in love? I guess I just can't bear leaving someone drunk alone. She doesn't want to go home and I offered to bring her back to my home because I wasn't able to get her address from her. No one knows where exactly she stays. I'm ok with bringing her home for it was not the first time I'd brought a drunk home anyway (i was staying alone then). In the end, I managed to send her home.
Anyway, seeing how she behaved that night made me wonder, how would she behave if B was there. Would she have tried to go close to him? Flirt with him? Or try staying close to other guys trying to make him jealous? B will be transferred to a new outlet and she will be there with him too. Frankly speaking I was quite worried. Not about him for I trust him buy her. She can used the excuse of being drunk / high and kiss and flirt with a married guy whom most prolly she can guess liked her and why won't she try anything funny on B when she liked him and he's not married.
Why does he sound so frustrated when I asked whether does she message him? Maybe he is just irritated with the mere questioning of her.
Told him way back that my instinct told me she likes him but he doesn't believe. And did not keep a distance. Going over to talk to her. Sitting beside her. Close physical contact - enough to make her feel excited. If he feels that a guy likes me and I just told him that that guy and I will never be together and I love him only. Same workplace, still talk to him, sits beside him. Would he feel comfortable? Or maybe again, I'm the only one who think too much.
If he realised that the guy who like me has been messaging me which I said was about work and one time he saw the guy' message and it wasn't about work?
He puts up a photo frame of photos taken with his buddy - that I understand. Then there's a picture of another girl - a friend he claimed, together with him on her birthday, that I can tolerate and now he puts up another polaroid of one of his ex-girlfriend turned good friend. Wow, one who doesn't knows him well would have thought all 3 were his ex girlfriends or something. I mean, if I were to put similar photos, would he feel comfortable enough to see them everyday for breakfast and before sleeping time? If he can, then fine, I'm being overly sensitive and maybe I think too much about it that I'm bothered by it.
Maybe I should stop being bothered by it. Shouldn't care which photo he use/put.
If he did consider my feelings before doing anything.
One day he was driving into the carpark, trying to take his phone out with one hand and unlocking the passcode. There was an incoming with the vehicle that pickups the dustbin at hdb. It's an opened air one and has a driver in front. From my view, it looked very dangerous and he avoided it and continued with his phone trying to make and complete a call while parking the car. To me, it is dangerous. To him, it was a small matter. He's not a driver with a year of experience. Which that did not cross my mind but I felt he was being irresponsible. For that 5 minutes, can't he just park then make the call? Or he's worried that his mom will buy the season parking, can't he just stop at one side and make the call then? He is endangering the life of the other driver and what happen if he got into a minor accident? Why can't he just pass the frikking phone and ask me to help him make the damn call? He doesn't feels that he's in the wrong but I don't think I'm wrong for being angry with him for doing that.
Sometimes I wish I could just show him this blog so that he will know what exactly am I thinking but of course I won't yet.
Monday, October 22, 2012
I wish I could..
Damn... I'm scheduled for a surgery tomorrow to remove my wisdom teeth, all 4 of them... But now I can feel my fever burning through my cheeks.... Which means no surgery tomorrow! I'd put it off once and this is going to be my second time. Argh!! Should have just pop the fever pills, sleep through the night and wake up the next morning without any problem!! Now is 38deg cel. Tomorrow better be back to 37.5!
Anyway, to end the post with cold water.... That feeling is back. I wish I could just trust him. Even when. I feel that he is keeping something from me..
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Taking things for granted
Went down to visit my grandpa yesterday. It was very saddening to see the iv needle on his wrist. I mean I myself felt that it was quite painful when they tried to poke the needle into my wrist needless to say, on my yeye's.
When I saw him last evening, he was twitching - like sudden jerks now and then when you are cold. Not having a clue why was he like that and that feeling sucks. He, not being able to tell us where is he not feeling well or comfortable, his eyes closed for most of the time and
It is funny how when someone was admitted into the hospital with a critical condition then one will receive a lot of visitors or have their children coming down to visit them and not doing so on normal days.
Update: 21/10, my grandpa's condition is stabilising but that doesn't mean we should take that for granted with his current health condition. He is out of oxygen support, meaning that he can breathe on his own.
I was surprised to receive a message from someone whom I had lost contact with after I finished secondary school. Met him at my workplace 1-2years back and kept in contact for a short while before we lost contact again and just recently he messaged me out of the blue. I nicknamed him 白兔. Guess he was really cute then and fair. Not sure what does he want from me this time.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Sudden news?
Yes, ye ye was looking very weak and fragile when I saw him this year, during Chinese New Year. Maybe it is selfish of me to wish he will live a longer life, be healthy so that I still have my ye ye to greet every CNY, give the fact that he's over 100years old. Indeed, it is better for him to go peacefully, preferably in his sleep but I just don't want him to.
Now I am so tempted to rush over to the hospital to stay with my grandpa and at least be there till his last breath. I don't want to wake up the next morning and see a message that my eyes do not want to see........
It was my ye ye that brought the family together. Where he is the reason why we will go 拜年.
I'm so scared now.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Some random thoughts
"Let's make a pact: when we're 30, if we're still single, then we'll get married!"
I remembered when I was about 16years old, a friend of mine and I made this pact as we were both single then. We met online - IRC was really the craze then, for bored youngster like me to chat and make friends online. We chatted and met up. He was a year older than me and he was studying in an all boys school. I remembered him changing girlfriends like changing clothes.
He had moved on later to a nice girl and shortly after we lost contact with each other. I'm not sure what happened to him now. He's a smart guy and I hope he is doing well now. It is impossible to find him via fb because his name is too common..
There are so many memories of the past, fond ones that I will never forget and some that I had regretted not doing or doing. Guess that was part and parcel of growing up? During my time of course.
Right, there was this couple where their situation is quite similar to mine except that her guy is 7 years younger than her. That got me thinking, I will always be a digit more than B except for that miserable 6 years where we will be on the same line of digit.
I will come to an age where I will grow old faster than him, have wrinkly skin and while he is still younger than me. It kind of scares me.
The female was taking anti-aging pills, diet pills, etc. I do not wish to do that but here I am wondering, how will I look like when I'm 40? Will I age gracefully? Will he still love me?
Friends were asking me to think about it carefully. "Isn't it better if you find someone your age or older so that you will still be younger than him?" I guess we shall just watch and see eh? If it happens it happens.
The Social Network
I'd just realised that most of my friends own just one social network which majority are facebook and some Twitter. I do not have a facebook account until one of my temp staffs created one for me. That was very cute of him to do that. Then I have twitter as I do not wish to keep spamming my emo thoughts in my fb and to spare everyone the agony of reading my emo thoughts hence the Twitter. However the main reason why I created twitter was to communicate with someone special. If you're reading this, you should know who you are, my loyal fan. :)
I'm glad to have this blog though. HE (yup, my blog is a guy. Heh), who shared all my ups and downs. Kinda sian though 'cause my photos from the past were gone as I used a lousy photo storage which closed down eventually. Can't retrieve them. I guess if photobucket wants me to pay, I'll be glad to pay a nominal fee just to store and share my photos.
Anyway, I'd decided to wait till the holiday season to ser if apple will launch any new MacBook pro with GeForce graphics card for 13" size.
Hmmm, just saw his contacts (not behind his back of course!) and had this sour feeling passing through me when I saw that he still keep his exes contacts and some even their address. I guess as long as they are there, there's a possibility of them keeping in contact. Then again, I too have some numbers which I'm keeping. Just got to count on trust I guess and I can't possibly control his life right? Plus maybe it will come to a time where I'm not bothered at all if he ever contacts one of them or to even meet them. When it comes to that, he too may feels the same when it comes to me.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Deal or no deal?
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Big step ahead
At times I wonder whether is it happening to fast since we have been together for 3 months plus going 4. At times he can be really childish, at times serious and can be on my nerves. Things to be done at a different pace. I guess it is refreshing when his every action can be different. Like serious at times, playful at times - he can be really cute then. :)
My mom had her doubts at first and I too, considering our age difference. I guess if this relationship did not work out in the future, we also cannot really help it right? So what we can do now is to be together, make this relationship works. :)
I was quite worried about him not telling me the truth about anything, everything considering that he had done it before (lie). I would try to tell him if any of my ex-boyfriends message me, or if any of my friends are visiting me in SG. Only thing I'm not ready to tell is this diary of mine. I do not want it to come to a point where I can't even express my thoughts here without him knowing? Ah, that's sounds... Contradicting right? Where we are supposed to share our thoughts with each other. However, I find it hard to express as freely as what I am doing now.
Maybe I'm just worried that the constant worries, doubts and all will turn him away and made him love me lesser each day because he's tired of being asked the same question everyday? Anyway my doubts are definitely decreasing as in I'm not that much bothered when he's on the phone/facebook/twitter/whatever or if he's checking out HER, let's call her X, the girl whom he used to like and date when we were together in an open relationship. Oh yah, as I was saying, not so bothered if he check out X's instagram or his ex-girlfriends' blogs/facebook, whatever. Still sometimes I wish he would not close the webpage he was viewing so quickly whenever I was around. It feels like he was doing it intentionally.
And another thing I was quite bothered was, one of his ex-girlfriend became his good friend. I was a bit bothered by it especially when they had a photo taken together and he want to put it up on his photo frame along with the other photos he took with his group of friends or just with his close friends. I'm ok with it. However, if I'm in contact with a guy whom I used to like but did not date and we ended up as good friends, but no, I can't meet him. Why?
Anyway he disappeared for 5 years and so and just came back into my life.
The feelings I had for him had faded and now, I only care for B and love B only. Yet B said it's different because he had a relationship with her and I didn't and may want to try and fulfil it. What?? So I assuring him that I don't like the guy anymore doesn't work? And when I told him that my instinct told me a girl at work likes him, he told me not to worry because he doesn't like her at all. And he can talk to her and all. Why is that so? If he told me a guy likes me, I said the same and still talk to him, stand close or even to sit beside him, how would he feel?
Now, I don't really check out my ex-boyfriends, my fbs or even guys whom I used to like or like me. Because I don't want him to worry. Just avoiding unnecessary trouble. If he feels that it is alright to do the things he did, so I'm not wrong to feel that it is alright too right?
Tuesday, October 09, 2012
Do you believe in life after death?
Maybe I look too much into things. Things that happened before are in the past. There was a closure to it and kept it behind us. We had talked about it and we had ended it all.
We nearly came close to something.. which I'm glad it did not happen. Otherwise I will be the guilty one. For that moment was like and not love. We could not have last until today.
<I>"Do you believe in life after death?
I do. And if you do, I wish that I will meet you earlier and we will be together as a couple." He said.</I>
Saddest moment..
Alright, it's not exactly a real drum set but... It is my first ever Guitar Hero World Tour set! My drum set accompanied me through GHWT to Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock. Unfortunately it is no longer working... I wanted to keep it for as long as possible but my room is quickly running out of space with new furnitures. And it is about time for me to clear off some of the older guitars from GHWT as well. Argh, I'm so unwilling to part with them but they gotta go. I kept my drumsticks and I planned to frame them up as part of my memory.
To J ( I believe the annoymous is you) and Dadrobe (wow! You really disappeared for what, 5 years?). I guess a relationship is never the same and we can never understand what each one of us has been through. As in, what are things done. For Dadrobe, maybe your then-girlfriend, now-wife did something that made you not trust her but regain it back from you as well. I must say congrats.
J - jiayou bah. :)
I've learnt that, if you want to know what is the other party doing on the phone, then either peek over or ask casually what is she doing. She, on the other hand may be most willing to share. Then again, I can't tell you what to do for it may backfire. No one is the same anyway.
I just hope that B will share everything with me. When he's messaging his friends, he will just share it with me if it is something interesting or funny. Or even if it is boring or they are planning something or someone found their dream/sucky job, he'll share them all with me.
Sometimes when I was laughing while messaging/reading the messages, he will ask me what was it. I will gladly share with him as long he don't find my stories bored or bo liao.
Trust is definitely something that is very hard to do. It is like a hurdle that seemed almost too high for one to jump over especially if you keep hitting the bar. And it indeed made one felt very painful to love that person whom you've no trust over or maybe have a very fragile trust wall building up. Sometimes it felt so painful and tiring that I almost want to give up and let it go so that I will not have to suffer it. I'm glad I stand firm and I believe that my perservence will payoff one day.
I hope one day, I am able to trust him wholeheartedly and will not be let down again.
Wish you and all other couples all the best. :)
Funny thing is, I know that I love him. Guess we felt the same way towards each other. And we have to remember that we are not longer 'I' but 'we' instead. Things we do, we have to put the feelings of our partner before doing it. If I don't want B to do this, I should not as well. If I wish B will tell me this, I will tell him what I'm doing so to keep his heart and mind at ease. Not sure if I sound like I'm going round and round. Anyway, when I feel like my love is fading, he always bring it back and made it stronger than before. Hope I'm doing the same to him too.
Who wants to be disappointed right?
So, here I am trying to build the trust with him and I hope that he will be the last guy I will be dating. :)
Lastly, a picture of my poor and sad drum.... ):
Wednesday, October 03, 2012
Anyway, I couldn't sleep well at all last night and I must admit, I cried really hard. B doesn't know about it for he was fast asleep and I was doing it under covers (sounds like undercover huh).
This morning, somehow B felt that something is wrong and asked me. Then I asked him about it, told him what's on my mind. He did not say much and I'm not sure what was he thinking for when I asked him about it, he said he wasn't thinking about anything. He told me that I can ask all the questions I want and he will answer them, but it is up to me whether I believe him only.
I do feel relieve now that I'd managed to spill out what's bothering me. And I guess, trust really takes a lot of hard work. The trust lost yesterday was back today. The only time when it is 100% complete is when I post photos of us here in my blog, in my fb profile pic, my whatsapp, etc. Basically is telling the whole world that I'm with him. And when I'm not bothered at all when he message his ex girlfriends occasionally, when he knows about this blog of mine (that is unless he found it first). I'd love to have him do up my blog for me. So, all the best to every couples out there having the same issue as I am - building this wall call Trust.
Now my room has more of him here. His perfume smell (one that he sprays every morning before going to work), his bag on the floor, his top hanging on the wardrobe, etc. All these reminds me of his presence.
We'll just take one step at a time bah.
Just can't sleep
Here I am, unable to sleep with all the questions running through my mind. Maybe I'm just too affected by what she had mentioned in her blog post.
I asked him about why is he reading her blog and checking out X's blog and instagram? He looked confused initially. Then again, I'm not sure whether was he genuinely confused or just pretending to be. When he finally remember, he just said he did it out of curiosity. It meant nothing and by all means, I can do the same - checking out my ex bfs blogs or whatever.
Am I over reacting?
How do I know what had happened to her will not happen to me?
How do I know he wasn't messaging any of his ex gfs? Even if he claim not to be, how would I know if he's telling the truth?
How do I know he isn't liking someone right now while he's with me? Hell, he can even be fb messaging the ex whom he loved very much and still sleep with his then gf no?
How do I even know what's on his mind? How do I know when is he telling the truth? How do I know if he love only me? Only he, himself knows.
It is yet another long night and tomorrow, another long day. Guess I won't know the answers to the above questions unless I 'mind enter' him right?
It is so hard for me to trust him now. I don't want to be checking on his messages and all. He will be deleting them anyway.
I just can't brush it off my mind. When he hugged me to sleep, when he said he love me,... Everything he said or do, made me think.
Tuesday, October 02, 2012
Still there
I just realised that no matter how I try to delete the history, the links, it is still there. And that kind of applies to the real life isn't it? No matter how you try to delete the past, it will still be there. It just a matter of how you look at it.
Is just reread her blog and what she said was what he used to tell me. To share everything so that he will know what's in each others mind, to be best friends, to be someone whom I can rely on, to be my soul mate. Oh how it all sounds the same.
I do agree with her, I don't want to be the last to know what's going on at the back of his mind. Sometimes he can say nothing, but is there really nothing on his mind? Is he really not thinking about something? Anything?
He asked to open up everything and I did. Did he?
I want him to be honest. Will he be? Is he? It's so hard now. How do I face him later?
Outdated Photos and Realisation
Been visiting Golden Mile quite frequently in May because of my favourite singer and I wasn't in any serious relationship then. I'd also decided not to post photos except for myself up here due to it's sensitivity level. ;)
As there's too many group photos or photos taken with other parties, I just summarise this GM outing here.
Golden Mile May 2012

With my favourite singer, Tam. He'd sadly returned to Thailand and he's a good saxophone player. I think that was why I was partially attracted to him. He reminded me of another singer whom I used to know way back at Nana but of course Tam cannot replace him no matter what. :)
Whenever I heard the song by Potato, I'll definitely be reminded of him, my Nana guy.

Too long since I last visited GM that I'd forgotten her name.
Finally get to meet up with Bryan for dinner in June. I am really thankful that we are still in contact, or rather to Bryan for making the effort to page me up when I got transferred to another outlet. We've known each other for how long? At least 4years! Can you believe that? Even when he's no longer working as a promoter, we are still in contact and he's always there listening to my woes, my happiness, everything! And I'm happy that he'd finally gotten his licence without 'bribing' the testers!

Went on to Hong Kong with B in July, just before my school starts. I'd decided not to post any photos of him in my blog until things has settle down, until my heart has settle down, until we have sort out all differences and all can do/can't do issues and perhaps when my trust on him is 100%. Shall share more after these. So my poor faithful readers, you'll get to see me, myself and I from now onwards. :P

Luggage all packed and ready to move out!

Last minute checking of hotspots at the bookstore in Changi Airport.

I'd given up on SIA for now because their services are incomparable to Cathay. I'd used their services twice on different years and they have never fail to amaze me how consistent their services rendered were. Still very friendly, pretty and their food? I'd finished everything on the tray - that definitely means something for I'm a very fussy eater.

Been the good passenger, I'd decided to switch my network to airplane mode in advanced. I really hate those inconsiderate people who thought that one time without switching their phone off / to airplane mode and nothing happen to them means it's alright to do it again. Please! There are other passengers on board as well! Are you going to be responsible for everyone's lives?

Preparing to fly!

Landed in HK in one piece, though I was all groggy from the lack of sleep. It was a red-eyed flight and I wasn't having enough rest. We ended up in the lobby after walking around a bit and had our breakfast because most of the stores are not open yet. I slept deeply at the hotel's lobby while B began planning our itinerary with the map and info from friends on hand.

You know when you always watch those HK dramas and they were eating food from the road stalls and it looked really yummy right? NOT AT ALL! Ok, not for me for I'm not a local there. Thought I'd be adventurous and try the siew mai and how much I regretted it... Wanted to throw the rest and B do not like to waste food finished the rest off.

Saw some of the people drinking orange juice and the colour in the transparent bottle looked rich enough to know that it must be very sweet. Bought one and felt ripped off for it cost me at least HK$20? Can't remember how much it cost exactly but definitely not worth the money. Well yea, it's damn sweet. Heeh.

Can't find this brand in SG. Pink for her! :D
Regretted not buying more clothes from this store.

Everyone was telling me that I MUST TRY their wanton noodles.. So I did and ....... I finished the noodles only because the dumpling contained prawns. :(

Eating yummy food at Starbucks!!


More of me! XD

At the peak.

This photo marks the last day at HK. We shopped a lot and I was happy that I bought a lot of shoes and tops. Unfortunately the shoes do not match most of my clothes! Unless I'm wearing shorts.. :(
Anyway I'll definitely return to HK to do shopping again! However.... my next trip will be to Taiwan! Hope their streetside stalls will be better than HK or Thailand.. So far, none beats the stalls in Japan! I'm sure someone would be nodding their heads away when they read the last sentence. Hee.
I was quite surprised when TP told me that she's throwing in the towel for I'd always thought I'd be the one to do so before her especially since she's under probation and is confirmed for her new role. Oh well, she's enjoying her life very much right now and I'm happy for her. That's something that I want to achieve but is unable to. I bet someone far away would be huffing and thinking "See!! Ask you to stay with me but you don't want. You could be a tai tai!". Lol. Yes yes... But I do not regret making that decision and for someone to say "I'll wait for you to change your mind"... well, they always end up with someone else. So I don't really place much hope on that... We shall see eh? :)
Below are photos of me and TP only as the rest... well cannot see the light and others are with B. No Tam. :(

Love this picture because it looked like we are sharing something funny just between the two of us. :)