Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Two weeks of training on just one product was definitely more than enough, but imagine having to be independent just less than a week and that one product's process was complicated. Many times I wished to take note of questions she'd always ask, repeated questions she couldn't answer when being asked, check on her process flow, the procedure, the steps she'd take to check. Many times when it was arranged (though it took a long time due to the busy period and my managers are kind enough to take time to schedule), something crops up and I'm needed somewhere, duties awaiting to be fulfilled.
Today comes the time when my trainee did a combo on me.. Which are not not-serious. Sigh. My manager did pose a very good question, which I wondered myself, why did I not supervise her? Why did I not help her make that call? Fine, if I wanted her to be indepenent and to try to make that call, why not stay beside her should she need help?
Some of my colleagues did feedback to me and I did notice something which I should take note of. Perhaps I should sit down with her and have a good talk.
Somehow "The Devil Wears Prada's Dez Moines" managed to cheer me up a little.
Am I suited to be a mentor?
Well I did have the "don't care" attitude.
Did I let her fly too fast?
Did I not observe her enough?
Did I teach her with the correct info?
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Friday, December 25, 2009
Thanks for reading or even "stepping" into my blog eventhough its kinda boring. Heh heh. But it suits me fine.
Gotten a rather unexpected gift from Daryl. XD
Super sweet dreams!!!!! Shall post up pictures when free!! *floating away*
I'm sure Master Lil is gonna be so jealous when she sees the picture! *evil grin*
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Hyatt Hotel's services were and are impressive! I hope they'll keep that up. They made you feel special. The moment you'd arrived, they were there, expecting you. Preparing everything so that you don't even have to lift a finger, just wait for them to usher you from the hotel's entrance straight to your room. It seems like everyone were trained to remember every guests name. As we do not have the keycard to dajie & Jeremy's room, we just have to inform one of the staff that we needed to go up to
The room.. I tell you, were IMPRESSIVE as well! Dajie's room was the best, even she herself did not expect such a big room. Most of the suites I'd went to was nowhere like hers. Hers was big, spacious, and it's almost like a mansionette. Double storey with plenty of storage places, decorated with state of the art furniture. Wow, WOw and WOW!!!
Not just hers, mine was impressive as well. Having tried some of the hotels in Singapore, take note - they are just normal rooms that I'd stayed in. The Hyatt's room was bigger, toilet was big, and it's just perfect! Called room service for ONE extra towel and shampoo & conditioners, they brought not just one but TWO ok? I know it may sound something where I don't have to make such a big deal with but.. they took the initiative to go to the extra mile. Shampoo & conditioner? They brought the whole set - shampoo, conditioner, body lotion, shower cap, body scrub, etc.. OMG. Totally impressed! I hope they will keep it up.
I'll post some of the pics up once I have it from dajie..
Friday, December 11, 2009
Someone left their bloodied pad on the toilet roll dispenser.. And its filled to the brim and not those empty ones. It's so disgusting! How can people be so inconsiderate? I was so turned off the moment I saw it and recoiled as soon as I stepped into the cubicle. I really pity the cleaning lady when she cleans the toilet the next morning. Imagine if today is a Sunday... Worse!
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Monday, December 07, 2009
I woke up feeling my whole body aching all over!! My calves, my thighs, my back, my stomach, my neck/shoulder, my feet, ankles, all aching! And it makes it so difficult for my leg to do movements like stand, sit, bend, kneel, squat, walk up and down curbs/staircase/escalators.. I hope these will go away by Sun otherwise I will not be able to move around on my dajie's big day!!
And thanks to chee wah that I know my running time. I'm quite.... Impressed as I expect it to be like 2hrs. So... The results is...1 h46m26s! Now to think of it, I'm feeling quite disappointed too as everyone seemed to fare better than me. Sigh.
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Sunday, December 06, 2009
No more thinking, the run started and we began our slow jog. I managed to jog all 2+km before my stamina gave up on me, right after the upward n downward slope.. I brisked walk all the way till 9km and jogged the remaining 10km. I wanted to jogged from 2km as my heart told me that I'm reaching the finishing line real soon!! However, that was also when I nearly experience a leg cramp. It felt horrible as the warning sign is there and its painful to continue forcing the leg to jog. :(
Now, I gotta wait patiently for the HR to email us our running results.. It happened fast but it ended pretty fast too. The weather was kind to us by being cloudy and sun shining bright when most of us are almost done.
What an experience to be running on the ECP as well as some of the roads without having to stop at traffic lights and with plenty of space to jog. Now, I'm so smelly and sticky but I can't forget the 10km feeling. A look on my smelly running top with my bib number still attached with the help of safety pins.. My running shoes with my ChampionChip... Sigh.
Just read the guide book again and I hope that I'd crossed the correct chip mat that wll record my timing. :/
1st pic - My Medal!
2nd pic - My Bib Number!!
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Monday, November 30, 2009
Who designed the new ezlink card anyway? Since I'm already complaining and venting my frustrations, might as well go all the way huh?
I'd still prefer the old card where if your card's balance is low but you can still afford to go slightly lower. Now with the new one, you can't go anywhere with a value of $1. That sucks especially so if you do not have a spare card..
It weird that things happened like a chain burst. First was the bus then the ezlink card and just when I was finishing the sentence, yet another one spawned!! Wtf?
Yet another person who do not wish to scratch her finely manicured fingers. Not pressing the level she want to stop at. Ugh.
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
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Sunday, November 22, 2009
Anyway, while I was lying on the sofa, HE suddenly came to mind. I realised that he does not has any friends and that he did not invited any of his friends for today's event at all, his good brothers either can't be bothered to attend or left short after without staying for lunch. Thinking back, he do have friends during the courting stage however, after he got hitched, he dedicated all his time to his family and work and no social life. To see him eating alone today broke my heart. Which made me wondered, why didn't he sit with his nephew and family? Why didn't I pay closer attention to him? Perhaps instead of rushing around, I should just stay beside him and accompany him instead. I'll have to pay more attention to him on the second day. I know and understand the feeling of being alone when those close to me ain't beside me and I hate that feeling, so I'll try not to let that person feel the same way too.
I do not like people to eat alone, which I know a lot of people felt that it is ok and more time saving and practical to dine alone. But I just don't like the feeling of those close to me eat alone. Or perhaps, even strangers.
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I missed Japan so much!!! Maybe I should get a Japanese boyfriend instead.... Lol! *You know I'm just kidding.... Haha!*
Looking forward to next year's Japan trip with Ms Wen-di!!!!
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First off, dad drove us to the chapel for the rehearsal where everyone involved will have to practice on what's going to happen on that day itself.

I was getting kinda restless after I'd practiced and was given the thumbs up for the 'catwalk' down the aisle. heh. Being a bride's maid ain't no easy task ok!! I need to lookout for dajie's gown and such.
After which, we headed down for her gown fitting. :D
My mission was to help her zip up her gown which was very challenging at first as there's alot of beads to take note of as well as her laces however, after the first try, I was able to do it without any difficulty at the second try.

The forgetful girl did not bring her heels along hence she'll need to make a second trip down on Monday. Luckily dad will be in Singapore for the time being.
When we are back, I'd to help her with the invitation cards for her church wedding. See, ain't easy being her sister..
A peek at the cards.. Specially designed by Jeremy aka my soon-to-be brother-in-law. You will NOT find it anywhere else.
The Front

The Back

So lazy now, and my long overdue game reviews are still not done up yet.. Argh.. I'm soooo tempted to try out the new game which Clifton had brought over but.. my bedroom lights are out cold and yes, I'm lazy to change it too. Lazy to change light = no game.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
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Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Looking at the calender reminded me of how time flies.. This Sat is the church rehearsal, next Sat is the wedding.. It's kind of exciting and to think of it, the wedding (be it church or traditional) takes months to plan but it'll be over in a matter of 1 day, 1~2hours.
Today is the day when our new ACs are coming! Yay!!!!!
Have to shift some stuffs and cover them with huge sheets of plastics! Now my house looked like those old houses you saw in the movies and my room suddenly felt emptier.. Ha. B'cause everything was shifted to a corner. The price to pay for installing AC? It'll be the dust!!! Argh. Hopefully they will not fly into the wardrobes and I still need to clean up my room when I'm back from work. Soooo troublesome!!!
While cleaning up, I'd already visualised where and how am I going to place my study table and NEW pc! Still deciding to go with the compact tower or not. Argh.
Speaking of which, my mom was being very mischievous last night. When I noticed that the study table was missing, I asked mom what happened to it. She tried to act blur and gave some excuses like "huh? What table??" followed by "I'm not sure where did it go" then last attempt "I think we threw it away". And when she finally cannot contained her lie, she kind of leak of this cheeky smile and I knew she was pulling my leg! Sigh, so people, if you ever wonder where did I get my naughty or cheeky streak from.. You'll know now.
Made some yummy wanton last week. The only missing ingredient was the water chestnut. You can really taste the difference. It wasn't that crunchy and sweet..
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Wednesday, November 04, 2009

I was craving for nasi lemak and we decided to head down to Chinatown to try since Stickman said there's one particular stall that sells really good Nasi Lemak.. Which turns out.. to be ok and quite pricey. It cost you at least 4 bucks to get a decent plate of rice and that does no include DRINKS ok!!

So tired, my room is getting messier and messier with each passing day. NO matter how much I tried to clean it up, it just stack up magically!! Okies, I'd just went on a spree to buy some books.. But.. But.. they were there and I was like reading Hellgate London Book 1 and I can't possibly stop there right?? So, I saw Book 2 and Book 3 by accident!!! I was quite tempted to get Gears of Wars but managed to stop myself fromy buying with the reason "Since I'd already completed GoW 1 & 2, I should have know how the story goes right?". And yes, I saw Halo too and was convinced myself not to get that as well with the same reason I gave to myself for not buying GoW. And..... there! Mitch Albom's latest book was there! BAM! Right in front of my face!! How could I not buy that right? I mean, he's a darn good write and I have all of his books. This, ought to go into my collection right??? So, yes.. I have plenty of books to read and I'd just finished Jeffery Deaver's "The Sleeping Doll", now going on to Mitch Albom's and then it'll be a choice between "The High Lord" which is the last book of that series, or I'll go with Hellgate London! Sigh.. Choices. At least I managed to get them wrapped up with the plastic sheets though. :D
I guess they are just collecting dust for now. Just like my games, why is it that I have no time to play them now? Kinda itching to play .... DJ Hero but I guess I'll just try it out with Hachiko's set first. Wonder how it's gonna be like, DJ-ing with a guitar! WOOHOO! Hope we get the same offday again!
I'm also torn between which set to get, if I'm EVER buying it!
I mean, the Renegade version looked damn cool! However, the price difference between Renegade and the normal one was about 100+! I mean, sure it looked nice for renegade but.. most of the people felt that it was not worth buying.. *Sigh*
Show you the chio-ness (beauty) of Renagade VS Normal edition.
Right, and the next Question is.. where should I park my DJ Stand? Packing of Drum is already causing me a headache.. How I wish Dajie and Xiao Mei will quickly get their new nest so that I can convert one of the rooms to my ULTIMATE gaming room!! Then I'll have no reason to fret over where to put my lovely toys and games. HOHOHOHOHOHOHO!

Time to park myself in front Mr AY's PS3 when FFXIII Versus is out! And to play when he's not playing his game.. Which Clifton and Panda are hooked onto now.. Just look at the message below..

Tsk tsk.. Boys...
And another thing that made me H-A-P-P-Y was.... I'd managed to update my software for my Blackberry and............. YESSSSSSH! It can support JAPANESE language now!!!! So yes, I guess the only person I'll practise with is.. Master Lil! Though she now cannot msn while at work.. That sucks!
Oh, Master Lil, in case if you are reading this and not in the land of Vanadiel, REMEMBER to check out the compact CPU that I was telling you about ok???? Maybe we can get our pc fixed up together. I more or less knows what specs I want, except for the graphics card. Gotta do some research on that. Online forum is too technical, don't understand a word of it!
WAN ANN Mina San!
Sunday, November 01, 2009
I do wonder too, what's exactly behind that mask of yours.. On the surface, you sure looked very friendly, very nice a very approachable that even if you do steal something, people around you will go "no way will she do that, she way to nice." Or "I don't believe you, she will NEVER EVER do something like that!". Yes, but what kind of person are you? The real you.
One who do not admit any plans of getting married and yet the finger still don the rock that most people yearns for. That reminds me this chen yi "kou shi xin fei". One who says something yet the heart thinks differently.
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
Monday, October 26, 2009
Ya, you may think "Wouldn't this girl gets tired of watching the same show over and over again?".
The answer is NO.
There's a reason why I re-watch these shows repeatedly. I get to remind myself that inner beauty is more important than outer beauty and that we should look past that before judging people. Most of the people focus too much on "Outer Beauty" and tend to forget to use their heart to look for something more important. The only time I get a taste of inner beauty was when I was still in polytechnic where I chanced upon this very pretty girl who caught my breath and yes, she looked plain on the outside. That was that. Otherwise, I'd saw a lot of beautiful girls but got a total turn off when her real character shows. It's damn ugly! I mean, if I'm a guy and a really pretty girl like that shows up and display her ugly character to me, I'll get turn off immediately and wish to stay as far away from her as possible least I, having to suffer later.
As for "Titanic", what caught my interest wasn't the romance between Jack and Rose but the chance of getting to see that sunken Titanic. I'm very fascinated with History. Selected History. ha. Titanic, one thing that caught my interest was that my grandpa was born just before Titanic sink and I guess I just like the fact that it's a gigantic sunken ship with a history of it's own. You just can't get bored of it.
I know that I'd said this before but I still wanna say it still! How I wish there's a time machine where I can go back to the past and see what's happening with my own eyes, to feel it with my own skin, to witness something that no one has even see before! Of course, the people in the past will not be able to see/hear me, otherwise that will upset the history right? And yes, I'd like to be immortal please! Least I stepped onto a mine or something. Then I can have a free run, lets see what do I have in mind.. A rerun of how SG were invaded by JP, the war in Berlin, the tunnels between Germany and France, what happened to the Titanic. Yup, that's about it for now. Sorry, American history do not interest me as much as Europe's or SG do.
And I wish that Don Wildman will come to Singapore for a run of Cities of The Underworld. Singapore although may be a small country but we do have had our share of war as well as mystery or secret tunnels that were yet to be explore. Remember 'Hey Singpore!' where Lisa Ang found a secret tunnel? It'll be cool to see the secret tunnels here, that were not opened or found by the people. :/
Some of the tunnels here were revamped into museums, so it looked more modern than history.
Dearest Harry Potter, as much as I'm not a fan of your show and neither do I have a collection of your books nor do I follow your movies, and that my ignorant friends kept comparing ME and YOU together just because they can't differentiate on the hairstyle and yes, the spectacles, but PLEASE! Lend me your invisible cloak so that I can do some digging of my own without incuring "THEIR" wrath! Thank you!!!!! You can get your owl to send the cloak over ASAP!
Did I mention again that The History Channel was looking for a host? How I wish I can be the host (think: Don Wildman - he gets to see all the cool stuffs!) so that I get to see the same as Don does! But, they required someone who can speak FLUENT English (definitely not me, since they would prefer someone with a familar accent) and (i think) with a strong history background or some sort. Me? I LOVE History but I'm bad with numbers. I can't remember dates. Sigh. I'll just have my own History program. :)
Which I'll embark once it's time. heh.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Anyways, I'd made up my mind. Die die to continue my studies and no more delay. Hopefully I'll try to find a part time job in an industry that I like. Some may say that it's inpractical and a job is a job. HEY, if you do not like that shitty environment you are working in or if you do NOT enjoy what you are currently doing, why should you stay and make yourself miserable? After TWO years of facing idiotic customers, I must say, it's only the really NICE ones that made me stay.
Sheesh, just thinking of those people made me lost my 'inspiration'.!
This song came to my head right now!
Friday, October 23, 2009
This had in fact strengthened my resolve to quiit and resume my studies ASAP!
Sometimes they'd asked various things, why do we eat into our time and such. Why is it that we get scold but they themselves are doing the same? Shouldn't they be the ones who's supposed to show a good example?
What had happened to Hachiko (think: Pulau Ubin) is happening to me now. Time to go low.
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Yes, THROWING IT AWAY! It cannot support Facebook. (not mine anyway, I'm lodging on a friend's account. Smart eh? Which in turn lead to another Question from friends: Why not create an account? ME: Huh? Just to play game? Nah, I don't wanna be oblige to 'accept' people whom I'm not close with and there's no point in creating an account just to play game eh?) ANYWAYS, back to where I was earlier. It cannot support ... Okies, it just cannot play Cafe World smoothly! And yes I know, a netbook is just for surfing of the game but.. but... with such advanced technology in this mini version of a laptop (mine is overshadowed by dajie & mei's laptop.. what with the 18" screen. Might as well get a desktop???). This gave me MORE excuses to buy the desktop which I'm aiming at. I just need to check whether can I increase the ram that's all. Wonder if the graphics card is good enough too. :/
I'm tempted to get a laptop but I guess my heart is still with the good ol' desktop where you can customise it according to your needs. hehe.. *rubbing hands together*
Oh well, here's a glance on what I'm looking for Fujitsu. Why this? I love the sleek tower (saves space and I've already thought of where to place it at ok??). I'm quite ok with the specs provided but there's any chance of improving it, I'd love to go for it. :D
Things I'd like to change:
- the processor (I've yet to check on what's the latest one is, I'm not going for the latest but preferably somewhere between the current one to the latest one.
- the RAM! I'd love to increase it with an additional 2 slots or better, just throw in another 2GB RAM for me hehe, so I'll have 6GB instead of 4!
- HDD to 500GB maybe? Gahahah! No partition please! I have enough portable HDD to cover my nonsense.
- I don't really need a DVD-Rom drive that can write since I rarely "burn" DVDs. Just a simple one in case my mom do 'charity work' again, 'burn' photos for her ungrateful friend (just the thought of her friend complaining about my camera when my mom was kind enough to loan him makes my blood BOILS!!!!).
Only thing that baffles me was the graphics card. I'm no good at that. *Head bent backwards and began talking into the void above, "Whoever is reading my nonsense and is good at IT, do lemme know what you think of the specs? My main purpose is for online gaming." Woah! I can practically heard my voice echoing out! Please pardon me, I just love talking to myself and also to voice my thoughts out loud. Like my temp staff said "Can you stop talking to yourself?".
Had my cousin over to look at our house and to quote us a price for installing 4 units of aircons. Now we were discussing whether should we go ahead and install it or not. Is it a necessity? It's gonna cost us like S$4k or so I think.. Gah. Still thinking.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
So, I saw alot of related songs and I believe this should be the original combination.. Both female singers are good and different in their own way. Dolly Parton has more of the classic voice whereas Coco is more of the modern version of the song. :)
From there... I found this!!! Real classic and if you listen carefully, you'll find that her voice is very unique. Not something which will make you fall in love with at first BUT after listening to the full song, you'll find it otherwise. It's like sour plum, very sour at first but sweet when you get to the middle part.
Had just typed a whole paragraph of text and yes, the darn IE hang!!!!!
Anyways kudos to Tiger's latest commercial ad! It was very creative.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
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Tuesday, October 13, 2009
AND... OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FOUND THIS TREASURE!!! Now I'm so tempted to hop down to HMV to buy their album.. For GH5 fans, you'll find this song EXTREMELY familiar.. Ha!
And funnily, they are a Christian metalcore band.. omg. *Back to listening to their whole album and drool at the same time..* I would say it's the guitar part that attracts me to their songs. *.*
But.. I wonder, with all these screaming, will the lead singer's throat hurt? Especially during their concert, wow.
And I didn't know Jessica Simpson sang the part for Ariel, The Little Mermaid, which made me have this craving for watching that cartoon!!
A little diversion.. as I was talking to mom. Time FLIES! Next month will be dajie's solemnisation, Dec 6 is my StandChart 10km run (I HAVEN TRAIN YET!! I'M SOOOO LAZY!!!! *pulls hair*), followed by dajie's tea ceremony & wedding dinner. It's happening so fast!
I still can't believe why some people can be so nasty!
And I still don't understand why ang mohs don't feel weird when some people tried to slang their English and not feel uncomfortable about hearing it. I mean, if ang mohs try to speak Chinese and have that weird accent, I'll feel uncomfortable inside out.
I suddenly have an urge to do something outrageous after doing some minor research and getting frustrated.
Dad went to (finally) get his measurements taken for his suit just for dajie's wedding. Next? FORCE him to buy a new pair of shoes, get him really good shirt and tie. Well, he can always reuse it for mei's wedding. ;)
It's about time I start training for my run.. I'm getting fat and I can't cover 10km in 1hour's time! That sux.
I'm liking bowling though I can't survive more than 3 rounds. My ball tends to roll to the left when I try to position myself in the centre or slightly more to the right and the ball will go straight into the right drain when I stand on the extreme right. Sheesh. Managed to score a maximum of TWO strikes during the 3 rounds of game. Tomorrow shall be bowling day again and hopefully I'll get to practice more.
Why money plant can't grow money instead of leaves?
Why do we need to study?
My back is hurting.. for sitting too long on the wooden stool..
I'm still short of 1 white dress for dajie's Church's wedding.. Gah. Dress... Yuk!
Gotta buy a pair of extremely black stockings plus a skin tone too.....
Why am I listing it out?
Ok, I'm starting to sound like Akira from Prince of Tennis... I'm talking to myself...
And..... speaking of Prince of Tennis... TEZUKA is sooooo COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why can't there be any real life guys who look like those in comics/anime?
I shall end this post abruptly.
Wait, why is Master Lil's thoughts are in my head? OMG! GET OUT!!! GET OUT OF MY HEAD YOU.. YOU.... You... always drawing circles on the floor... character.. creature.... Hope your Monster Hunter dies on you.. *Wicked laughs* Yes... Yes.. That'll be the ultimate for you...
I feel like taking up tennis... nO.. Not because of Prince of Tennis.. Nope.
My phone.. is so quiet.. Seems like I'm pretty unpopular.. Not a new message in my phone since... 9pm?
Alright.. my phone's not working.. Ah! The battery's dead! No wonder! So, it's not because I'm unpopular!!
Hmm, are you still reading this? Gosh.. you are sure persistant. =.=
Aren't you thinking "When will this post ever end????".
How about, just moving your cursor to "X" and do a left click?
Not worried about brain dead from reading all these nonsense?
Erm... Ain't bored yet?
I can't keep entertaining you forever, you know that right?
I shall stop here.
Yup.. Good night!!!
Ey.. are you still reading?
Geez!! You can stop reading and do whatever you are supposed to do man!!
Too bored? How about playing "Plants vs Zombies"?
What?! You are yawning?? That's an OLD game?!
ITS NOT OK! It's fun!!
Go read a book then!
I'm so tempted to get back on the tracks for my Japanese.. Otherwise I'll melt under Master Lil's glare.
Maybe I can take on French at the same time.. Any cute French tutors?
And brush up on my cantonese at the same time..
Cannot be too greedy...
Okies, tired. Eyes are closing. Good night once again and you "hao zi wei zhi" bah! In otherwise, GOOD LUCK! Lol!!!!!
I can't believe that my mom actually enjoyed Jay Leno's show! There's no Chinese subtitles ok!!!
She watched too many CSI shows.. Now she can identify David Caruso in NYPD.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
He would drift into sleep now and then and staring into space when he's not. While waiting for lunch time and watching over ye ye at the same time, we (dad, mei and I) were talking about the times when ye ye was still active and alert. My mind then drifted over to 1994, when ma ma was still there and we'd always go over to visit our grandparents on Sundays without fail. Everyone was very close and we'd have our breakfast at the nearby hawker centre, the usual - prawn mee (it was the most delicious and cheapest mee then). Afterwards, we'd proceed over to our grandparents house for lunch, where ma ma was still active and moving about, cooking meals and such. It was fun then.
At the same time, I was reminded of how old and fragile ye ye looked. He's like 90 odd years old. And soon, it was lunch time. After dad had finished feeding ye ye, I asked him "Was your lunch delicious?". Ye ye's reply? "It was reluctantly delicious." That was the cutest reply I heard from ye ye.
I pray that nothing will happen to him, that he'll recover quickly, go for physiotherapy obediently and be his usual self - alert and active.
How does this sound to you?
"They are mean to you for doing this but I can't help but to laugh when I saw 'it'"
The letter "H" shone brightly in my mind for a while. If I put that to your face, I'm sure you'll leave in a huff.
For one whom I'd know longer than everyone else, for being so nice that sometimes it just feel that it's impossible for someone to be that nice, that sometimes it'll just made your mind wander to the dark side. To think you'll participate along with the rest of the mindless. That it gave me a reason not to defend you further from future attacks, should any comes along. And for what had happened today in that box, for NOT clarifying and just assuming things will get you nowhere. The reason you gave was invalid. It's the weekend today, who's WORKING???
So, I'd just resolve to just ignore the insensitive people who like tasting the same food over and over again. Speak out what's on my mind? I'd say that it will just made them think you are one who can't take a joke (when it's more than 2 months old). For one who can't differentiate between ROUND RIMMED objects with SQUARE RIMMED ones, I can't really judge you huh?
Threw some hints over and there and yet they can't catch them all. Sigh, people who can't think of anything better will just eat the same food over and over again, just for the sake of filling their void.
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Its not quite what I'd expected but I guess it's because I'd assumed myself that it may be a live action trailer of the game itself. However, I'm quite impressed by the way they'd managed to make the helmet's screen looked so real like the one in game. XD
CHECK THIS OUT! This is then great! Especially the part where the guy got pinned to the wall, it reminded me of the weapon that Clifton asked to me to get for the first time. And also, they did up the sniper rifle similar to the game!!!! OMG! I WANT THAT ONE TOO!!
As I was browsing through some images of Cloud for my BB's wallpaper, I realised that I have not find a really good drawing of Cloud. Not that I'm someone who's really good at drawing however, I do appreciate arts alot. I think the closest I saw was the poster at GCA, or was it Comics Con? It's such a pity that I did not take a picture of it. :(
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
CHECK THIS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Index Finger pointing non-stop at the below video*
I'm so gonna upgrade my PC to be bestest.. well not really but enough to last me for a few games (hopefully FFXIV and D3). In fact, I may change my monitor that instead of using that 32" TV, I'll get a 21" monitor or something so that I can play comfortably and without straining my eyes. Oh well, that will only be achievable when my two sisters move out. Sigh.. or I'll have to rearrange my room. Gah!
Seeing that trailer reminded me of those times when Master Lil introduced me to that game and that we have lots of fun playing it, knowing great people while playing the game and being so close and all. I so missed all of it and I seriously can't wait to play with the old gang again. I wonder how much it is going to cost us though. :/
And before I end this post, I just wanna shout "HALO ODST IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!".
Somehow I guess curiousity just got the hang of me. I was like "Why is everyone so into Halo? Is it really that fun?". And as I did not touch Halo at all since it's first release hence I am totally clueless about the characters, storyline, etc. The ONLY thing I know about Halo was that it's a first person shooter game (except for Halo Wars which is Real Time Strategy) and they'll move around in that armor of theirs and not forgetting that infamous helmet which kinda marks the game. SO, I asked Clifton to play co-op with me and I'm so hooked to the game. I quite like the storyline and yes, I was asking Clifton alot of questions about the game which I think are beginning to drive him up the wall. And I proudly declare that their OST are the GREATEST! Ima gonna buy their album if there's any available. I'm still not familar with the main characters name (that Sharon and Keith were discussing about with clifton) and also the main storyline. In fact, the armored guys reminded me of this novel that I'd just finished - Hellgate London's Templar knights. As in, they are both technology advanced.
I like the way the game actually shift you back and forth, playing the present and past, sort of getting some understanding on what had happened. Shooting is a breeze the moment you get the hang of it. You don't even need to hide or auto-aim function. The maps tend to be alittle confusing however that confusion will disappear once you learnt how to read it, maps will show the enemies nearby or if they are approaching you REAL TIME! It's a pity though that the gameplay is pretty short. I mean, if I'm to spend the whole day playing it, I'll finish it by the bedtime aka midnight. It so made me not wanting to complete it quickly so that I can still relish in the feeling, that Halo feel. I have placed Halo next to my favourite game next to Gears of Wars (I love that CHAINSAW! Gahahahahahah!!). *Rubbing hands gleefully*
Enjoy this game video bah! Halo~~~~~~~~~~~~ I WANNA GET THAT HELMET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, and to those behind Games Trailers, YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *As if they'll see this but I still wanna say this!* I could almost drown myside in that sea of TRAILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAMES TRAILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I realised something.. I'm not too sure if it's a good thing or a bad one.. but I found out that it was pretty easy to befriend me.. You just have to start off by saying that you LOVEs playing games. Is that good news or bad news? Hmm... I don't really fancy sports games but I guess Mr AY had rubbed some on me.. That American Football game, especially that win... LOL!! I still can't get it off my head!! I just wanna go ROFL man and tease Tuan about it but decided to spare that poor guy. Haha. I'm so looking forward to the rugby game this weekend! Hopefully it'll be quite similar to the one I'd saw on my bday. :/
It should also be the best time to try and listen hard and get use to Mr AY and Mr JC's australian accent so that if I EVER enroll into UC, I still can manage the Australian Lecturers' accents. Ahhh, so long never see Mr JC and Winnie (Her bubbly character can rub onto you lor)!
How about updating what's happening NOW?
I'd recently caught on the Dragonica bug and being playing (and for the first time with Clifton!) it for some time. So, while trying to play earlier with Clift, I tried to ping him online to find that my chat has been blocked, so while trying to fix that problem (I'm not the only one with that issue), I tried changing my screen mode to full mode - and I was successful. So, back to my chat block problem, it's still not resolved and I thought I should try to get out of the server and re-login again. End up... There were some error and was asked to try and reboot pc. So I did just that and still it cannot work! What I did next was to try uninstalling and reinstalling it. Login and it works and... I can't find my characters! That thought just put me off because I'll be too lazy to try and level the characters to that same level originally.
I spent the next 2hours searching through the bloody forums, trying to find that thread, to see if there's anyone who has experienced the same problem as I do. Then.... I found one and the reply to that thread was "did you log into the wrong server?", the it hit me. I went back trying to login and making sure that I was at the right server and <I>viola</i>! I saw my 2 tiny characters right infront of my eyes. Damn! If only I didn't itchy hand switch to full screen, all these wouldn't happen. Sigh.
I have some pictures that I'd wanted to upload into my blog initia but again, I'm just plain lazy to do anything right now. Shall forgo putting up that pictures.
Should I be glad that I'd attended the "Games Convention Asia" held at Suntec recently? It was quite disappointing to see that the only 2 sponsors from the "major" gaming industry was Xbox and Electronics Arts. My guess was because they have an operational base in Singapore? What about the rest? Oh well, SG is still too "young" for the gaming farm and the base here is still too small. There were some cosplay which I must put it straight forward-ly, sucks. Well, there's always room for improvement and it'll be unfair to them to be compared to Japan.
Had enrol Matty's photography skills when he's back in SG to take some pictures of SG cosplays. Heh.
Next was the shocked realisation that yesterday was the last day I'll be seeing father wong.. I'm off today and his tomorrow. :(
And it was the first time in 2yrs of working toether that we'll be separated. So sad!!!!
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
Friday, September 18, 2009
Then Clifton and AY were talking about "VBOOM!". I was kinda lost till AY helped by mentioning about the upcoming Ms Singapore World. And all along I was still at the old Ms SG (the lady who studied in NUS or NTU, pretty and smart). So, this morning, Clifton start up his lappy and load the video clip in YouTube for my sake.
WATCH THE VIDEOS and hope your jaw will not go any lower than mine with disapproving head shake.
1st Vid
2nd Vid
Does your mind thinks the same as mine?
- HOW the hell did the judges pick her?!?!?!?!?!?
- Why her England so good?
- Her fashionis... is very tastefully matched..
- Safari.. is she referring to the SG's or South Africa's?
- I still don't understand how.. why.... omg... *faint*
- Damn throw face.. where are all the SMART & PRETTY ONES? Oh right, and NON-BIMBOTIC girls?
Anyways, to side track so not to kill your appetite or to give you any nightmares..
Cosplay of ....
Did you scream? Or try to siffle it? I know you wanted to say it, "OMG!!! HE LOOKED SOOOOO LIKE CLOUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". Yes.. I feel the same way too. BUT! It's just the clothes, props and the hair looked like Cloud. Just the upper half of his face looked like, however, it kinda spoils everything when your eyes drift down to his lips.. WASTED!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
So, now I'm on the way home, sitting at the rear of smelly bus and am sort of sandwiched between 2 smelly men. One whom opened his frikking legs really big (how inconsiderate) and can't stop scratching himself. I so wanted to get out and switch to a cab instead but I thought I'd bear with it and save the money..
Right eye still slightly swollen and hurts alittle. Sianz.
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
Monday, September 14, 2009
So, we were eating our fries as we made our way to NTUC. Bought plenty as usual and to be carried the both of us. This time, however, the taxi driver was kind enough to get out of his seat to help us transfer the goods into his car boot AND went to the extra mile of removing them from his boot. As our past experiences, they only waited for us to finish clearing his boot while they sat comfortably in their car. Sheesh! This kind uncle even said to becareful and asked us to take our time! How sweet of him. :D
I'd been thinking about fb lately and wondered whether should I create an account so that I can keep in touch with some of my friends but the thought of many people, especially whom I'm not closed with request to add as a friend made me push that "create a fb a/c" away violently and ended up shuddering at that thought. Why? Because I do not wish to reject them yet neither do I want to add any friends whom I'm not close with in the first place. *sigh*
Guess I should just finish this last piece of post up before I goes in ZZ land. Father Wong was just telling about this new course available in NYP, something that is related to gaming. I went to check out the modules offered and then I was thinking, whether should I take up that course. And of course, one thought will lead to another and another and it'll goes on and on. So, I pictured myself taking another diploma again and this time, with a class of students who were at least 10years my junior? And should I waste another 3years of my life taking that certificate when I can take up something of a higher qualifications and have my options opened up wider? And that leads to, with my age for now and by the time I'd graduate with a Degree (for example) and to go for an interview, applying for a job where I totally have no experienced in, and if the interviewer asked "So, what have you been doing before this?" and my answer shall be.... That's where reality hits me. I'm not longer young and what have I been doing with my life all these while?
So I went from with a goal in mind to none at all now. Yes, just like before, whatever I had set in life was erased once again. It's about time to rethink.
And to start not being lazy and to be sociable, to try to strike a conversation with the people in the room, whether am I comfortable or not. To read more about the current affairs and widen my knowledge (how?). Yea, it sounds like a good start but I'm just lazy and these require some brain cells - which were stored in some corners.
*Looks around in brain and started having a coughing fit from all the dust that had settled there and not forgetting the spider webs. Ok, spring cleaning another time.*
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
Friday, August 28, 2009
About the show, I can put it into two words - very gruesome. The story wasn't as good as the last one and the ending was ended quite hurriedly. However, it is still worth watching, if you had watch the first 3 installments, you'll see that the starting credits reminded you of it.
Weather now is extremely cooling and windy!!!!! So shiok! Kinda reminded me of the weather in Japan.. Sigh..
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Created a BB email out of impluse and I'm wondering what to do with it now. hmm...
And, nearly buy an air ticket, book a room and fly over to Japan even if it's just for a 5 days trip. Yes, extremely short but I just misses Japan so much. Now, I'll just have to be patient and wait till Apr/May 09. Ah long is gonna join us! Happy!!!!
Don't understand why Taiwanese drama loves making the men cry. I know it's norm for guys to cry but to overdo it? Er... I guess it just kills the manliness.. :S
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
And while watching "Bai Wan Da Ge Xin", Kang Kang was picked this song and it was really good, so I went to search for it and VIOLA! By Shin somemore! Hahah, but I read in the net that the female singer Dai Ai Lin is a Singaporean, from Superstar, wonder if that's her. Hmmm... But her voice is really impressive.
So, I was playing Star Ocean: The Last Hope until I was pretty sure that I'm finishing the 1st disc (there are 3 in total). I somehow gotten pretty impatient and decided to check out for sources via the internet on what happened to Crowe, whether did Edge meet up with him, is Crowe a playable character or did he become the bad guy whom I have to face in the end (think Suikoden 2). So, I found this Star Ocean Wiki where they have ALL the info on Star Ocean: The Last Hope. Read all that interest me and I finally found CROWE! I did not stop there and my itchy hands went to click "Faize", read all and I suddenly lost the interest to play the game. Why must they sacrifice some people (though they did not die) to either continue the game (think: Aerith) or become bad? Why can they have all alive? Maybe I'll wait for that feeling to pass through and continue the game till the last disc. Sigh. The story is just too sad. :(
Friday, August 21, 2009
*Removes some of the spider webs, stomp on disgusting lizards and irritating cockroaches*
*Looks around... the extremely dusty web..*
Haaaa, just some random pics which I wanna post up to entertain myself. I'm actually planning something, but it shall be revealed in due course.. to close friends only of course! Must be like this particular person, keep it to the minimal.
And I'd just realised that some people, although is not physically near you yet is so well informed on matters related to them. Should that be called scary or admirable? I think I will not choose the latter. Ha.
Well, some of the pictures below were taken some time back (not too long ago neither!)
We, Clifton, AY and I were just returning from Cold Storage with bags of yummylicious and superly healthy food. Someone (I can't remember who) saw the lizard in one of the basin and all 3 of us were thinking - how to get this frikking disgusting lizard out? Initially, AY wanted to use his spoon to chase the lizard away but I let out a.. sort of a whiny shout(?) and he placed it back to the safer side of the basin. So, something that one of the boys did made the lizard ran up the wall and it just stayed there in the corner, not hidden from view. It's so disgustingly FAT. We were all trying to think of ways to get rid of it and then (imagine the light bulb lit up) I thought of a cup to trap it, find a piece of cardboard like material to keep it in and throw it away. AY managed to find a plastic cup and heh.. he did all the work. :P

Ugly Lizard... so FAT & disgusting!!
Once all the hype died down, I saw this........

Water Dispenser.... So cute! AY's friend bought it for him from HK (If my memory didnt fail me). And no, he didn't fill it with water. ha, it's just there for decoration.
The Singapore Toy & Comic Convention ended last Sunday. I managed to go, thanks to Clifton. It was pretty packed and this time, there were more booths on exhibition. :)
There were the cosplays and competition. I did not take any pictures as 1) it was very crowded 2) my camera wasn't with me. However, I'll most prolly enlist Matty's help in taking pictures of them next year. Heee. Well, he takes good and better pictures than I do. That'll be part of my new project. heh. Hopefully it'll go well and my creative juices will flow as fast and easily as a waterfall.
Anyway, when we returned home, we saw 2 BIG boxes in their living room. AY went on a SHOPPING SPREE!!! Till now, I seriously wondered how did he manage to carry both of them home.. Really, it's very big you know?

Green Turtle went 'grrrrr'!

Angry Teddy staring at you with his invisible eyes, ready to claw your face!

They are guarding the house... Should place them beside the woman figure, so that dogs will not dare to piss on her.. haaaaa.
Right, and as I was saying about the Toys & Comics Con, we were there browsing around and I thought maybe I can bring a toy or 2 home. However, the crowd was comparable to the IT fair and most of the toys on exhibition were transformers, so I just tour around the area and saw a BIG dino running away from the elephant. So lousy.. hahahha

Chicken Dino
Something not related to the above..
Mr Goh brought some of these over to the shop, to share with us.. look what was that!

Chocolate Flavoured Condom and Fluffy Pad
And this is how they look like inside..

Ya, it's actually Chocolate in the shape of a condom. Pretty neat eh?

And the 'pad' consist of 4 pieces of marshmallows. Yummy!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
met a superly cute princess and a cute little boy who likes hi-5 and reacts to Japanese. Time to brush up on my Japanese!
Sad that im gonna miss out on Comics Con on this Friday. Its my WORKING DAY! shucks!
Tokyo Game Show 09 is next month!!!! Oh man, I'm so tempted to go over!!! But, no money and no extra leaves... ugh!!!!!!!!
This is gonna be a superly boring blog.
You were warned!
Sunday, August 09, 2009
He came down to look for me at my workplace and we chatted.
V: Do you know that I went to Myanmar for 3 weeks?
Me: *Surprised - coz all along I thought he returned to Philippines for a really long time* No.. I don't know.
V: *Eyes opened big big staring at me* You don't know? Do you have FB?
Me: Erm.. no. *managed a weak smile*
V: You DON'T have a FB?? Omg. I posted all my pictures in my FB you know?
Me: Ah.. I go create an account when i'm free lah.
Today marks the day when our dear Hachiko grows up and be a real man. Heh.
Last night Bachelor's night was CRAZYYYYYY! Well, just after I left. I missed out so many funs!
Photos of Bach night & today's Solemnisation coming up! ;)
Saturday, August 01, 2009
What's the big deal of working out in the gym till 11pm plus with 3 guys and 2 girls then? We are gonna have a mass orgy where 2 of the guys are going to get married?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
There was this particular passenger who is a tourist here, showed the driver her hotel name and asked if he'll drive past it. So, out of desperation, he scanned the bus for someone who was able to help him translate and I was unlucky one. Not because I do not wish to help but I'm not that familiar with the route and so I told her that the bus most prolly do not go past it. She was pretty upset and I guess she decided to take a cab instead. The moment the bus drove off, nearing to the next stop was.... her stop. I felt so guilty about giving her the wrong info.. Sigh.
Friday, July 24, 2009
But it was really fun to go to the gym during night time as there wasn't anyone in the office and the gym simply belongs to us and no one else. Well, except for the cctv in it. Bet the guards must be laughing their ass of while watching our every movements.
Ahhhh, I'm so tired. Sleeping time. 2 more days to off day! Nearly forgot about my 'Dim Sum Dolly' theatre show on Sunday if not for my dajie's reminder. So many errands to run. Sigh. Good night!
Ps: did I mention that I'd signed up for the StandChart Marathon? Well, its a 10km run only, not even the half marathon (full marathon is 42km). Lol.
Found another run under the Yellow Ribbon Project.. Unfortunately the individual category were full.. So can only wait for their response for corporate cat.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Anyway, was watching TV and seeing the MV for the latest National Day song. Check it out here!
Dear sis, if you are looking at this blog now, this video showed you some glimpse of how Singapore is like. ;)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Nothing interesting about my life except for being weigh down by bills. Sigh. To stay at home and spend less money. Gotta start saving up for my trip next year and for my studies. Still considering to do part time or full time.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Gomen ne master lil. m(_._)m
Saturday, July 11, 2009
No more is it going to be thick with spiderwebs. I HATE SPIDERS!!!
Anyways, for those who ever saw or heard of this Anime - Beck will find this link pretty interesting. :D
I wonder how is it gonna be like. Thanks to Clarence who gave me this url to see (nearly thought it was some virus lor. Coz there were some links which will bring virus right to your doorstep popping up in msn. Irritating!)
And had just look through some website (equivalent of Friendster, shit.. after watching FMA, my sentences always contain equivalent exchange.. Onwards to the movie then brotherhood, after i finish Kuroshitsuji.. with the very cool and good looking pek pek (uncle) demon butler. lol, master lil is gonna be soooo angry reading this line!) Back to what I want to say.. I realised that when you dislike someone, best is to just keep it to yourself. Or to tell someone who's not working in the same industry as you are because that someone may have spies and it's nearly impossible to know who are their closest friend. Too much political issues. I hate that, why does it has to appear in every company, no matter how big or small? Just when you feel that person is someone whom you can trust, it can turn out that they may just stab you on your back. Gonna start being cautious about things around me. The environment has changed.
Before I sign out. Went to the gym with pp today and tried the cycling equipment for half an hour. Reached home to feel the area around my pelvis hurts, or rather, aches. *Ouch!* It was pretty fun though. We were like some mountain turtles trying to figure out how the machines work. Luckily there was this guy who noticed that we were in 'trouble' and came over to help. Next I shall try will be the treadmill!! I may train myself up for the upcoming StandChart run. Hahahahha! Kinda ambitious eh?
Time to becareful on my every steps. Invest in chess playing. Not being political but being tactical. Had made up my mind on what do I want to do next year. Starting to feel a little sick of the silly political game. Be low profile.
Friday, July 10, 2009
I was brushing my teeth while thinking of what tee-shirt to wear (was going downstairs to buy brunch with my da jie). What I had in mind was a DMD top which reminded me of my freshman's yellow top (when I was still in poly) which reminded me of my red top and the IT club that I used to join... And the event we had for National Day where I performed for the first time in front of a crowd.. And the people whom I used to hang out with and slowly stopped contacting each other.. Then I was reminded of Halim who reminded me of Clarence and how their actions are quite alike, and funnily, they are both in the airline's industry. One an air steward and the other an air traffic controller. Lol.
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Anyways, after hearing his story of what had happened to his dad, it kinda made me shudder at the thought of how fragile a human life can be. Even if you are a healthy person who doesn't smoke nor drink, you still will not be spare from the hands of death. Cardiac arrest, how did it happen? What could have trigger it?
My dear friend was full of regret now. Not being able to see his father one last time (he was recall for reservist, to serve the nation), not being able to celebrate the belated father's day, and his father not being able to at least see his 3 sons getting hitched. From what I'd learnt that if a family member had passed away, you'll either have to get married within 100 days from their death or wait for 3 years after. It made me think of all and what would happen if its on me, on my family members. *touch wood!!! I pray everyone is healthy and happy! And of course with a job, or those searching a job will have one knocking on their doorstep soon!!*
Anyways, enough of the gloomy stuffs. On a lighter tone, I'm currently at tampines outlet to relief for a week as they are having some events there and may need an extra hand. I missed oub a lot but its a blessing in disguise to be at tampines because I get to catch up with some of my friends whom I'd worked with in the same outlet last time. I'm glad that ms yang is pregnant!! Yay! I really can't wait to see how her baby will grow to be like whom and how ms yang is gonna perform as a mom. We always teased her, saying that she's gonna be one hell of a hot mama! Haha. (Oh, took a pic with her today and my gawd!! I looked so fat! Even shiling was already poking fun of my flabby arms.. ), saw hairie's cute baby girl, she's sooooo cute that her big round eyes are gonna attract the bees around her! But I still misses oub, I misses my darling, my hachiko and my father!! Haha. Oh, no way I gonna post up the fat picture of me! Time to hit the gym and not be lazy.. Lol. Its like the hundredth time I'd said that huh? To think fat fat, jw and annkia asked me to run the standchart 10km run.. *twitch*
Friday, July 03, 2009
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Frankly speaking, I have no idea what do I wanna do in life. Clifton posed a question to me - where do I see myself in 5years time. I don't know.
What do I wanna do tomorrow? Why do I look forward to sunday? Why do I look forward to going to work? Why do I look forward to knocking off?
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
I had a recent brush through with someone whom I thought was closed to me. But.. I guess I was wrong. Maybe just no fate to have friends of the same gender? Why people can get angry with you for a long time over something small? Why some people can't just say that's on their mind? I'd rather we talk it out than just sayin that its 'nothing' and ended up still treating me differently (which is very obvious by the way).
That at the same time made me appreciate a friend of mine. The one who got a blur look and always get disturb (of coz cannot overdo) by us all. We did has some misunderstanding before but once with friends' help it got cleared up. Another was a recent one too, which we'd talked it out.
Well, I love my other family especially my buddy!! She's soooooooo cute! That I envy sometimes.
Oh well, on the way to hachiko's house to play some games!!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Anyway, did I mention about the nightmare I'd last week?
Well, its very scary and real to me too. But not at scary as the zombies that woke me up suddenly. This time its about some chip that a villian was after. The villian was pretty powerful.
It started at some staircase, and again, at my place again. Someone ran away with the chip but villian caught up to him and touched him. That someone's body turned into pixels before slowly fading away. I so happened to be there and the someone passed me the chip before he disappear away completely and asked me to run.
I ran back and villian was behind chasing. There was this metal ladder (similar to the type used in helicopter with the rope ladder) and I quickly climb down, hopped into a friend's car (always got friend and car standby) and drove away.
Managing to shake the villian away, I asked friend to drive into the paya lebar police station (the big big one) to seek refudge. Seems like they know something about the chip and quickly get the special team to bring me down to their underground headquarters. The underground place was filled with wooden crates, a corner with many cctv screens and some plain clothes officers. Before they get the chance to explain the chip to me, the villian managed to find out where am I (like the chip has some sort of detector), killed everyone who stands in his way and finally reach the underground base.. Pixel-ing some officers to nothing and coming straight for me.
Last part, I tried to run but I can't remember what happened.. Either I ran for the bomb-sheltered liked lift or I infused myself with the chip and villian looked at me in horror.....
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Anyways, now that I'm free, I'm posting my bday news. Ha.
Thanks to Dickson (always my bestest friend - he'll always sms me Happy Birthday without fail, no matter where he is). And to those who make time and effort to attend my bday. Hee, also to PP and Buddy for requesting Opening Shift, the cake surprise as well as the pressie!!!! I love it soo much. Heh. I really appreciate all the efforts made and also that everyone did enjoy themselves. :D
I did, ALOT! Heh.
First was with my close friends from work. Paiseh-ly, I'd missed Von out.
We celebrated at Ice Cold Beer, luckily it was a weekday, so not much crowd and we managed to get a table there. Bumped onto Mr 'water', Mr AY as well as a lady who shares the same name as me, almost there only short of a letter. :)

Below are the different faces of buddy. ;)


A Family Pic the moment Father and Hachiko arrives.

Me and my Sephiroth!!!!

Everyone went out on using the "I go smoke" excuse.. Yuan lai, they went to buy a cake for me!!! (T.T) *So touched*

Bday bunny posing with cake and a ribbon.

The usual game, luckily never throw the cake in my face like what happened to father. lol. My strategy? To aim, focus and quickly pick it up before they can react to what I'm gonna do. Heh.




They cant rest till they'd decorated my face. Who enjoyed themselves the most? It'll be Mr AY. Coz he spread the chocolate evenly on my face. =.="
I wasn't crying by the way. haha.

Our signature 'must-take' clown look!

Took with my buddy right after taking a bite of my cake.

our clownish look. heh, with my thick chocolate remains on my tongue.

A doll that i can only hug but can't carry home. Heh.
And a last minute reservation of a table at Molly Marlone's. Jw and Annkia were the first few to reach followed by me. Then Xiaobai, almost gotten lost. See, never do homework. Hehe. At least I never give wrong info, like.. supposed to be at Clarke Quay but text says it's at Boat Quay. End up, annkia and I gotta walk all the way in the humid weather.

Couple #1

Couple #2
Didn't take the 3rd one because he's busy playing with his SLR camera.
Well, it happened to be a rugby match between South Africa and Bri-Irish Lions, so it was packed. We were assigned to a room with a group sitting beside our table watching and another loner behind us. I can say that it was my first time watching a rugby match and it's pretty interesting but no, I'm not gonna watch it on a regular basis because I may get bored of it soon. ha. Anyway, food was so-so, service was really bad. Not forgiven and not going back there eventhough the young waiter was quite cute. Our pint of orange juice arrived much much later when my beer arrived first. It came after xiaobai's "Irish Car Bomb", which he ordered later than us.
So, after all the food and such, we were discussing on one issue - how do we drink the "Irish Car Bomb"? The waiter brought a shot of Bailey's and a pint of Guinness. We came up with solutions based on the drink's name like:
- Drink shot first then quickly drink guinness?
- Pour shot into pint and drink the mixture?
I gave up thinking and decided to search for the solution online.

Found the answer to it!

I tried abit of the mixture. Guinness bitterness got 'neutralised' by the sweet drink, so it doesn't taste that bad.
Here are some of my favourite pictures that jw took.

It made my face looked smaller, for the first time!

This pic reminded me of "Strangers in Paradise". YL looked quite cute in this pic.

We took a pic while waiting for annkia to return. He went to put a coupon to extend the time. We were on the expedition to find the settler's cafe using Jw's GPS. ha. Sounds like lost in SG eh?

Finally found it! They have 2 types of packages. 1st was unlimited drinks for 2 hours and pay $19.90 per pax. The other was drinks plus food for 2 hours at $50+ for 6 people. We decided on the first choice as we just had a filling dinner.

Couple #3 - Finally..

My new jacket!! Its a pity that it's alittle big eventhough it is XS because it's a man's jacket. I wonder if Adidas will do any altering of the sleeves for me. Make it short. :D
The collar looked like Auron's in Final Fantasy X. I love it!!!

xiaobai and I hit each other when we were preparing to pose for a pic.

It was pretty fun and we played quite a number of games during 2 hours. We played a card game with animals and fruits, followed by dirty mind (a bit boring) then a game called something like how well do you know me. The last question posed was "What not to do when you are driving?". Something like that.

These are everyone's answers and guess RH chose whose? hehe. MINE! (BJ)

A group photo before we leave. Heh, it's pretty fun and that we get to stay up late and still enjoy ourselves not feeling tired at all! We'll be back!!!!!!!!!